Yet another INxP thread


WARNING - this will be long. Strap in your attention span before proceeding.

So a few months ago, I became pretty sure I was an INFP, or an xNFP at the least. However, recently self doubt (one of my biggest specialties) has kicked in. I've been reading past threads and posts of mine on various forums(which were rather pointless to put it honestly), and some other INTP forums of sorts - and something doesn't seem right here. I mean, I feel like a lot of the shit I write and much of the musings roaming around my head have an Fi attribution to them - but when I try to identify my inferior - I don't really see a logical crux manifesting, it's actually one of the things I try to rely on in a stressful situation (even though I can be VERY self critical at first in these situations). I can't really explain this, but recent situations I've been dont really give off that inferior Te vibe. In other words, I feel like I'm too rational to have an inferior thinking function - this isn't to say feeling types can't be rational, they certainly can, especially the enneagram 5 feelers (which I suspect is my enneatype). But I get intuitive vibes that point away from an inferior thinking function....actually, that's all I'm doing for the most part, intuiting guesses. Fuck it. I can't go off into a tangent right now, damn auxiliary Ne. I'm just going to pull out some random behavioral patterns and thought processes to try and hint at which functions I may prefer, although I realized that only takes you so far, it can be like attempting to teach your dog a new trick but your way of attempting to get through to him is saying the same word over and over and pulling at random parts of his body, leaving the poor thing confused. Why do I attempt to be funny and fail? Oh, that's right...hhmph. Fuck it....this may be long....

when I was a child, I was quite the....confusing one. I was plagued by certain disorders like ADHD and one that starting fucking with my head later in life, even to this day. I had trouble doing many things early on, like for example, I sucked at video games and would get fustrated, so I had to have my dad help me...throughout the whole damn game. But I quickly started growing out of that phase, and when I was about 8 or 9 I became more independent. Looking back, if i can recall, I was a little stubborn, which COULD point towards Fi (ie i used to watch the weather channel, and I insisted that it was better then any other weather network, just because it was my favorite and main source of info...then as i got older I started expanded my horizons and judged things like that in a more logical manner or if it made sense to me. however, im not sure if that means i could have had Fi (or maybe Si?) as a dom function and then started exploring my other functions as i grew? or was i putting emphasis on my weaker functions somehow? or does that excerpt not say much in regards to my type? I was also much more cheerful compared to now, although that could be contributed to hyperactivity. However that recollection of memory did lead me to wonder if I am suffering from a depression that is masking me as other types? I was a lot more impulsive to share information back then (i remember right after i reached puberty i was excited to tell my dad, for some odd fucking reason...ugh, I was such a little prick back then) or perhaps as I get older I am evolving into my true self? Meh.

Okay, back on the topic train - as a preteen, I had these obsessive interests. I obsessed over interests like dogs, to the point where I memorized every dog breed in a week. The pokemon games were fascinating to me as well, I loved looking at new strategies from cheat guides and then using them to become better. One that really stood out, though, was weather. GOD, was I obsessed with that shit. To the point where I would go out in snowstorms or flooding rains, and wanted to be a crazed storm chaser in the middle of Kansas. One remarkable thing about me and my interests...I was interested in a more categorical manner, instead of burying into this material and quickly gaining information (this is why I questioned my N for a time...but this probably doesn't say much, and I suspect it had to do with disorders) One thing I loved doing was creating hypothetical scenarios based off of things I was interested in. Movies. Music. During my weather phase, as a kid, I would go in my backyard and pretended weeds, shrubs, plants and gardens were actually towns, cites, and suburban areas - I twisted my own reality and started viewing my backyard as a separate geographical landscape, a new I could take a hose and pretend hurricanes, tornadoes and floods were demolishing this geographical wonder...and I would inspect the damage afterwards. Ugh, would I skydive rapidly towards the ground just to relive those days... one thing that was really fascinating about my interests was the fact that I didn't need food or sleep to alleviate my level of fascination was so high that it fed my appetite! Okay, adderall can maybe contribute to this somewhat...but even now, this has occurred while reading up on MBTI. That is just so cool. Other things about me as a kid...whenever my parents fought, I would trap myself in my room and not speak to them until they made up (which indicated some weaker form of Fe to me). I detested divorced individuals, for reasons that I cannot recall, just the thought of it made me really uncomfortable ( I'd guess immature Fi dominance there?) I was overly sensitive to criticism and harsh feedback, or teasing, or anything of the like - I would take it literally. I was quiet, but not so much introspective (like I am now) as much as wanting to stay drama free, and live in harmony with everyone (in other words, not really an inner harmony but wanting everyone to feel the same way I did, usually positively) I also had a desire to be looked upon as more mature for my age, or a better way of putting it: whenever I was around adults I wanted to be looked upon as one of them rather than a child. That is why I would join in during conversations between, say, my parents and their friends. I also watched shows like American Idol, and while I did get emotionally attached to some contestants and started rooting for them...later on I suspected that it was probably due to me "personalizing" this, basically I wanted said contestant to reach a certain level in the competition I was content with, and this made me feel like I accomplished something, because I didnt feel like I accomplished anything in my life. However, I was fascinated by the voting system, and the patterns surrounding it, and how certain demographics and trends would affect that system...and theories about the show in general. I don't know what else to write so fuck it, fast forwarding to today...

today I am crippled by anxiety, depression, concern, and bitterness of the world around me and what I think I have become. However, instead of wallowing around in shame like I used to when I was a recluse, I am trying to do something about it and get my life together. Just a couple years ago, I would strongly identify with the Ji-Si loop theory - I would sought advice from people but find other ways to dismiss it, create really weak rebuttals, basically give in to anxiety instead of actually doing something about thinking was very rigid. Recently I have been taking in the mentality of being more open minded and replenish myself as a whole, taking small steps. However I have other issues that get in the way of this, like, say, making a mistake that is humiliating to the degree where I go inside my head and analyse the cause of that particular problem, finding ways to view that mistake. I may also find ways to deal with situations like that in the future but sometimes I am so dumbfounded as to why I keep making these mistakes? Is my anxiety affecting my concentration? Either way I try to find the root of that problem without looking at every angle (I have trouble finding angles in some situations) some of you may say this is Ni, but I suspect it is Ji-Si getting stuck in a rut....but what do I know. Okay, that was just one problem I was referencing....maybe I do have an easier time looking at angles of every situation and then contrasting them together to find the sum of the problem. It's really hard discerning my head when it is so scatterbrained. Bah.

I remember I used to be energized by the idea of being in love, finding that special someone to be with forever. I used to create these dream girls in my head, usually during my reclusive period. But a while ago I realized that I might not be that interesting of a person... So I decided i needed to focus on myself more before I started approaching this particular goal of mine. I don't know, the thing about love is tricky....I crave that feeling of harmony of two souls expressing feelings and caring for each other, but the thing is I've never been in a relationship before, ever. I suspect my mind was brainwashed watching tv shows and movies portraying elements of love when I was a child, and being intricately fascinated by this particular phenomenon. Logically speaking, love is really the last thing I need right now, if you exclude loneliness. You can accomplish so many things without it. Yet I feel like a healthy relationship will give me the jolt and confidence I need to maintain a consistent positive mentality in life, which will lead to success. (Then again, how can "success" be measured? In this case, probably internally.)

now, discerning my relationships with people, or taking a crack at how people may think of me, see me, feel of me, whatever. I am very aloof, and this is usually on a scale depending on how my mood is. Some people greatly misunderstand me because of this. Stupid things I say, missing certain clues in an environment, not grasping the basic concept of a certain board game during my first time playing, whatever. I'm like a skunk - you know how people judge them based on how they smell? Who knows, skunks may be some of the most amazing souls organisms on the planet have to offer! But no one gives them a chance because they smell like other decaying organisms found in deep underwater trenches. Eh, thats kind of how it is with me. Not to say people strongly dislike me...but there is a general annoyance, for sure, from time to time. Some people admire me for my honesty, and sense of humor, but anxiety really gets in the way of my friendships with people, thus people sometimes never get to know me that well. By that, I mean, I get so anxious talking to someone that I break down and start resembling Forrest Gump on ecstasy. Okay, not really. But social anxiety can be crippling, for sure. I've been trying to break this habit by socializing with people on an every-other-day basis at least but for the most part, this feeling is out of my control.

About how I view people - a lot of the behavioral patterns of certain people my age (I'm 19) deeply annoy me, watching loud girls on a train talk about their experiences seeing that cute boy wink at them (aka nothing) but talking over each other, resembling utter nonsense that sounds deafening...for example. I've been overly judgemental towards people for things like this in the past, which is why I was so sure I was Fi-dominant for a couple months, but then I mulled it over a little more and found out it may have had something to do with negative experiences with people in the past - and it may have muddled into my subconscious ways of thinking I suspect. I really try to see the positive in people though, I find myself complimenting people every once in a while. One thing that does annoy me, however - when someone likes me, a part if me feels like I have to like them, regardless of what kind of person they are (unless its Casey Anthony we're talking about) and vice versa if someone dislikes me. Blah, feelings suck. Life would be easier if I was a robot beneath all this flesh. (Heh, not really.)

As far as my mentalities toward life go right now - I am rather cynical. I've had a hard life. It really shows in my sense of humor...a year ago or so I started watching a lot of late George Carlin and Louis CK standup, and the like, to try modeling my sense of humor based off of their attitudes...mostly because i could really relate to it. I think I have picked up on their concept of comedy, from a very black point of view, so if I felt like writing a half and hour standup script I think I could be able to successfully architect my excerpts into a comedic show. In other words, I feel like I have the potential to resemble comedians like them (okay, probably not Carlin, more in the realm of C.K. and even moreso, alt-comedy land) but the problem is some people actually pick up on my cynicism too well - and then it's no longer funny, it becomes a second rate version of the Four Yorkshiremen sketch - but only one man ranting and raving about the absurdities of life and his observations and perceptions. God, what am I going on about.

BUT WAIT! There's more....some other fun facts about me, hopefully hinting at my archetype:

sometimes I find joy in self deprication, cynicism, and especially the ironies surrounding it - it makes me feel sane, in a way. That's why I love black comedy and love implementing it into my sense of humor as's fuel for my passion, in a way, and I'm usually very successful if I'm passionate about something (ooh, I smell some Fi cooking?!) interestingly enough, movies, shows and music aimed to make you feel good or does indeed make most people happy (I don't know, think any cheesy Adam Sandler movie or that one Phil Collins song from that Tarzan movie, or fuck, most Disney movies in general) either freak me out or make me feel depressed, or both, starting with the former. To wash this disturbing feeling away, I have to resort to the cynicism, so I can feel sane again. This is probably why I listen to a lot of dark, intense, and thoughtful music. In other words, the wires of my brain are misconfigured.

After introspecting some more, And I may have self taught myself not to take things for granted here - but I sometimes have a tendency to feel an inner pride in whatever I own, or value in life- if its something that i really wanted. This is why I was opining Fi-dominance before, but I realized that really any type could do this - we are all snowflakes and we blow in different ways! Its just expressed differently, im just not sure how yet. Unless I'm mistaken....and if so, wow, you thinkers must be really numb inside huh? (Hehehe....kidding in a way, but go ahead, say I'm a feeler because I made that statement :P

i tend to strive for accuracy, usually when writing or even solving a problem or doing a task. For example, I edited several excerpts in paragraphs trying to find the right word to explain something numerous times writing this! Most will say this is pure Ti, but I think it's a Ji-Dom thing.

i have been getting the feeling that the way I think has gotten so advanced to the point where I cannot explain my thoughts as accurately as I should....possibly due to a lacking vocabulary? Or I am just philosophical, and I haven't fully embraced it yet. Or none of this is true, and I like to think this is an actual dilemma? BAH!

I've been really thinking lately my reasoning/logic is somewhat similar to Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm, who many people think is an INTP. If you haven't seen him, YouTube him. The whole premise of the show seems to depict an explosion of retarded Fe, it's fucking hilarious.

Jesus christ, its like I just wrote my fucking life story here. Eh, i was in a writing mood! well, if you read all of this, where do you think I fall in archetypical order, and why? and i hope your reasoning isnt because this was TLDR (though I bet at least one person will say that, heh) I just wanted to reach out to get some external output instead of doing more research, as I've been kind of itching to decode my Jungian type lately. Plus I am going back to school to study computer networking/IT and I dont want to distract myself (like I did last a masterprocrastibator like myself would do....)

Ugh, I sound like an attention whore. Sorry if this scatterbrain spaghetti special was annoying to read...
Well, I really don't know what you were expecting here, INXP, but I can honestly say that nothing about this post even remotely reads like Ti. If anything, it's the epitome of Fi-dom. We could frame it and point it out as a future reference and say, oh, you want an example of Fi-nessness? THIS is an example of Fi-nessness.

Now, obviously you've done your share of reading on typology. I'm not trying to knock you here, because it is damn hard to type yourself. Questioning your type is normal and the more you read about typology, the tougher it gets to get a clear picture of where you fit. Still, knowing what you know, I invite you pretend this post was written by someone else. Take a step back and look at the language use. Take note of how expressive it is, the words you use, how you describe concepts. That alone should be a tip off that you are NOT Ti.

But if you're still not convinced, look at what it is that you're focusing on as you relate your situation, your preoccupation with thinking patterns and habits and what this all means about you. Very little is concerned with impersonal subjects; most of your focus is on other people, how they describe you, your feelings, your struggles, how well you're able to express yourself, your quest to find the perfect relationship. Consider the content of your fantasies and your interests. They're all mediums of subjective expression. Music. Writing. Movies. Television shows. That, and consider how telling it is that you're projecting your view of self on a fictional character and drawing your conclusions about your typology from that. It may be very well true that you share traits with an INTP character, but typology is about how you arrive at your conclusions, not what your conclusions are.

I am 110% certain you're INFP.
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Well, I really don't know what you were expecting here, INXP, but I can honestly say that nothing about this post even remotely reads like Ti. If anything, it's the epitome of Fi-dom. We could frame it and point it out as a future reference and say, oh, you want an example of Fi-nessness? THIS is an example of Fi-nessness.

Now, obviously you've done your share of reading on typology. I'm not trying to knock you here, because it is damn hard to type yourself. Questioning your type is normal and the more you read about typology, the tougher it gets to get a clear picture of where you fit. Still, knowing what you know, I invite you pretend this post was written by someone else. Take a step back and look at the language use. Take note of how expressive it is, the words you use, how you describe concepts. That alone should be a tip off that you are NOT Ti.

But if you're still not convinced, look at what it is that you're focusing on as you relate your situation, your preoccupation with thinking patterns and habits and what this all means about you. Very little is concerned with impersonal subjects; most of your focus is on other people, how they describe you, your feelings, your struggles, how well you're able to express yourself, your quest to find the perfect relationship. Consider the content of your fantasies and your interests. They're all mediums of subjective expression. Music. Writing. Movies. Television shows. That, and consider how telling it is that you're projecting your view of self on a fictional character and drawing your conclusions about your typology from that. It may be very well true that you share traits with an INTP character, but typology is about how you arrive at your conclusions, not what your conclusions are.

I am 110% certain you're INFP.

Yeah, I guess I see how it could relate to Fi, but why can't this "expression" and even "personalization" also relate to an enneagram 4 core or strong fix/wing? I don't know, the more I read about Ti the more it seems to resonate with how my brain processes information, but I still need more data, since I haven't read a whole lot. I intuit I use Fi a good deal as well. It's funny, someone on another forum really thought I was an INTP with a more developed Fi.

I do think when functions combine with other functions, or even more, an enneagram influence, an emulation of a single function can occur. Like e4->Fi and e5->Ti. Which makes it even more confusing.

However, INFP is still a strong possibility. I'm just having trouble seeing the inferior-Te. Maybe I'm an ENFP instead?
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Yeah, I guess I see how it could relate to Fi, but why can't this "expression" and even "personalization" also relate to an enneagram 4 core or strong fix/wing? I don't know, the more I read about Ti the more it seems to resonate with how my brain processes information, but I still need more data, since I haven't read a whole lot. I intuit I use Fi a good deal as well. It's funny, someone on another forum really thought I was an INTP with a more developed Fi.

I do think when functions combine with other functions, or even more, an enneagram influence, an emulation of a single function can occur. Like e4->Fi and e5->Ti. Which makes it even more confusing.

However, INFP is still a strong possibility. I'm just having trouble seeing the inferior-Te. Maybe I'm an ENFP instead?

First of all, I think you're making the mistake of understanding typology in a simplistic 'stack' form. Having an inferior function doesn't mean that you don't find it important or are disinterested in its use. On the contrary, you will be hyper aware of its weakness and will strive to use your dominant functions to pick up its slack. Look at all of the types and their individual drives; each of them is actually informed by it's tertiary and inferior functions. Your inferior function will actually be something you will be striving for to correct as they are the anima/animus.

Secondly, I see people doing this all the time, but you cannot work 'backwards' and attempt to discern your type by trying to guess what your tertiary and inferior functions are. That's like meeting with a patient and discerning they have a heart problem because their heart-rate is abnormally high while ignoring what the fact the patient has a tendency to get anxious in doctor's offices. Except, with functions, it's not so easy to isolate the cause. Your tertiary and inferior functions cannot be accurately monitored or isolated because their expression cannot be separated from the functioning and motivations of the dominant pair.

Thirdly, enneagram is concerned with traits, while typology is concerned with processes. Furthermore, 4's typically tend to be Fi types, while 5's tend to be Ti's. Is it so far-fetched to consider that maybe the 'expression and 'personalization' is in fact due to Fi?

Finally, because I want to erudite on the differences between Ti and Fi a bit, here's my take on the Fi versus Ti thing:

Ti and Fi are functionally similar (internal judging functions disassemble and reassemble information based on subjective preferences), but they're different in where they direct their attention. Both Fi and Ti are investigative and concerned with precision; they're always preoccupied with finding just the right string of thought that they can pull so that everything can fall into place. However, Ti prefers highly efficient organization of data and it gravitates towards things that can be easily organized by logic and categorical thinking whereas Fi is more comfortable working with concepts and inference rather than strict, linear structures.

In general, Ti gets frustrated by value-based information that it can't quantify or draw clear boundaries around. Language-use is usually very terse as a dominant or secondary Ti seeks to communicate a succinct, precise idea in as few words as possible. Ti's have an excellent eye for technical detail and are prone to being grammar-nazi's. To them, it's not what you express, but how accurately you express it and will probably argue semantics when given the chance. It is for this reason that they tend to make very poor creative writers. I'm not saying that Ti-users can't be good writers, of course. What I'm saying is that they tend to have difficulties in writing creatively as Ti usually interrupts the creative process to self-edit and obsesses over the precision of expressing a thought.

Typical Ti communication with others will have a tl;dr kind of vibe. They'll usually make a summarizing statement, like 'a spade is just a spade' and leave it like that. If they're particularly concerned with being understood, however, they will provide a road-map for their thinking and it will be communicated as clearly as possible. In order to consider X, Y, Z we must first examine A, B, and C before we can finally arrive at G. They are less less concerned with 'painting a picture' via metaphor than they are about communicating a clear, logical understanding. No matter how much information is given, Ti-users take great pleasure in boiling information down into its most basic components in the most structured way possible. They leave nothing to inference.

Fi, on the other hand, seeks to achieve understanding and it is comfortable expressing information in a way that appeals to values and aesthetics. Logic and clarity is important, but it's not as important as getting the other person (or the self) to completely absorb understanding of the idea in any way possible. This is why Ne paired with Fi makes an ideal combination for a writer. While Fi enjoys working with and finding patterns, it is more flexible in the way it goes about interpreting the data. Fi feels most at home working with archetypes, symbols and metaphors as they, just like Fi, organize its ideas in categories of related concepts rather than in accordance to their strict, logical relationships. For Fi, finding the right way to express an idea may be finding the right metaphor rather than just the right word or describing a strict, point A to point B process.

Both Fi and Ti can have difficulties with their feelings. Ti simply doesn't recognize feelings as being important as it cannot put a name to them, whereas Fi is often so sensitive to its own feelings that it frequently learns to disassociate if it begins to find emotions too overwhelming or painful. Fi-users usually suffer from mood disorders, anxiety, and a fantasy-prone personality (the result of repressed powerful emotions finding other conduits of expressions as a result of blockages), whereas Ti users have a low emotional drive to begin with and will not hesitate to express what little feelings they have, though they have trouble doing so in meaningful ways.

As for whether or not you may be an ENFP, I think it's simply a matter of asking yourself how easy you are able to stimulate yourself and how comfortable you are with just 'winging it' versus thinking things through. ENFPs go with the flow and depend on external stimulation to utilize their internal judging functions; INFPs prefer to think things through and need minimal stimuli to get their motors going; in fact, they get overwhelmed by too much external stimuli. Otherwise, the functions are pretty much the same.
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INTP = Ti/Ne/Si/Fe

If you have a "more developed Fi," you are therefore not INTP.

That wasn't what the person meant. To make it clearer, she said I had a better developed Fi than average. This person believed we all use 8 functions at one time or another - its just the 4 that are our forte, and she thought I preferred Ti - but in touch with Fi more. She believed that in order to fully understand the depth of psychology, you might have to develop your Fi to an extent.

Fuck it, ill just quote what she said:

" In your case, your unusually developed Fi may come from a long-standing habit of self-analysis. INTPs are commonly described as latching onto systems to analyze them, and for this reason, they like to work with systems like programming, languages, or mathematics. But many INTPs also approach themselvesas a system: they approach their own psychology as almost a plaything, something to understand and master. I certainly do.

And, in a way, this does develop Fi. It doesn't seem to develop all the parts of Fi that, for instance,INFPswould develop,but itdoesfine-tunethatsortof discernment required to understand systems that aren't cut-and-dried.

For instance, no Fi is required in mathematics. There's one right answer. There's no "better" way of getting to the answer--maybe there's a faster way, but it's not ultimatelybetter or worse. It's the same answer.

But when you delve into psychology, everything's different. You have to notice fine details. If it weren't for my Fi, I wouldn't be able to type people based on their writing style and the feelingstheir approach givesoffto me.I sense,in writing (which,by the way, is a very Ti method of communicating: INTPs like writing, because it gives them a chanceto becomprehensive and to refine their statements more than speech ever would), more emotion and feeling (two differentthings)than most people can pick up. And it's because of my Fi."
First of all, I think you're making the mistake of understanding typology in a simplistic 'stack' form. Having an inferior function doesn't mean that you don't find it important or are disinterested in its use. On the contrary, you will be hyper aware of its weakness and will strive to use your dominant functions to pick up its slack. Look at all of the types and their individual drives; each of them is actually informed by it's tertiary and inferior functions. Your inferior function will actually be something you will be striving for to correct as they are the anima/animus.

Secondly, I see people doing this all the time, but you cannot work 'backwards' and attempt to discern your type by trying to guess what your tertiary and inferior functions are. That's like meeting with a patient and discerning they have a heart problem because their heart-rate is abnormally high while ignoring what the fact the patient has a tendency to get anxious in doctor's offices. Except, with functions, it's not so easy to isolate the cause. Your tertiary and inferior functions cannot be accurately monitored or isolated because their expression cannot be separated from the functioning and motivations of the dominant pair.

Thirdly, enneagram is concerned with traits, while typology is concerned with processes. Furthermore, 4's typically tend to be Fi types, while 5's tend to be Ti's. Is it so far-fetched to consider that maybe the 'expression and 'personalization' is in fact due to Fi?

Finally, because I want to erudite on the differences between Ti and Fi a bit, here's my take on the Fi versus Ti thing:

Ti and Fi are functionally similar (internal judging functions disassemble and reassemble information based on subjective preferences), but they're different in where they direct their attention. Both Fi and Ti are investigative and concerned with precision; they're always preoccupied with finding just the right string of thought that they can pull so that everything can fall into place. However, Ti prefers highly efficient organization of data and it gravitates towards things that can be easily organized by logic and categorical thinking whereas Fi is more comfortable working with concepts and inference rather than strict, linear structures.

In general, Ti gets frustrated by value-based information that it can't quantify or draw clear boundaries around. Language-use is usually very terse as a dominant or secondary Ti seeks to communicate a succinct, precise idea in as few words as possible. Ti's have an excellent eye for technical detail and are prone to being grammar-nazi's. To them, it's not what you express, but how accurately you express it and will probably argue semantics when given the chance. It is for this reason that they tend to make very poor creative writers. I'm not saying that Ti-users can't be good writers, of course. What I'm saying is that they tend to have difficulties in writing creatively as Ti usually interrupts the creative process to self-edit and obsesses over the precision of expressing a thought.

Typical Ti communication with others will have a tl;dr kind of vibe. They'll usually make a summarizing statement, like 'a spade is just a spade' and leave it like that. If they're particularly concerned with being understood, however, they will provide a road-map for their thinking and it will be communicated as clearly as possible. In order to consider X, Y, Z we must first examine A, B, and C before we can finally arrive at G. They are less less concerned with 'painting a picture' via metaphor than they are about communicating a clear, logical understanding. No matter how much information is given, Ti-users take great pleasure in boiling information down into its most basic components in the most structured way possible. They leave nothing to inference.

Fi, on the other hand, seeks to achieve understanding and it is comfortable expressing information in a way that appeals to values and aesthetics. Logic and clarity is important, but it's not as important as getting the other person (or the self) to completely absorb understanding of the idea in any way possible. This is why Ne paired with Fi makes an ideal combination for a writer. While Fi enjoys working with and finding patterns, it is more flexible in the way it goes about interpreting the data. Fi feels most at home working with archetypes, symbols and metaphors as they, just like Fi, organize its ideas in categories of related concepts rather than in accordance to their strict, logical relationships. For Fi, finding the right way to express an idea may be finding the right metaphor rather than just the right word or describing a strict, point A to point B process.

Both Fi and Ti can have difficulties with their feelings. Ti simply doesn't recognize feelings as being important as it cannot put a name to them, whereas Fi is often so sensitive to its own feelings that it frequently learns to disassociate if it begins to find emotions too overwhelming or painful. Fi-users usually suffer from mood disorders, anxiety, and a fantasy-prone personality (the result of repressed powerful emotions finding other conduits of expressions as a result of blockages), whereas Ti users have a low emotional drive to begin with and will not hesitate to express what little feelings they have, though they have trouble doing so in meaningful ways.

As for whether or not you may be an ENFP, I think it's simply a matter of asking yourself how easy you are able to stimulate yourself and how comfortable you are with just 'winging it' versus thinking things through. ENFPs go with the flow and depend on external stimulation to utilize their internal judging functions; INFPs prefer to think things through and need minimal stimuli to get their motors going; in fact, they get overwhelmed by too much external stimuli. Otherwise, the functions are pretty much the same.

yeah, this is one of the more different perspectives I've seen on Ti vs Fi. Not to say you're wrong, I mean, its all a theory, so everyone will have different data. But I've read that Ne is very metaphorical, so why can't Ne influence Ti to archetect metaphors, just in a more principled manner?

I think that both strive for accuracy, and both can be very expressive. But Ti is more concerned with binding the pieces together based on a more objective fashion, and then concluding on whether it makes sense logically - while Fi binds information based on internal vibes, and concluding on whether it is ideal. But combined with an extraverted F/T function, that makes it more complicated. I don't know, does that sound right?
yeah, this is one of the more different perspectives I've seen on Ti vs Fi. Not to say you're wrong, I mean, its all a theory, so everyone will have different data. But I've read that Ne is very metaphorical, so why can't Ne influence Ti to archetect metaphors, just in a more principled manner?

It can, but that is definitely not what happened here. :)

A strong Ne may lend stronger expression to Ti, that is true, but that is only when Ne itself is dominant. When Ti is dominant, expression is largely filtered through it's rigid structures and you still get a highly organized and efficient presentation. Compare the differences in presentation for the likes of Demetri Martin (INTP) and someone like Louis C.K. (INFP). Both are highly analytic and discerning comedians, but there is definitely a natural orderliness that comes through in the way that Demetri expresses himself when compared to Louis.

I think that both strive for accuracy, and both can be very expressive. But Ti is more concerned with binding the pieces together based on a more objective fashion, and then concluding on whether it makes sense logically - while Fi binds information based on internal vibes, and concluding on whether it is ideal.
Read your post over again and tell me you're not piecing information together based on ideals and values and subjective impressions that other people have given you or that you've experienced or been influenced by. Very little of your proffered view is based on objective study and logic.

But combined with an extraverted F/T function, that makes it more complicated. I don't know, does that sound right?

No, that doesn't sound right. In fact, I have no idea what you mean here. All functions are paired up in judging and perceiving pairs only. One is extraverted, the other is introverted. If the dominant function is introverted and judging, it's inferior function is extraverted and judging. Since Fi is introverted and dominant, its perceiving function must be extraverted and its inferior function must be judging and extroverted (Te). Fi and Te are not used in tandem. If they were, you'd be grappling with a mind loop-- you wouldn't be able to make a decision.
That wasn't what the person meant. To make it clearer, she said I had a better developed Fi than average. This person believed we all use 8 functions at one time or another - its just the 4 that are our forte, and she thought I preferred Ti - but in touch with Fi more. She believed that in order to fully understand the depth of psychology, you might have to develop your Fi to an extent.

Fuck it, ill just quote what she said:

" In your case, your unusually developed Fi may come from a long-standing habit of self-analysis. INTPs are commonly described as latching onto systems to analyze them, and for this reason, they like to work with systems like programming, languages, or mathematics. But many INTPs also approach themselvesas a system: they approach their own psychology as almost a plaything, something to understand and master. I certainly do.

And, in a way, this does develop Fi. It doesn't seem to develop all the parts of Fi that, for instance,INFPswould develop,but itdoesfine-tunethatsortof discernment required to understand systems that aren't cut-and-dried.

For instance, no Fi is required in mathematics. There's one right answer. There's no "better" way of getting to the answer--maybe there's a faster way, but it's not ultimatelybetter or worse. It's the same answer.

But when you delve into psychology, everything's different. You have to notice fine details. If it weren't for my Fi, I wouldn't be able to type people based on their writing style and the feelingstheir approach givesoffto me.I sense,in writing (which,by the way, is a very Ti method of communicating: INTPs like writing, because it gives them a chanceto becomprehensive and to refine their statements more than speech ever would), more emotion and feeling (two differentthings)than most people can pick up. And it's because of my Fi."

Personally, I'd like you to ask that person what theory she's subscribing to as this is not the first time I've heard this posited. I'm curious because it doesn't line up in relation to either the Lenore or Beebee model of MBTI or anything I've ever read in a book on typology. The way I understand it, even as an INTP ascribing to the eight-function model of MBTI ala Beebee, your Fi would be the 5th function and therefore a shadow process. It wouldn't manifest perceptively, let alone singularly, to anyone. Functions work in tandem with one another. You cannot take them apart and say, "Oh, that's my Fi right there" because how could you even separate it from your dominant function?

Also, can you explain to me what you mean by "there is no Fi required in mathematics"? I find this to be a curious statement. Functions are just a collection of attitudes and thought patterns (ie. mind programs) that your brain has become very proficient at using; they're not classified by what part of the brain they can or cannot use, but rather, what part they typically use. Just because you're a dominant Fi doesn't mean you're incapable of using your pre-frontal cortex to solve a math problem. Fi would be frustrated by math, and probably prefer not to think the way math requires, but doesn't mean it's incapable of thinking that way either. It would pair up with it's perceiving function (either Se or Ne as a front brain function) and tertiary function (either Si or Ni as a back left brain function) to search for a solution.

I'm really curious about this whole fragmented theory of functioning, though. Anyone have a source?
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It can, but that is definitely not what happened here. :)

A strong Ne may lend stronger expression to Ti, that is true, but that is only when Ne itself is dominant. When Ti is dominant, expression is largely filtered through it's rigid structures and you still get a highly organized and efficient presentation. Compare the differences in presentation for the likes of Demetri Martin (INTP) and someone like Louis C.K. (INFP). Both are highly analytic and discerning comedians, but there is definitely a natural orderliness that comes through in the way that Demetri expresses himself when compared to Louis.

Read your post over again and tell me you're not piecing information together based on ideals and values and subjective impressions that other people have given you or that you've experienced or been influenced by. Very little of your proffered view is based on objective study and logic.

No, that doesn't sound right. In fact, I have no idea what you mean here. All functions are paired up in judging and perceiving pairs only. One is extraverted, the other is introverted. If the dominant function is introverted and judging, it's inferior function is extraverted and judging. Since Fi is introverted and dominant, its perceiving function must be extraverted and its inferior function must be judging and extroverted (Te). Fi and Te are not used in tandem. If they were, you'd be grappling with a mind loop-- you wouldn't be able to make a decision.

I apoligize since I don't have access to a computer right now, therefore I can't multiquote.

It's funny you mentioned C.K. as he is one of my favorite comedians, and I can even relate to him in some aspects. Like you, I think he's probably some kind of xNFP, but I've seen plausible arguements for xNTP as well. But yeah, I see what you mean. C.K. does have that scattered, and even verbose, elaborative way of explaining things. But that could be because he's Ne-dominant, maybe. I haven't seen enough of Demetri to make an accurate judgement.

Regarding your second paragraph - couldn't "objective study" be more indicative of Te, if the user bases their opinions on the facts? Of course they will be filtered out through Fi if ahead of Te.
And no, I don't think I am piecing together ideals abd values while collecting information - that would only make things inaccurate. What im trying to do is reference past information I've read, and throw it out there if its inconsistent with other information, and find the sum of it. Rinse and repeat if I run into more inconsistencies. I'm forming conclusions based on what makes logical sense to me, based on everything I read that stands out to me, and concoct it. I'm always open to new information.
I don't know, that's the best way I can describe my thought process. Maybe I am doing what you said, so much, that im not seeing it? Give me an example. Do you think I have a bias?
(Hehe, ill give you a hint- I would rather be INTP. I just hate biases because they always lead to inaccuracy and inability to see the bigger picture. If it helps, when I first got into MBTI, I tested as INTP all the time - and did list all the ways I could be INTP and even argue them, but I shortly realized that wasn't the best way to go on)

About your last paragraph, yeah I see what you mean, dom-inferior may have trouble working in conjuction with each other effectively. I guess a better way of putting it is - that more emphasis can be put on one function at one time it another. I know there are many INFPs who have put there Te to good use.
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Personally, I'd like you to ask that person what theory she's subscribing to as this is not the first time I've heard this posited. I'm curious because it doesn't line up in relation to either the Lenore or Beebee model of MBTI or anything I've ever read in a book on typology. The way I understand it, even as an INTP ascribing to the eight-function model of MBTI ala Beebee, your Fi would be the 5th function and therefore a shadow process. It wouldn't manifest perceptively, let alone singularly, to anyone. Functions work in tandem with one another. You cannot take them apart and say, "Oh, that's my Fi right there" because how could you even separate it from your dominant function?

Also, can you explain to me what you mean by "there is no Fi required in mathematics"? I find this to be a curious statement. Functions are just a collection of attitudes and thought patterns (ie. mind programs) that your brain has become very proficient at using; they're not classified by what part of the brain they can or cannot use, but rather, what part they typically use. Just because you're a dominant Fi doesn't mean you're incapable of using your pre-frontal cortex to solve a math problem. Fi would be frustrated by math, and probably prefer not to think the way math requires, but doesn't mean it's incapable of thinking that way either. It would pair up with it's perceiving function (either Se or Ne as a front brain function) and tertiary function (either Si or Ni as a back left brain function) to search for a solution.

I'm really curious about this whole fragmented theory of functioning, though. Anyone have a source?

Yeah, that theory she drew out seemed sketchy. I mean, its not impossible, because remember, this is all one huge theory! I agree we all use 8 function, but the shadows will drain the hell out if us at some point. But yeah, it doesn't sound totally right.

Agree with your point on Fi teaming up with N. And Te would systemize/organize it?

I don't have any sources, sorry. I'll ask her why she came up with this when i get the chance.
Regarding your second paragraph - couldn't "objective study" be more indicative of Te, if the user bases their opinions on the facts? Of course they will be filtered out through Fi if ahead if Te.

If you read your quote from that post, you'll see that I borrowed "objective study" from your explanation of Ti. But to answer your question, both Te and Ti are concerned with facts and objectivity, but the difference is their application. Ti is more concerned with analysis. It enjoy breaking down the big picture into its component parts and then building it up again for the purposes of internalizing an understanding of the concepts at work. Te, on the other hand, is already comfortable with the concepts and is interested in application rather than personal understanding. For the INFP, Te is the inferior function.

As I touched up on above, the inferior function is the least conscious function and it is our anima/animus, or our stress point. It's what we wish we were but aren't. Te in the INFP manifests as planning and scheduling or big-picture thinking that the dominant functions are unable to keep up with or fulfill. When stressed, inferior Te comes out as aggressive criticism, an overly controlling attitude, or harsh judgments (usually of its own incompetence or those of others). Sometimes, even as massive, decisive action! INFPs would make great managers of others if they only knew how to manage themselves and their own emotions.

And no, I don't think I am piecing together ideals abd values while collecting information - that would only make things inaccurate. What im trying to do is reference past information I've read, and throw it out there if its inconsistent with other information, and find the sum of it. Rinse and repeat if I run into more inconsistencies. I'm forming conclusions based on what makes logical sense to me, based on everything I read that stands out to me, and concoct it. I'm always open to new information.

I meant that the facts that you've given and are analyzing were in fact derived from values, ideals, and impressions. And while you're stating the facts chronologically, it's not entirely linear A to B thinking. You pause, consider your feelings, your past experiences with relationships, use interjections, reflections, and then come back with your impressions of what this means. It's a functionally similar process to Ti at first blush, but what you're doing is not nearly as neat. The emphasis on emotions and relationships is also a pretty big tip of to me.

I don't know, that's the best way I can describe my thought process. Maybe I am doing what you said, so much, that im not seeing it? Give me an example. Do you think I have a bias?
(Hehe, ill give you a hint- I would rather be INTP. I just hate biases because they always lead to inaccuracy and inability to see the bigger picture. If it helps, when I first got into MBTI, I tested as INTP all the time - and did list all the ways I could be INTP and even argue them, but I shortly realized that wasn't the best way to go on)

I wasn't going to say it, but since you already have, yes, I do think you have a bias. In fact, many INFPs don't want to be INFPs for some reason. I know a few INFPs (I won't be mentioning names) who have created an entire new theory to avoid being classified as INFP. I blame it on the inferior Te and a lot of shoddy typology that has given INFPs a bad rep around typology forums. And you know, I have no idea why that is. INFPs are the most versatile of the MBTI types. If only they quashed the urge to run away from their problems and learned how to take command on their own emotions, they'd realize they are among the best equipped of all the types. Having Fi as a their first function gives them conscious access to setting up values and beliefs into a system that would serve them best and allow them to align the rest of their thinking in accordance to whatever goal they set in mind. They have powerful ability to reason and analyze and when paired with their amazing imaginations, they come up with super creative solutions. Best of all, when they let loose, they get along so well with other people and have considerable influence with them. That's a killer combo!

About your last paragraph, yeah I see what you mean, dom-inferior may have trouble working in conjuction with each other effectively. I guess a better way of putting it is - that more emphasis can be put on one function at one time it another. I know there are many INFPs who have put there Te to good use.

All functions work together, they don't work separately, but it is definitely possible to emphasize one function over another by directly giving it a task it is naturally more adept at solving.
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Yeah, that theory she drew out seemed sketchy. I mean, its not impossible, because remember, this is all one huge theory! I agree we all use 8 function, but the shadows will drain the hell out if us at some point. But yeah, it doesn't sound totally right.

Shadows aren't either bad or good. Beebee's theory just states that they exist as alternate attitudes. They often come out when we're stressed because the dominant functions are protecting themselves.

Agree with your point on Fi teaming up with N. And Te would systemize/organize it?

Yes, but its systemizing and organizing wouldn't be as proficient as that of a dominant or auxiliary Te-user.
If you read your quote from that post, you'll see that I borrowed "objective study" from your explanation of Ti. But to answer your question, both Te and Ti are concerned with facts and objectivity, but the difference is their application. Ti is more concerned with analysis. It enjoy breaking down the big picture into its component parts and then building it up again for the purposes of internalizing an understanding of the concepts at work. Te, on the other hand, is already comfortable with the concepts and is interested in application rather than personal understanding. For the INFP, Te is the inferior function.

As I touched up on above, the inferior function is the least conscious function and it is our anima/animus, or our stress point. It's what we wish we were but aren't. Te in the INFP manifests as planning and scheduling or big-picture thinking that the dominant functions are unable to keep up with or fulfill. When stressed, inferior Te comes out as aggressive criticism, an overly controlling attitude, or harsh judgments (usually of its own incompetence or those of others). Sometimes, even as massive, decisive action! INFPs would make great managers of others if they only knew how to manage themselves and their own emotions.

I meant that the facts that you've given and are analyzing were in fact derived from values, ideals, and impressions. And while you're stating the facts chronologically, it's not entirely linear A to B thinking. You pause, consider your feelings, your past experiences with relationships, use interjections, reflections, and then come back with your impressions of what this means. It's a functionally similar process to Ti at first blush, but what you're doing is not nearly as neat. The emphasis on emotions and relationships is also a pretty big tip of to me.

I wasn't going to say it, but since you already have, yes, I do think you have a bias. In fact, many INFPs don't want to be INFPs for some reason. I know a few INFPs (I won't be mentioning names) who have created an entire new theory to avoid being classified as INFP. I blame it on the inferior Te and a lot of shoddy typology that has given INFPs a bad rep around typology forums. And you know, I have no idea why that is. INFPs are the most versatile of the MBTI types. If only they quashed the urge to run away from their problems and learned how to take command on their own emotions, they'd realize they are among the best equipped of all the types. Having Fi as a their first function gives them conscious access to setting up values and beliefs into a system that would serve them best and allow them to align the rest of their thinking in accordance to whatever goal they set in mind. They have powerful ability to reason and analyze and when paired with their amazing imaginations, they come up with super creative solutions. Best of all, when they let loose, they get along so well with other people and have considerable influence with them. That's a killer combo!

All functions work together, they don't work separately, but it is definitely possible to emphasize one function over another by directly giving it a task it is naturally more adept at solving.

I don't see where emotions and relationships are getting in the way of my analysis in my responses, in the OP however of course I mentioned them. The impressions I am getting are involved, yes, its me intuiting based off of data I have gotten a big picture from. I think an issue here has to do with ADHD or a learning disability which sometimes makes me impatient intaking data, because I missed school for 3 years and didnt pay attention for another 3, there's a big gap in my knowledge base, so of course I am going to be confused, and also don't have the motivation, patience, and time to catch up. Maybe that's why my analysis is lacking.

As for what you described on Ti vs Te - I identify with your Ti description, as that is what I think I do and strive to do, and it doesn't really drain me that much when focused. But I cant intuit examples of me doing what you described in your Te description - and perhaps that is an indicator I do prefer it, as I do identify with the inferior description - aggressive criticism and judgements towards myself and others when angry or upset, yep. Although I can't recall when emotion trunps logic, it happens only when I have a lot of anxiety (which happens a lot...ugh). Actually, I have an example that could reek of inferior-Te. I could even PM you about it if youre interested, as I feel uncomfortable mentioning it in this thread. So for that, I'd maybe lean INFP now, eh.

...though I do feel like you're trying to force a type on me. I hope I'm wrong about that. Oh, and thanks for listing the positive elements of the archetype, I really appreciate that. :)
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I'll go with INFP. Ti and Fi often end up at the same destination even if they took very different routes.

FWIW, I was very much like how you described in your OP. But I went through some extreme hardships and a lot traumatizing experiences. Pretty sure I decided I couldn't afford to "feel" or be "soft" because it would just get me hurt, so INTP it was. But I wouldn't be surprised if I was an Fi-dom. I wouldn't stress about it too much's okay not to fit under a label.

yeah the infp description do really suck!
I don't see where emotions and relationships are getting in the way of my analysis in my responses, in the OP however of course I mentioned them. The impressions I am getting are involved, yes, its me intuiting based off of data I have gotten a big picture from.

Again, it's not at all that your relationships or ideals were "getting in the way" nor am I saying that Ti-types don't talk about relationships or their personal lives. I just found it interesting that it constituted the bulk of describing who you are and that you did not communicate any of those ideas in a typical Ti-like fashion. You also neglected to mention any of the typical Ti-like past-times.

For instance, while you mentioned a handful of your interests, you were speaking very generally and neglected to point out what it was about them that captivated you. Most Ti's I know enjoy sharing their roadmaps and when they want to give you an accurate picture of who they are, they will tell you about their theories and beliefs in great detail.

Indeed, Ti's spend an inordinate amount of playing around with theories that appeal to their logic and often build on them. If something captures their interest, it holds and they investigate it thoroughly and are happy to spend hours upon hours investigating it. It's interesting that you never mentioned anything that even hinted to this as a past-time. It very well maybe that you are indeed passionate about some philosophy or another, but the fact that you didn't openly volunteer that information states that you don't find doing so that particularly central to who you are. What you did share, however, was your admiration for a handful of comedians and artists and your interest in writing, as well as your flights of fantasy in childhood. But what about non-fiction interests? What subjects fascinate you? What are you reading or learning? What do you spend time researching? How thorough is your knowledge in that area? How do you stimulate your logic? As an ADDer, what do you usually hyperfocus on?

I think an issue here has to do with ADHD or a learning disability which sometimes makes me impatient intaking data, because I missed school for 3 years and didnt pay attention for another 3, there's a big gap in my knowledge base, so of course I am going to be confused, and also don't have the motivation, patience, and time to catch up. Maybe that's why my analysis is lacking.

ADD isn't typically an obstacle in typing someone. It is actually more common in types that are introverted judging dominant and less common in extraverted judging dominant simply because the latter rules the executive functions of the brain whereas the former is paired with perceiving (unconscious) functions that favor those processes.

As for analysis, given the context, I don't think it's lacking at all. You're painting a picture of what you feel is immediately important to someone attempting to type you. That, in many ways, is a lot less confusing than attempting to pick your own brain. You'll see what I mean when you come back and read this post in a month or so. You'll get a fresh perspective. Ever hear of automatic writing as a psychological tool to get a grip on yourself? This is exactly that.

As for what you described on Ti vs Te - I identify with your Ti description, as that is what I think I do and strive to do, and it doesn't really drain me that much when focused. But I cant intuit examples of me doing what you described in your Te description - and perhaps that is an indicator I do prefer it, as I do identify with the inferior description - aggressive criticism and judgements towards myself and others when angry or upset, yep. Although I can't recall when emotion trunps logic, it happens only when I have a lot of anxiety (which happens a lot...ugh). Actually, I have an example that could reek of inferior-Te. I could even PM you about it if youre interested, as I feel uncomfortable mentioning it in this thread. So for that, I'd maybe lean INFP now, eh.

It is entirely up to you to send me a pm. I am always up for healthy discussion.

But there is one more thing that I thought I should point out. Considering how strongly you say you agree with my description of Ti and feel that it is your dominant, I must admit, I am rather taken aback. Usually, when I discuss things with Ti's who disagree with me, it is the instinct of the Ti-dominant to break down my points and address them line by line, either clarifying their meaning or countering with a reasoned statements. It doesn't matter how tiny our differences are, Ti's want to make sure I get what they're thinking and why they disagree with me. As such, you strike me as a highly unusual case in the way we're carrying out our discussion.

...though I do feel like you're trying to force a type on me. I hope I'm wrong about that. Oh, and thanks for listing the positive elements of the archetype, I really appreciate that. :)

Well, my stance is that I do think you are INFP based on what you've stated and our continued back-and-forth, but I don't think offering my perspective is quite the same thing as 'forcing' a type on you. You are more than welcome to contest my points and offer your thoughts as to why you think otherwise. I'm the one at the disadvantage here. You, after all, know yourself best. I'm only giving my perspective based on what I understand of the theory and a few snippets of conversation. Still, I apologize if I gave you the impression that this wasn't open for debate.

Interesting that you should wonder about my motivations rather than address my arguments, though! (And because tone doesn't carry through text, I should state that I'm being entirely good humored about this :-))

Anyway, something to think about!
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Again, it's not at all that your relationships or ideals were "getting in the way" nor am I saying that Ti-types don't talk about relationships or their personal lives. I just found it interesting that it constituted the bulk of describing who you are and that you did not communicate any of those ideas in a typical Ti-like fashion. You also neglected to mention any of the typical Ti-like past-times.

For instance, while you mentioned a handful of your interests, you were speaking very generally and neglected to point out what it was about them that captivated you. Most Ti's I know enjoy sharing their roadmaps and when they want to give you an accurate picture of who they are, they will tell you about their theories and beliefs in great detail.

Indeed, Ti's spend an inordinate amount of playing around with theories that appeal to their logic and often build on them. If something captures their interest, it holds and they investigate it thoroughly and are happy to spend hours upon hours investigating it. It's interesting that you never mentioned anything that even hinted to this as a past-time. It very well maybe that you are indeed passionate about some philosophy or another, but the fact that you didn't openly volunteer that information states that you don't find doing so that particularly central to who you are. What you did share, however, was your admiration for a handful of comedians and artists and your interest in writing, as well as your flights of fantasy in childhood. But what about non-fiction interests? What subjects fascinate you? What are you reading or learning? What do you spend time researching? How thorough is your knowledge in that area? How do you stimulate your logic? As an ADDer, what do you usually hyperfocus on?

ADD isn't typically an obstacle in typing someone. It is actually more common in types that are introverted judging dominant and less common in extraverted judging dominant simply because the latter rules the executive functions of the brain whereas the former is paired with perceiving (unconscious) functions that favor those processes.

As for analysis, given the context, I don't think it's lacking at all. You're painting a picture of what you feel is immediately important to someone attempting to type you. That, in many ways, is a lot less confusing than attempting to pick your own brain. You'll see what I mean when you come back and read this post in a month or so. You'll get a fresh perspective. Ever hear of automatic writing as a psychological tool to get a grip on yourself? This is exactly that.

It is entirely up to you to send me a pm. I am always up for healthy discussion.

But there is one more thing that I thought I should point out. Considering how strongly you say you agree with my description of Ti and feel that it is your dominant, I must admit, I am rather taken aback. Usually, when I discuss things with Ti's who disagree with me, it is the instinct of the Ti-dominant to break down my points and address them line by line, either clarifying their meaning or countering with a reasoned statements. It doesn't matter how tiny our differences are, Ti's want to make sure I get what they're thinking and why they disagree with me. As such, you strike me as a highly unusual case in the way we're carrying out our discussion.

Well, my stance is that I do think you are INFP based on what you've stated and our continued back-and-forth, but I don't think offering my perspective is quite the same thing as 'forcing' a type on you. You are more than welcome to contest my points and offer your thoughts as to why you think otherwise. I'm the one at the disadvantage here. You, after all, know yourself best. I'm only giving my perspective based on what I understand of the theory and a few snippets of conversation. Still, I apologize if I gave you the impression that this wasn't open for debate.

Interesting that you should wonder about my motivations rather than address my arguments, though! (And because tone doesn't carry through text, I should state that I'm being entirely good humored about this :-))

Anyway, something to think about!

I can't type a lot right now, but as for research, I like weather, music, and hopefully in the future psychology, philosophy, computer networking, eh. I have a hard time getting into subjects because of depression, anxiety, other shit. But I want to because that should make me more well rounded and competent.

I guess every Ti might be different, some might not be as effective at communicating, but the process would be the same. I thought it sounded like my thought process because I try to search for clarity and truth while solving a problem, and believe that picking a side and building onto it isnt always the best way to solve a problem.
However, when I was younger, I was probably more likely to do what I don't think is accurate now. Even though anxiety may have played a role in that, I think that might be enough to justify that I am not Ti-dominant.
When you say I am an unusual case, you mean as a possible Ti or to be typed in general?
I'll go with INFP. Ti and Fi often end up at the same destination even if they took very different routes.

FWIW, I was very much like how you described in your OP. But I went through some extreme hardships and a lot traumatizing experiences. Pretty sure I decided I couldn't afford to "feel" or be "soft" because it would just get me hurt, so INTP it was. But I wouldn't be surprised if I was an Fi-dom. I wouldn't stress about it too much's okay not to fit under a label.

yeah the infp description do really suck!

Wait, what do you mean by that? Maybe by internal conclusion, but the process is very different, which could take the problem into a different route, I would think. I don't mean to sound condescending, but that's interesting - explain.

But yeah, same. The aftermath made me question everything and I became so paranoid and close mibded, I started hiding in a shell, just assuming things, not making any self improvement. I'm afraid I might get sucked back into the shell from time to time.
I can't type a lot right now, but as for research, I like weather, music, and hopefully in the future psychology, philosophy, computer networking, eh. I have a hard time getting into subjects because of depression, anxiety, other shit. But I want to because that should make me more well rounded and competent.

This is Fi.