Type this IXTX | INFJ Forum

Type this IXTX


Regular Poster
Jan 18, 2015
Not sure what to put down here. I suppose a little rundown of my typing history might be the trick???

Willing to post a video if you guys think it will be helpful.

First Myers Briggs (Not MBTI) test I took said I was INTJ. I rolled with that for a bit, but then decided that I was more of a P than a J (didn't know about CFs). After typing as INTP for a while, I decided to take an official MBTI test. I came out as follows:

On a scale from 1-30 for each dichotomy where the minimum is one per dichotomy, I cam out:

5 - Introvert
4 - Intuitive
15 - Thinking
1 - Perceiving

So I went with that for a while. It was rejected by other INTP's, so I decided to go in a completely different direction and went with ISFP (I was on this site during that time, so you may remember me that way). After feeling for a while that that didn't really fit, I decided I wasn't ISFP. I had someone tell me one of the key factors for ISFP was that they have sentimental attachments to things like objects. Not sure what exactly happened after that, but I stopped going by ISFP. I then think I started going with ISTP, still greatly unsure that I was that type even though my knowledge of MBTI had greatly increased since I took my first test.

I then decided to take another cheaper official MBTI test that was to be done online. I beleive I actually typed as INTP, but it gave some differences between ISTP and INTP. The key factor for me in these differences was that INTP's like to be more imaginative and create constructs whereas ISTP's are much more practical and are more set on being problem solvers. I should note that at this point I could have taken the test and came out any type I wanted to be, but ofc what would the point of that be?

Fast forward about a year. I had been going mostly by IsTP or IXTP. Then I took a rather interesting test recently which you can find here. Very good test based on CF's. Now in this test, which I can see no flaws in, it pegged me as Ni dom, most of all, and leaning toward Te.

And that is where I am at right now.

If I am an ISTP, like many people think, I do have a much more prominent Ni than most ISTP's. Another difference is that unlike your typical ISTP, I don't really care so much for new experiences but am much more interested in new ideas. I also greatly identify with being able to just "know" certain things without being able to really articulate what that is. I am also far, very far from an adrenaline junkie. But the thing about my Ni is that it doesn't predict everything - its very selective. For example, because of my Ni, I am actually pretty good at the board game Go, but conversely to this I such at chess.

I am convinced I have a decent amount of Ni, but I also have a tendency to solve problems relatively quickly getting to the heart of the matter and solving a problem very quickly and effectively in a simple yet elegant way. This leads me to think that I think like an ISTP, but my behavior isn't much like an ISTP's.

Any more questions for me in helping me find my type is appreciated.

No one has any words for me? Was kinda expecting something at least...
Typing someone else is always tricky. Especially someone you don't know. I think this is the reason we are so reluctant to type anyone else. I am, at least.

I am a firm believer that the best person to type you is yourself. However, I can give some advice as to the approach: I think there is a lot of overlap in just those four letters (mostly Jungian Typology), so characteristics and behaviourism is almost nothing to go by. It simply doesn't help. What helps most is analysing the way you thing, your process. So my advice is to go by cognitive functions. This actually discerns what goes on inside you and doesn't just describe the superficial crap (sry, the word slipped from my mind).

If you think that you are different from others of your type, you might want to look into subtyping, such as the enneagram (I see you have already done so) or the confusing realm of socionics. This may alleviate some of your self-doubting ponderings.
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