The Internet and Sociopathic Teens | INFJ Forum

The Internet and Sociopathic Teens


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
When the whole debate about bullies came up I found myself saying with the rest, "It's always been like that, you're just seeing it more because of the internet, you are now seeing it and you are now making a big deal about it." And while a bit of me thinks that is true just from my own personal growing up, as we did have the internet at about high school age for me and I've never known anything else, I also realize that it might be worse. That being said this thread isn't necessarily about bulling, it's about teenage sociopaths.

People are taking to the internet more than they are taking to personal conversations, face to face or over the phone -speaking- not typing, and I think it's made all of us a bit more anxious and a bit more pessimistic, fearful and hateful. My question now is do you think this hate has fueled teenage sociopaths to their in-school killing sprees?

There was another stabbing at another high school somewhere in the US this past week. It wasn't a shooting, and because of that I noticed the news covered it in less detail, however they did cover it and it was done by some 'kind of loner' type kid -who didn't get bullied- who ran through the halls just randomly stabbing people; two knifes in hand.

From what I gather of the other teens and their view of the kid, he was for sure a sociopath, isolated himself but didn't get bullied. Now did he not get bullied because the other kids feared him? I would think so. I've seen those looks, given those looks, and people don't fuck with you when you look like you could kill somebody. But even for being a sociopath, he felt secure enough to go around stabbing people in broad daylight with everyone around. The halls were full and he just stabbed as many as he could.

There's a change happening with the internet being what it is. People are angry and bitchy and everything sucks, and with that it seems the teenage sociopaths are getting the an a-ok from the internet to go around and kill others in broad daylight. There use to be an elegance to socio/psychopaths, so much so that we've romanticized about them quite a bit. Now they just run around the halls stabbing each other. What do you think?
Sure this happens. But you're also using the internet to address this.

From my perspective the internet is a tool that amplifies both ends of the spectrum. It can rip individuals apart but just as well can bring them together.

I think the vast majority would still agree that randomly stabbing people is wrong. Most just use the internet to connect with friends and families. When tragedy happens, many turn to the internet for support and togetherness.

Just look at the flood of Sandy Hook memorial videos that got put on YouTube by random people.
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