World of Warcraft Videos


:D I hope this gets popular enough to get stickied!! You can't hear what I'm saying in my mic because I did not have microphone recording enabled (I will next time), but I am talking too. See how much fun I have??? With other guys...


Mistakes that I made:
1. I shouldn't have used pet nova when the rogue vanished. I thought "oh shit! It stealthed! Let me blow it back out!", but vanish has 3 seconds of immunity to effects (which I knew).
2. I did not get my 3rd polymorph off. If I did, there wouldn't be a delay between my blanket counterspell and my priest's 2nd fear.
3. I shouldn't be casting on a cloak of shadowed rogue (i.e. wasted cooldowns and fingers of frost). I actually didn't know they are super hard to hit when cloaked.
4. I could have cold snapped for another deep freeze on the healer when I realized that we were near a kill. But I haven't really been focusing on offensive cold snap use. I feel there's other more basic things to focus on.

Mistakes the enemy healer made:
1. He should have cycloned my healer 3x, into a rogue smoke bomb, into a rogue blind. If my healer isn't cc'd, the rogue's damage on me means nothing because I'm just going to get re-healed.
2. He should have started dispelling his rogue immediately when my first cone of cold hit, instead of waiting for my first shatter to come out and heal.
3. He shouldn't be standing near my healer that long (although my healer would have chased him anyways), because my healer can fear everything within 8 yards every 25 seconds.
4. He should have me on focus and shapeshift if he sees an incoming polymorph.
5. I don't believe he used nature's swiftness or tree form.

Mistakes the enemy rogue made:
1. He got blasted out of stealth.
2. He wasted his blind/vanish. He should have simply shadowstepped me if he wanted to switch.
3. He did not use preparation. He could have vanished once he realized that his healer was in a cc chain.
4. He switched to my healer at the end. He needs to be on top of ME to stop me from casting so freely, especially when they're on the defensive and struggling to stay alive.

Mistakes my healer made:
None? He's a 2000 level player, so he's really good.
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You're making me miss my druid. Been sober now since Cataclysm. Is that an interface add on that made your character speak aloud what she was casting or couldn't cast or is that a normal part of the game? I remember a toon saying that they couldn't do certain things sometimes but I never remember them announcing when a trinket was used for example. That was a long battle. Back in the old days the fights were over in 15-20 seconds. Adrenalin rush. Damn it, I'm not gonna play again! I'm not, I'm not...what server are you on? No, don't tell me! I was horde anyways, we'd never get along. :fencing: I wish you success in all your future conquests. :whoo: <-- inside WoW joke. Undead dance is the best! For the Horde!
It is an add-on that provides voice notification for key abilities that OTHER people are using.

It's not a long battle; That battle was relatively short. It's why I uploaded it. The long ones are boring for audiences.
As promised, fronds, I enable my microphone recording.


Mistakes I made:
-Did not use pet nova.
-Should have deep freezed the DK near the end, instead of ice lancing.

Mistakes the enemy DK made:
-He should NOT have opened with a death grip on me. It's a waste. He should run up with his mount. If he hadn't wasted his death grip, he would have been able to interrupt my polymorph on the healer, or grip the warlock over when I blocked.
-He should ABSOLUTELY NOT have wasted his anti-magic shell there. With a healer spamming dispels on him, there's no point. He should pop ams when we have his healer locked down and he needs to survive. In healer/dps vs. double dps, the healer team's strategy should be all about SURVIVAL and making the fight go slowly.
-No strangulate or icebound fortitude to relieve pressure from his healer (and save his own ass).
-He should have casted hungering cold when I had him in a root, and his healer was CC'd. My warlock and I would have just trinketed it, but at least he forces a trinket and slows us down for a second.
-He should have switched to my warlock after my 2nd polymorph on his healer. My CC's were on cooldown, and it was the warlock's turn to CC. If the DK sat on the warlock, he wouldn't be able to get a fear off. This is pretty technical and requires knowledge of mage and warlock CC chains though, so I won't fault him much for this.

Mistakes my warlock made:
With the DK on top of me, he should have run over to CC the healer. I should not have had to do it. And I certainly should not have had to call for it, later on when I did.

Mistakes the enemy healer made:
- He should have been LOS'ing at the beginning, then he wouldn't have eaten a polymorph. Of course, if he was LOS'ing, my warlock can still death coil into a fear on him. And I can deep freeze into a polymorph on him. But it forces us to use our key cooldowns on him early.
- I don't think he was very familiar with mage or warlock CC chains. He trinketed my blanket cs a bit late, and he should have bubbled anyways. He should know that my warlock is going to follow up my CC with warlock CC, which is exactly what happened. I think the healer has to be more aware of CC than the DK, because that's all he's sitting there thinking about, while the DK's busy chasing us down.

Things I did really well:
- I really liked my ice block. It keeps me in good positioning. I'm within reach of both the healer and the DK, and I'm not too far from my partner. If I blinked I would have been too close to the paladin (and eating rebukes and HoJ) and too far from my warlock. If he hadn't popped AMS, I would probably be forced to blink. It's arguable that I should have blinked though. If my warlock had been doing his job properly, then a blink would have been best.
- Timing my frost nova perfectly to set-up some breathing room to get off my 2nd polymorph.
- I do NOT waste 1-3 globals, recasting ice barrier, mana shield, and mage shield when we are near a kill and I have lots of health left. I just continue damaging the DK, and take his damage.

The reason why I scream "YES YES" at the end, was because we managed to get the kill without having to ride out the paladin's bubble. Otherwise, I would have blinked behind a pillar and evocated. Pet nova'd the DK to slow him down.

Mistakes I made:
- I should have gone invisible sooner. I actually hit invisibility but I was on the wrong action bar :( I'm such a nub.

Mistakes the enemy mage made:
- After he trinketed, if he had counterspelled me, that would have been game changing. Instead he polymorphed....... a mirror image of mine. Bad decision making, and bad character control.
- At the beginning, he hesitated in the back too long. He should have run up to the center. This accounted for his major positioning problems, where the warrior was on the other side of the stone structure, chasing down my warlock, and the mage couldn't get to him in time.
- He really should have blinked to fix his positioning problem. We weren't on him, so he didn't really need to save his blink for something else.

Not really sure what the warrior and warlock were up to there. Couldn't really see them.

Things I did well:
- My positioning, especially near the end there. As I was deep freezing and ice lancing the warrior, I ran out of the mage's line of sight because I knew he had a counterspell up. Normally my rotation is the frostbolt/ice lance/ice lance a deep freezed target, but I triple ice lanced instead, to get that sweet position. And I knew that nothing would entice a counterspell more than allowing him to school lock me. A minor mistake, is that I should have run over the stone structure, instead of doubling back like I did when I saw the warrior was feared.

My warlock did a superb job drawing the warrior back there too. And somehow didn't get totally owned. Warriors are very strong against affliction warlocks.
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I control healers like a motherfucking pro, yo. I got lucky this time that the healer trinketed my deep freeze (out of inexperience), only to eat a polymorph half a second later, which he was forced to bubble. Throughout the bubble we pressured the shit out of the hunter, leaving the hunter still low on health once the paladin finished his bubble. My warrior pulled a houdini and feared the paladin as soon as the bubble ended (which esteemed warrior failed to call out), so I blanket silenced the healer. Healer was about to eat a 4 second polymorph, into a 2 second polymorph after that as well (however the AI on fear LOS'd him, lucky paladin). Eat my CC chains, foul swine. All that hard work on technically correct play pays off when I have a good partner.


The paladin trinkets my polymorph, and mysteriously gets out of my re-polymorph, but by then I had already landed some decent burst damage on the DK (had he anti-magic shelled earlier this could have been a different game). My warrior is near dead after the DK drops, and I try nobly to pull the paladin off, but to no avail. My warrior should have heroic leaped away and bandaged. So I've got the paladin in a deep freeze, and decide to take advantage of that and burst him a bit. If he had divine shielded there, like he should have, it would have been a mighty fine duel (which I would win, because the paladin blew his trinket and his divine shield, and I'm still at full health). I do realize that the paladin reduced me to 58k health by the time he died, but I was playing really aggressively because I knew he was dead, so I wasn't as defensive as I normally would be (it would be technically correct for me to be more defensive). My warrior gets a little excited near the end, because apparently he hasn't seen what mages can really do. I'd thought he'd get excited at my kick ass CC chains, but he's getting excited that I'm spellstealing the paladin's wings and hand of freedom, and my counterspell on him. My basic mage skills...


I've been doing less analysis now, simply because I've been playing a lot better and consistently. The mistakes I make are relatively obvious when I do make them, but when my partner is good, there's a lot less demand on me, so there's less opportunity for me to make "mistakes".
Listen to me yell at my rogue at the beginning "WHAT THE FUCK, GET ON THE DK". I cannot fathom why he would run halfway across the map to sap a paladin who's hiding behind a pillar, when there's a DK right in front of our face with his healer that far away. It's just so damn obvious. I know the usual plan is to sap the healer, but if their positioning is THAT retarded, you gotta get on the DK. Perhaps I should have shouted "GET ON THE DK", but I felt it was obvious and it didn't occur to me at the time to coach my partner.

I found that since I've gotten better and better at 2's, I'm getting more and more agitated by low skill partners. They do a lot of shit (and don't do some things) that BOGGLES me. If they were able to do their job properly... not amazingly, but properly... the match would be so much easier for us, especially with me doing what I'm supposed to do, properly. I don't even want to play with low skill partners anymore. It annoys me. It doesn't motivate me looking through videos to see how I could compensate for my partner's shittiness. There's only so much 1 character can do, and I don't much care to push the limits on that to see how much shitty play from my partner I can compensate for. I want to play good teams, fight nobly, die to them, and push myself to play better and better in response to what good players are doing to us.

Like come on, broski. I'm doing 80% of the cc here, all you have to do is strangulate EXACTLY when I tell you to. And it's usually the same. Deep freeze, polymorph x3, blanket counterspell, STRANGULATE. I'm not even asking you to death grip as an interrupt.

Or for healers, at least CALL OUT if you're in a CC, I'm at half health, and you're NOT GOING TO BUBBLE. Call for an ice block. Or BUBBLE. And goddamn this rogue was low damage as fuck. Sigh. And he had better gear than me...

Watch me accidentally shatter myself with a 53445 superburst, then blow a gasket over it.
Basically, the warrior spell reflected my burst. I had my 'early frost' talent up, so my burst took about 1.3 seconds to get off, and AS I was casting it, it occurred to me "why's there a bulb over the warrior's head, and why's she wearing a shield. OH SHIT. CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL" too late. You see me TWIST around a split second too late to cancel the cast. Usually I'd jump, but split second panic etc.

We FUUUUCCCKKKEEEDDD them up so fast. MVP ME for beautiful execution. I was really on point this match. Good initial burst, good ring of frost and deep freeze timing, trinketed the silence, and a COLD SNAP for another burst. I still had more burst coming behind the last burst, AND I had my counterspell still up. :D Grounding totem and wind shear would have helped out that shaman a lot... don't think he would have survived under that kind of pressure though, although it does buy the DK time to peel. Shaman should have LOS'd me too.
I know this is an older thread, but I figured I could share some old videos on here I made when I played World of Warcraft. I quit a little after cataclysm came out. I was the 3rd top GS score holy paladin on my server... sigh. I miss playing but all my friends have moved on to other games. So now I play League of Legends. Enjoy :)

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I know this is an older thread, but I figured I could share some old videos on here I made when I played World of Warcraft. I quit a little after cataclysm came out. I was the 3rd top GS score holy paladin on my server... sigh. I miss playing but all my friends have moved on to other games. So now I play League of Legends. Enjoy :)

Whoa, I never healed in WoTLK. I have a holy pally now though. It looks like you're just casting non-stop flash of light for the entire fight? And not OOM'ing..
Haha yeah. I got up as far as... Dreamwalker in ICC, did almost all hardmodes in TOGC 10 and 25. Finished all of some older raids including Ulduar 10 and 25, except for the last guy. Our MT couldn't see the green clouds to avoid on his computer.. so.. and we were drunk haha :) I do have a few arena videos on there as well, I used to just pvp all the time until they got me addicted to raiding and advancing to be one of the top raiding guilds. We never were, but we tried. Got close to it, but then real life priorities came up.

As far as casting non-stop flash of light, yes. And I never ran out of mana....;) I had two healing specs, flashadin, healadin, and an open tree whenever we needed a tank, or dps. Just changed depending on the fight, although flashadin spec I used quite frequently. I did have all my spells keybind through healbot. I would judge of light(where theres the timer so I know its still up), fol, holy shock when up to proc my instant flash, had me beacon, sacred shield, aura thing, hand of protection, my bubble, everything with a keybind. In that fight in particular, my job was to taunt one of the adds and stun when I could besides the basic strats which helped alot. Oh crap, you've got me talking about wow... lol.. Mm, If you ever do go into ICC or TOGC, on some of the videos I left a strategy below, so feel free to use them :)
I don't reaaaaalllyy know what you're talking about, because healing is different now. I did notice you pull one of the adds too.

I pretty much only PvP now. I did a little raiding before though. My main's frost mage, and I have some 2/3 geared paladin that I'm not nearly as good with. I know frost mages extremely well though. Got a ton of lowbies too :D
:) It's cool. And yes, they changed the game alot. So I'm a bit outdated most likely.

I love pvp :). League of Legends is just straight pvp. Do they have any new battlegrounds/pvp areas now?

I had a lowbie mage that never hit 20 before I quit. Alot of burst damage. Mm, my first main was a warlock. I liked the aspect of cursing people to slowly die... heh. I started playing a healer because we didn't have consistent ones online to raid, and then my guild never let me play my warlock again lol...
I hate that so many caster classes get facerolled by melee. Warlocks are one of them, although I think demonology might do OK. Sounds like you're in love with affliction locks. They've got death coil, howl of terror, and portal. If you can get your portal behind a pillar, or better yet, on elevated ground, you win against melee. But otherwise, you get facerolled.
Anybody do any kind of machinima?

As far as gameplay goes, I s'pose I should start fraps-ing some of my own playtime. I mostly do PvE stuffs these days, but I'm getting the trial by fire in leveling up a holy paladin through battlegrounds.
Anybody do any kind of machinima?

As far as gameplay goes, I s'pose I should start fraps-ing some of my own playtime. I mostly do PvE stuffs these days, but I'm getting the trial by fire in leveling up a holy paladin through battlegrounds.
Low level healing in BG's is very very powerful in general, because there's always a lack of healers at a low level. ALSO, it takes a fair bit of coordination to deal with healers (either CC chains or focus kill), which low level BG players almost never have. And classes that can heal (whether they are specced in that or not) are generally overpowered at low levels as well. As a healer, you can still really fuck people up with your exorcisms (esp. if you have the talent that reduces the mana cost by 75%) and holy shock and judgement. Maybe crusader strike for the holy power charge, and rebukes if you have that (level 54 I believe). You're not really kill-able by any single player. You can probably kill most people with exorcisms and a holy shock over the span of a Hammer of Justice stun. Avenging wrath and divine favor boost your burst as well, if you have that yet.

You know some funny shit I do as a holy pally.... if my team isn't taking heavy damage (IOW I'm just healing using holy shocks and word of glory, and perhaps divine light if 'infusion of light' procs, and perhaps dispelling too), I will actually pretend I'm a prot pally and chase enemies around (particularly casters) and just whack at them with crusader strike, judgements, and hopefully rebukes. I generally don't get targeted when I do this because they don't realize I'm a healer at a glance, and I'm not doing much damage.
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Today I was on my sub rogue, and I totally killed a frost mage with my bow and arrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS SO EXCITED, I WAS CELEBRATING! That's right, I have my "Shoot" ability keybound, and I happen to know the keybind by heart (cuz I use the same keybind for wand on my mage). It's a really rare opportunity that I would have to ever use my bow. Vanish on cooldown, blind on cooldown, preparation on cooldown, shadowmeld and trinket on cooldown, cloak of shadows on cooldown... and I'm stuck in a nova, and the guy is nearly dead, so I SHOOT HIM AND HE DIES. BAHAHAHA