The Beige Protocol | INFJ Forum

The Beige Protocol


Community Member
Feb 12, 2014
Type 4



This client is enlivened by challenge, and creates goals and objectives that he or she then pursues with relentless drive, often believing with each new project that the recognition that he or she has been missing will somehow arrive once this goal has been achieved. Best method of entry is to offer a challenge to such an individual. Such a client is actively looking for an escape from personal issues and problems but the stress of this decision is causing an unstable and unaccostomed indecisiveness. Problems seem more and more insurmountable as the stress increases.


And a second one -



You are in a perpetual quest to find the new, the exciting. Emotionally volatile, you are known for sudden changes of opinion, of appreciation, and behavior. Following rules and established methods is difficult for you and the difficulties of higher education are usually quite daunting. Knowledge is best gained through an intimate association with the matter at hand. Usually driven by attitudes and desires of the group, you are talented in an established field of endeavor. Emotions come and go without a strong understanding of their causes. They are unexpected guests in an otherwise placid landscape. You live by your own codes of conduct, which can be noble or terrible depending on the individual. Authority is meaningless to you. You hate to be predictable, at all costs. Rarely verbally effusive, you can at times feel as if your feelings are too deep for words. You are very observant, but rarely express these observations to others.
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