What type of people are attracted to you? | INFJ Forum

What type of people are attracted to you?

Intellectual people


You probably see these people walking around ivy league schools, their heads in books. It may seem like they don't have a lot of time for you at first, but asking them to maybe help you study or go to the book store to look up some good biographies might catch their attention. You can have the most interesting conversations with these people and gain knowledge about things you didn't even know you wanted to know. Enjoy these smartypants.

:m123: i love nerds.
Strong and Protective People

There could be a lot of questions you want to ask these people and you might not ever get an answer from them. As frustrating as it is they will still always be willing to listen to what you have to say, and you can always count on them having your back. Don't be fooled by the lack of emotion they may show on the outside because on the inside, they are sensitive and caring. Maybe the two of you can work together on letting go.
Artsy people

The people who you usually see walking around thrift shops and coffee shops are the ones who seem to like you the most. They are constantly coming up with crazy ideas so you are never bored. Dating an artsy person can either be extremely frustrating or a lot of fun... or maybe both. In the end though you'll always have a sensitive, caring person to listen to you and give you some great advice.
Artsy people

The people who you usually see walking around thrift shops and coffee shops are the ones who seem to like you the most. They are constantly coming up with crazy ideas so you are never bored. Dating an artsy person can either be extremely frustrating or a lot of fun... or maybe both. In the end though you'll always have a sensitive, caring person to listen to you and give you some great advice.

That can't be right. I'm not artsy at all.

But... I am all of these people :\
I got Artsy people. I hope the shoe choice wasn't much of a factor because that decision was impossible.