Thoughts on People talking during movies? | INFJ Forum

Thoughts on People talking during movies?


Dec 14, 2014
Just wondering how you guys feel about people who talk during movie watching? Does it bother you or not? Are you someone who talks during movies? Wondering if it's an INFJ thing? I went to see The Hobbit with someone today who would not cease useless comments during the movie. They were worse than my brother who I thought was a bad movie goer and they complained about movie talkers before the movie(???) i find it extremely frustrating but I didn't say anything.
It's rude. Getting annoyed about it is more than an INFJ thing.

I go with theaters and show times with as few people as possible to cut back on audience chatter. People who come to the movie with me have the same mindset.
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Theres a reason they tell you to turn your cell phones off. It applies to people as well.

One of my brothers is like this. He cant keep his mouth shut. The last time I went to see Star Trek with him I just got up and walked out. I figured he wouldnt talk without me there so the other movie goers at least wouldnt have to listen to him. I simply make it a point never to see movies with him now.