Wall myself in

Been there, done that.

It feels like an invisible distance, a gap unseen by others but me.

Covered in a polite smile and gentle words and appearance of attentiveness.

I can say now that it is not a good coping mechanism, but then..it was necessary.

This depends on your state of mind. If you have past traumas and rejections and betrayal; have you recovered ? Have you learned your lessons? What sort of friendships or relationships do you want?
Yeah, sometimes, when you've been hurt you need to dissociate and guard yourself against future pain. So, it's normal to protect yourself. It's a way of reestablishing boundaries between yourself and others. We often do it for a while until we are comfortable open up or until we feel we can move around relationships, and trust again. It's pretty normal for almost everyone to go through this phase. It usually passes after a while.
Yeah, sometimes, when you've been hurt you need to dissociate and guard yourself against future pain. So, it's normal to protect yourself. It's a way of reestablishing boundaries between yourself and others. We often do it for a while until we are comfortable open up or until we feel we can move around relationships, and trust again. It's pretty normal for almost everyone to go through this phase. It usually passes after a while.
