The Deflationary Effect Of Technology


I recently listened to an audio book regarding how technology is inherently deflationary. It takes away certain aspects of the economy while bringing greater change and drive forward. However like energy which can neither be created nor destroyed it simply displaces from one space to another. The argument which I believe is well thought out and logical also states we are living in an old world economic model ie Inflationary. At the rapid pace we are witnessing new technologies emerge, we cling to old ways of thinking which just wont meld in a new world. Dollar printing and the issuing of new credit to fight this. Yet an inevitable battle which can not be won. While bringing short term patches on a sinking ship it's delaying an even bigger consequence. It is my belief that we are entering into another golden age. However to reach this time of prosperity and peace we must first sacrifice the old to usher in the new.

What are your thoughts and concerns?

On a side note: There are a lot of amazing thought leaders coming from Canada these days, I'm feeling a little proud championing them.

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What are your thoughts and concerns?
He's right that technology is aimed to more efficiency and that society will have to change to this technological progress.

Essentially we are already lagging so far behind in the ratio between compensation and productivity and with technological acceleration
this gap will just grow exponentially. And the current market model just can't sustain that anymore.

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The economy will grow further but the importance of society to drive it will drop hard as modern technology will just take over the production cycle,
thus making society less valiable in this model. To remodel that, our job market has to change to a service / creative / maintenance / research oriented model.
Else we'll end up with a large amount of consumers but not that many workers, all controlled by a selective subset of very powerful producers (think Megacorps) calling
the shots.

In other words: Welcome to Technocracy 1.0.

One attempt to counter that was/is the basic income model where everyone member of society gets a wage according to current living standards (and an addition to that if they work).
The problem there though is that it would put all the stress on a governmental level, while power remains at a private level.

We already are reaching this limit now and with this whole pandemic...this will be accelerated further. (Think remote work -> automation -> most of a business processes being
controlled by IT infrastructure and maintained remotely).

The good part though is that yes, it will be a Golden Era to prosperity/peace, if it is well controlled. But to do that we as a Society do have to change.
We're living in interesting times to say the least.

"When you are an engineer you have to take an oath, your work has consequences"
"Are intent to make the world better through technology"
giphy.gif is just another means for driving business. And his' to sell his book.
@A Guy going to pass on the knowledge here: Started reading a book on the future of society passed on a my INFJ colleague (she's awesome) which ironically covers the topic: worth the read. Was surprised by
the compressed detail on this book. It essentially covers the separate difficulties our society will need to handle on the traversion to the information era.
He's right that technology is aimed to more efficiency and that society will have to change to this technological progress.

Essentially we are already lagging so far behind in the ratio between compensation and productivity and with technological acceleration
this gap will just grow exponentially. And the current market model just can't sustain that anymore.

View attachment 68099

The economy will grow further but the importance of society to drive it will drop hard as modern technology will just take over the production cycle,
thus making society less valiable in this model. To remodel that, our job market has to change to a service / creative / maintenance / research oriented model.
Else we'll end up with a large amount of consumers but not that many workers, all controlled by a selective subset of very powerful producers (think Megacorps) calling
the shots.

In other words: Welcome to Technocracy 1.0.

One attempt to counter that was/is the basic income model where everyone member of society gets a wage according to current living standards (and an addition to that if they work).
The problem there though is that it would put all the stress on a governmental level, while power remains at a private level.

We already are reaching this limit now and with this whole pandemic...this will be accelerated further. (Think remote work -> automation -> most of a business processes being
controlled by IT infrastructure and maintained remotely).

The good part though is that yes, it will be a Golden Era to prosperity/peace, if it is well controlled. But to do that we as a Society do have to change.
We're living in interesting times to say the least.

"When you are an engineer you have to take an oath, your work has consequences"
"Are intent to make the world better through technology"
giphy.gif is just another means for driving business. And his' to sell his book.

Well he's producing something of value so why not sell a book? The transition period is interesting to watch I am more along the lines of dystopia because well... People. I think a basic income in necessary but that would call for a drastic shift in mentality from the current status quo. If set in place I think you would see a great revival of the Arts which is really cool. Long term no one really knows however I think it's a safer bet than solely giving printed money to mega corporations based on the false notion that they are indeed to big to fail. It would be interesting to see them fail on one hand but on the other chaos. So in my minds eye and I would argue that in everyone else, well we have no fucking clue. Let's take this thing for a ride and see where it goes.
@A Guy going to pass on the knowledge here: Started reading a book on the future of society passed on a my INFJ colleague (she's awesome) which ironically covers the topic: worth the read. Was surprised by
the compressed detail on this book. It essentially covers the separate difficulties our society will need to handle on the traversion to the information era.

Hey thanks for the suggest I have some Audible credits and would like to make Jeff more wealthy. I mean we're just going to tax him for basic income anyway right? hahaha
Well he's producing something of value so why not sell a book?

Well essentially it's a snark remark to the hypocricy he is showing off.

1. He proclaims himself as a technical entrepeneur, big fucking whoopdy doo.
2. He's boasting on his revaluation of his investments "I'm an investor of a 500m company"
3. He's nothing more than a capital investor that invests in technology, so his claim for this book to "target the future for his children" is absolute bullshit
He want's to sell his success story based on the evolution of the companies he's investing in. Same with any of these entrepreneurial assholes.
"I invested the initial capital in company X, therefore I'm allowed to take over the policy of said company as my own" - fuck hypocrite pieces of shit.

Anyway his aim in the whole interview is to sell a sob story to sell his books. Nothing more, nothing less. His motivation is trivial.
Well essentially it's a snark remark to the hypocricy he is showing off.

1. He proclaims himself as a technical entrepeneur, big fucking whoopdy doo.
2. He's boasting on his revaluation of his investments "I'm an investor of a 500m company"
3. He's nothing more than a capital investor that invests in technology, so his claim for this book to "target the future for his children" is absolute bullshit
He want's to sell his success story based on the evolution of the companies he's investing in. Same with any of these entrepreneurial assholes.
"I invested the initial capital in company X, therefore I'm allowed to take over the policy of said company as my own" - fuck hypocrite pieces of shit.

Anyway his aim in the whole interview is to sell a sob story to sell his books. Nothing more, nothing less. His motivation is trivial.

I can agree with that sentiment but at the same time can you blame the guy? You get to that position by creating high value for the masses. I mean the guy is part of the displacement but it's an inevitability. Humans will always make things more efficient. The real question is how do we cause the least amount of harm in that transition.
I can agree with that sentiment but at the same time can you blame the guy? You get to that position by creating high value for the masses. I mean the guy is part of the displacement but it's an inevitability humans will always make things more efficient. The real question is how do we cause the least amount of harm in that transition.

I blame the guy because I've worked with similar people. It's trivial bullshit they sell. You invest, you return profit. Don't rope some crappy story around it.

On the real question. I'm still a firm believer of the Scandinavian model. One that protects all of its citizens while pushing development. No need for basic income. Just the basic security that each member of your society has at least
a safety net to fall back into. While maintaining a drive motor for your economical model. Whatever that may be for your country,
I blame the guy because I've worked with similar people. It's trivial bullshit they sell. You invest, you return profit. Don't rope some crappy story around it.

On the real question. I'm still a firm believer of the Scandinavian model. One that protects all of its citizens while pushing development. No need for basic income. Just the basic security that each member of your society has at least
a safety net to fall back into. While maintaining a drive motor for your economical model. Whatever that may be for your country,

I'm more along the lines of people vote with their dollars. I do agree that the tech industry is very detached from reality in terms of angel investors and useless projects etc, ie tech bubble.
I'm more along the lines of people vote with their dollars. I do agree that the tech industry is very detached from reality in terms of angel investors and useless projects etc, ie tech bubble.

Well the reality is that the Silicon Valley dream is already dieing. Tech bubble is over.