Tell My Enneagram Type From My Avatar | INFJ Forum

Tell My Enneagram Type From My Avatar

enneagram 9,i don't know why but it looks like a very serene calm avatar to me.
4. She isn't openly showing what she's doing. All of those patterns and shiny things could all be symbolic and carry deep meaning that she personally chose. Also it appears she wants to be extroverted, but then quickly retreat instead of talking.

I'll go with 4w3.
Seems like you couldn't decide on just one creature, so you got twelve different ones in one avatar. Therefore, seven.
7w6, light, exotic, colorful, flashy. 2w3, glamour, inviting, indulging, and a dose of vanity, which suggests a 3 wing.
Oh this is a tough one. I don't know why, but I see 6 in it. Probably because of relating it to warhammer 40k. I'll have an icon up in a sec. Done.