the JCTI | INFJ Forum

the JCTI

Why are all IQ tests so boring. It's just the same question over and over and over, presented in different forms. I understand the science behind it. That it's supposed to measure your ability to see patterns and how you handle logical problem solving, but my god, they're so so dull.It doesn't help that the first dozen questions are always so simple that by the time I move onto the more challenging ones, I've already lost the will to live.
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*plug-in link doesn't work*
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I tried it, but it's too difficult for me. I'm no good at this kind of thing, I struggle to make sense of it. I don't comprehend the patterns, I can't make sense of them.

I don't believe in the value of IQ tests. I think that they tend to be very good at predicting how good people are at taking IQ tests, and not much else in life. That could just be because I'm not very good at them.

I'm sure there are a lot of very witty people who have high IQs. (I love the word "witty", it's so charming.)
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These are honestly not hard if you just sit with them for a few minutes. But like @Jacobi was saying I lost my patience once I finally did get to the "hard" ones (maybe around #45).

Also I don't see pattern recognition translating to dollars in many circumstances. My pattern recognition ability is quite high, believe me it's not very practically useful. More of a circus trick.
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