What do we do with all the cows? | INFJ Forum

What do we do with all the cows?

La Sagna

I did it! I'm a butterfly!
Oct 27, 2013
I have a few friends who are now die hard vegans and believe that we all need to go that route to stop global warming and to be good to the animals. I'm all for doing our part to stop global warming and I don't believe in any form of animal cruelty but there's a few things that don't seem to add up. I don't know if I'm missing something in the debate but it seems a very hypocritical position to me.

First of all, if we stop eating meat or dairy because cow flatulence is the main cause of carbon emission and we're not allowed to kill the cows and eat them then how is that helping the situation? Aren't we still going to have a bunch of cows farting around contributing to global warming?

Also, these people have pets that they feed animal products to, because cats and dogs need the nutrition found in animal protein, why is it ok for their pets to eat other animals but not for us? I love nature and animals but cats will gladly torture, kill and eat birds and mice, and dogs will catch and eat squirrels and other small critters. These people treat their pets like they are little innocent angels but humans who eat meat are terrible people.

I could easily go vegetarian because I'm not a big fan of eating meat but vegan would be difficult to do, but to me it seams vegans are missing the point. Let's fight for proper treatment of animals overall and in the food industry and let's encourage reduced meat and dairy eating. That's how to make a difference. If you go vegan for your own personal ethics I understand and support your right to do so but the claim that if we all do we save the world doesn't add up.

If anybody has any information as to what we're supposed to do with all the cows to save the world please let me know, or any other contribution to this because I'm really trying to find the rational reasoning behind veganism and I haven't found it yet.
I remember something I read years ago about methane and global warming, and cows were spoken of. If I'm not mistaken I think it was pointed out that termites actually produce the majority of methane and consume 1/3 of all vegetation produced in any given year. Hmmmm --- Chocolate covered termites? :D I'm no vegan but can understand the point. For me it's honoring the spirit of the animal, and trying to avoid cruelty. That and realizing how little power 'I' as an individual truly have. Interesting topic. :)
I remember something I read years ago about methane and global warming, and cows were spoken of. If I'm not mistaken I think it was pointed out that termites actually produce the majority of methane and consume 1/3 of all vegetation produced in any given year. Hmmmm --- Chocolate covered termites? :D I'm no vegan but can understand the point. For me it's honoring the spirit of the animal, and trying to avoid cruelty. That and realizing how little power 'I' as an individual truly have. Interesting topic. :)

Termites, well maybe even vegans would be ok with eradicating termites.

I too can understand if someone decides that they cannot eat animals but it's the broader rhetoric that is not always logical.

I have also thought about the limits of one individual. There are some countries in the world where eating beef is central to their culture and way of life and there is no way you would get them to turn vegan. As well in many countries it would not be possible to survive as a vegan and even in developed countries not everyone can afford to be vegan, it is a rich person's prerogative.
It's not the cows, it's massive scale farming for cheap meat. It's us. It's all us.

Look at Apemon's post, assuming it's accurate...a THIRD of the vegetation...food...to feed the food. While roughly the same percentage of our own species starves.

Lunacy, no?

And I play my part. I eat that crap meat often...probably.
I'd rather kill myself than go vegan. I cannot tell you how many vegans I know, and have heard of, who seriously sacrificed their health and well being for veganism only to start sneaking animal products back in their diet just so they can feel human again. I have seen a lot of ex-vegans get completely shunned and bullied by vegans because they were literally destroying their health and went back on meat to save their lives. Honestly, people don't think about the biological needs of the human body and they seem to not understand anything about bio-availability and that you have to spend a fuck ton of money to get the highest quality protein powder possible, or you have to resort to eating heavy doses of soy which is just going to increase your estrogen and acts as a nutrient blocker anyway.

I get why people have all these "feelings" around veganism. But this is why you support grass fed meat, why you get free run, pastured chickens and eggs, why you buy wild caught fish instead of farmed. I think if people want to save the animals then they have to start supporting sustainable, humane farming. I buy grass fed beef and wild fish... order half a cow and get it butchered. The quality is insanely amazing and the price is right.

If people want to be vegan because of their feelings then that's fine because I can guarantee a substantial portion of them will go back to eating animal products when they realize how shitty they feel.
Oh now this could get to be fun! :D btw, if people switched from beef to beans, wouldn't the problem get worse? And if McDonald's can do to a 'beef' burger what they do, what would a McBean be like? :D

Cows near a farm pond make neat places to look for fish bait if one runs out.