Which Parks and Rec/The Office character are you? | INFJ Forum

Which Parks and Rec/The Office character are you?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
fantasy world
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Everyone Is A 50/50 Split Of A "Parks And Rec" Character And An "Office" Character — Who Are You?

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You got: April Ludgate / Dwight Schrute
You've got a personality like no other: introverted, serious, and low-key eclectic. You dislike being forced to appear enthusiastic when you're not, and others secretly admire your ability to stay self-possessed. Just remember not to push people away when their world views don't align with your own — new perspectives can only enrich your life!


I actually identify more as a Stanley than a Dwight.

You got: Ron Swanson / Stanley Hudson
You're a grounded, task-oriented realist with no tolerance for nonsense. Unprofessional behavior does not fly around you! Even though it might not always seem like it, the people around you are grateful for the order that you bring to their lives — you're a one-person guard against chaos.
You got: Donna Meagle / Jim Halpert
You're chill, sarcastic, and down-to-earth like no other. You're the "cool kid" in every social situation, but you never let it go to your head. Just make sure you use your sharp wit for good — a brain like yours has the potential to both help and hurt your peers. We're not too worried, though; you've got a good heart.
I was hoping for April again but alas... I've never been the cool kid in any situation.
You got: Donna Meagle / Jim Halpert
You're chill, sarcastic, and down-to-earth like no other. You're the "cool kid" in every social situation, but you never let it go to your head. Just make sure you use your sharp wit for good — a brain like yours has the potential to both help and hurt your peers. We're not too worried, though; you've got a good heart.

Everyone Is A 50/50 Split Of A "Parks And Rec" Character And An "Office" Character — Who Are You?

Take the test!

I actually identify more as a Stanley than a Dwight.


You got: Ron Swanson / Stanley Hudson
You're a grounded, task-oriented realist with no tolerance for nonsense. Unprofessional behavior does not fly around you! Even though it might not always seem like it, the people around you are grateful for the order that you bring to their lives — you're a one-person guard against chaos.

You got: Ron Swanson / Stanley Hudson
yeah, though I'm more of an April Ludgate

You got: Donna Meagle / Jim Halpert
You're chill, sarcastic, and down-to-earth like no other. You're the "cool kid" in every social situation, but you never let it go to your head. Just make sure you use your sharp wit for good — a brain like yours has the potential to both help and hurt your peers. We're not too worried, though; you've got a good heart.
I was hoping for April again but alas... I've never been the cool kid in any situation.

I got Andy/Michael Scott
Kinda, bro... kinda.

You got: Donna Meagle / Jim Halpert
You're chill, sarcastic, and down-to-earth like no other. You're the "cool kid" in every social situation, but you never let it go to your head. Just make sure you use your sharp wit for good — a brain like yours has the potential to both help and hurt your peers. We're not too worried, though; you've got a good heart.


I don't know about yours... I could see Ben Wyatt and I'd have to think of your office person... Maaaaybe Robert California.
Ben Wyatt...

Friends are supposed to make each other cringe less :grimacing:

I have nothing against that guy, but... I also hate him.
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Do you really? I thought he was great.
Well I'm Dwight Schrute so there!
Nahhh... he's alright but... just... no.

Sometimes I see myself in shows and think 'ugh... I would be that bellend', and in fact I did see that with boyo there. :expressionless:
You got: Andy Dwyer–Michael Scott
You've got a silly side, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes you're the life of the party; other times you're a little less than focused on the task at hand. At the end of the day, though, your friends care deeply about you and would do anything to make you feel loved.
You got: Chris Traeger–Erin Hannon
You're as upbeat and chipper as they come. When you enter a room, you light it up with your positivity and very energetic vibes. Just remember not to ignore your feelings — everyone experiences a range of emotions, and your challenging days are no less important than your happy ones.

image: NBC