Things you like and things you hate Game


Well-known member
The poster says a word of something that they like/love dislike/hate. The next poster says the previous word and their opinion of it. Next the poster types a word of something that they like/ love/ dislike/hate but it has to start with the last letter of the previous poster's favorite word. Then specify whether the word you typed was something you like/love/dislike/hate.

Poster 1: Stapler (like)

Poster 2: stapler (hate)
roses (love)

Poster 3: roses (like)
sunburn (hate)

Poster 4: sunburn (hate)
numbers (dislike)

Begin: Dolphin (love)
Tofu - Hate.

Underworld - Like. That was a pretty fun movie.
Underworld (like- I haven't seen it but it sounds interesting)

Dominoes - the game (like)
Dominoes - the game (like) I haven't played it much though​

Space - as in a big house or a large open field (love)​

Space? Space?!?! SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (love)

Edward Cullen (hate with a fiery fucking passion)
Edward Cullen - meh. He is just a mediocre character. Neither hate nor love because I don't care that much.

Nutella - love
Anacondas (like) nothing against them, as long as they keep their fangs away from my skin ~

Saturday (love)
doctor who (dislike) i’ve never seen an episode really, but it doesn’t seem like something i could get into
occult documentaries (love!)
occult documentaries (love) Ohhhh if you know of any good ones [MENTION=4459]Sensiko[/MENTION] please share

Silence (love)
Echinacea Tea (neutral) I don't think I've ever tried Echinacea Tea, sounds very nice though

Applications (hate)

Applications (HATE) ugh any paperwork is crappy-although I do quite a bit of it haha

Swimming (zealous love affair)