- infp
would someone explain it to me? what's the difference between judging & perceiving, and how does it effect the personality of the person?
Judging (J) Key words:
structured - decided - organized - scheduled
People who have a preference for judging use their preferred judging function (whether it is thinking or feeling) in their outer life. What this often looks like is that they prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organized, feel more comfortable when decisions are made, and like to bring life under control to the degree that it is possible.
Since they are using either their T or F in their outer world, they want to make decisions to bring things in their outer life to closure. Remember though, this only describes how their outer life looks. Inside they may feel flexible and open to new information (which they are). Remember, in type language, judging means "preferring to make decisions;" it does not mean "judgmental" in the sense of constantly making negative evaluations about people and events.
People who prefer judging may:
- like to make decisions, or at least like to have things decided
- look task oriented
- like to make lists of things to do
- like to get their work done before playing
- plan work to avoid rushing just before deadline
- sometimes make decisions too quickly without enough information
- sometimes focus so much on the goal or plan that they miss the need to change directions at times (P) Key words:
flexible - open - adaptable - spontaneous
People who have a preference for perceiving use their preferred perceiving function (whether it is sensing or intuition) in their outer life. What this often looks like is that they prefer a more flexible and spontaneous way of life, like to understand and adapt to the world, and like to stay open to new experiences.
Since they are using either their S or N in their outer world, they want to continue to take in new information. Remember again that this only describes how the person’s outer life looks. Inside they may feel very planful or decisive (which they are). Remember, in type language perceiving means "preferring to take in information;" it does not mean "perceptive" in the sense of having quick and accurate perceptions about people and events.
People who prefer perceiving may:
- like staying open to respond to whatever happens
- look more loose and casual
- like to keep laid-out plans to a minimum
- like to approach work as play or mix work and play
- work in burst of energy, and enjoy rushing just before deadlines
- sometimes stay open to new information so long that they miss making decisions
- sometimes focus so much on adapting to the moment that they do not settle on a direction or plan