Why does the West want to opress the whole world so much? | INFJ Forum

Why does the West want to opress the whole world so much?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
Well it seems like over most of the world, the West seems to have hands in just about every country and I was just sort of wondering what this was about?

Why does the west seem so intent on controlling everything all over the world? is it really just for capitalist purposes? it seems like some countries they favor where as others they seem to have a more tight grip on?
Well it seems like over most of the world, the West seems to have hands in just about every country and I was just sort of wondering what this was about?

Why does the west seem so intent on controlling everything all over the world? is it really just for capitalist purposes? it seems like some countries they favor where as others they seem to have a more tight grip on?

I start off by admitting that your posts inspire much creativity and thought.

I, now, answer your question, giving it the least bit of factual stimulation as possible. I, therefore, in this post only offer a theory, not grounded in any fact or manifestations; however, you will see that the term "manifestation" appear in my response below, for this term is grounded in my theory or proposition. :tongueout:

my quick-rant below follows:

As mentioned above, and now decisively, using the term manifestation, I, now, present to you the term "manifestation destiny." For your purposes, I provide you a quick-witted and highly suspect of a link for references: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny

After viewing this link, my determinations, rather, manifest themselves in this charbroiled of a post. This post seems to manifest itself as a pokeball trying to catch a pokemon with wild manifestations, for only one knows how deep a lurker is willing to travel to develop the true manifestations of human nature. I, now, stop using such a term for recreational purposes, to manifest a response worth reasoning through.:smirkcat:

The term Manifestation Destiny as implied by my analysis, is the belief that the West, particularly the United States is to expand from horizon to horizon.
By using the term horizon to horizon, I attempt to imply that term of the oceans. In sum, the West was to extend coast to coast. This term was doctrinated in the 19th century; however it's manifestations still last. Don't let me fool you with my constant use of the term manifestation, for the term is being used properly here, and I am no joker, my friend.:nomouth:

Could it be this belief still inspires the United States and particularly the West to continue to incorporate itself? Only the wildest manifestations will tell.:wink:
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Well I know it's imperialism to an extent, it's pretty common knowledge and widely know, so I don't think there's anything wrong with brazenly or openly admitting this. It is just that I wonder if there's ever been a time that they've stated why exactly they feel they must do so. But of course, I suppose perhaps it is a mixture of big business, the military industrial complex, and the wealthy elite ruling classes in power. Mostly though, they just use the West as a front, or vessel for this motive.

I wonder then if it's just a product of human nature though, to attempt imperialism if growth is successful enough in certain countries. Or perhaps it is just seen as the only means to an end in regards to natural continuation of capitalism. I don't think that the whole world being like the West is really a good thing, I never have.
I suppose a serious problem is that there's too many globalist type of entities in positions of great wealth and power, who want to gain dominion and control over much of the world, and I do not think they are all in agreeance or co-operation with each other, and thus this is why it is so conflicting.
The problem with these people being so wealthy is that the world is quite accessible to them, and they can feasibly go over the world and create specific venture wherever they please.

I mean I read this, and apparently it's largely been something the conservatives have been opposed to (which, kind of surprises me) but honestly I've heard and seen footage and recordings of conservatives pundits in support of the existence of some such thing as well many times.

Honestly though, I look at some countries that the States has ties or a place in (if only a portion) and I know that some of them are left relatively alone but then others not so much. It is interesting reading about the Philippines and the like as an example. It's kind of startling to think that many of the Christian's are probably one of the only groups who want to avoid a Brave New World, 1984 esque kind of scenario, wherein most other groups do not care; and thus, I am not completely opposed to the influence that Christianity (though I know it seems backwards to a lot of people now) has had in the West as I might have been in the past. I think the world is better off being relatively "free" then not.

I have noticed that much of the old world still wants dictatorships, and wants the rest of the world this way, and it is an apparent and real danger I think I can safety say now from experience. I do not know if I really agree with all of these sentiments though. I kind of get a sense that things have changed quite hastily when JFK was assassinated; and I think with the new emerging awareness of the corruption that exists in the world now on such a large and global scale, was directly the cause of this.
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on a semi-related note, I think Equilibrium is another good example, and it's very in the vein of similar stories, like 1984, and A Brave New World. I grew up in a very rural conservative area with lots of religious people (all kinds) and I hated it and wanted to only get away. I remember though in particular talking to Christians that I knew about things like this movie, and still to this day, the only ones who I can recall ever caring or being concerned of such a thing were said Christians. I have spoken to many people about said subjects in the past and generally, they do not seem to care at all. Even those on the lefts which surprised me the most, I though the left in the past was always about challenging convention and now they are generally the most anti-thought people I have ever encountered.
(I think the far right is terrible, having grown up in that place though, I still hate that whole area)

I mean, people who do not think end scenarios like this are in anyway bad are just absolutely insane in my opinion.

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