Stephen Hawking INTP or INTJ?


Normal Weirdo :)
296 sx/so
***Cross posted from my blog cause I want discussion and this doesn't really fit in my blog!***

So I just watched The Theory of Everything, a movie about Stephen Hawking. I don't claim to understand everything he did or talked/wrote about, but I am quite enamored by him and his personality. It was quite sad to watch the ALS paralyze him, but such a beautiful mind cannot be held down by such a disability. While watching the movie, I consistently noted things that made me think he had to be INTP. A highly intelligent jokester personality is dear to me. As soon as I finished the movie, I began to research, and while I found arguments that he was indeed INTP, the majority claim he was INTJ. I still have the gut feeling because he just had an INTP feel but maybe I don't know enough... what do you all think? I haven't based my opinion entirely on the movie, I did quite alot of reading, but I still cannot put my finger on why I think was INTP.

Edit: Also, the same "type toss-up" has been argued about John Nash and I love him too. A Beautiful Mind is one of my favorite movies of all time and has been since it came out. But his mental illness made it hard for us to type. Still, I guess I am just attracted to those types of people, lol. Extremely brainy intuitives who conquer and rise above everything life throws at them with humor. <3

My tutor was INTP and I immediately connected with her. :) I am very sad she's no longer a tutor. <3
If you like the background, I recommend reading this book of him:
It's a good book about his life from a personal point of view. He lived very long for someone with his illness, impressive person.

On the mbti type, I'd say INTP.
Yes I thought about acquiring that book. :) I'm just worried I won't be able to understand it without a dictionary haha, even though he tried to make it less intimidating for your average reader... it's still Hawking!
No worries, from what I recall he barely talks about physics in this book, it's really him describing his life.
No worries, from what I recall he barely talks about physics in this book, it's really him describing his life.
Yay! :) I might have to move it ahead on my book list, which mainly consists of nursing related fiction or paranormal romance haha.
The consensus seems to be INTJ but I could see a case being made for INTP.
I can't help but feel a bit drawn to the idea of him being ISTJ though. I get more that kind of vibe from him, personally.
The consensus seems to be INTJ but I could see a case being made for INTP.
I can't help but feel a bit drawn to the idea of him being ISTJ though. I get more that kind of vibe from him, personally.
I've seen arguments for ESFJ... ha, but I still think INTP. :)
Hard to tell, most academics may suffer from stunted personality development.
He is also in the category of mathematical physics knee deep in equations they use as training wheel to dabble in philosophy.

Now I realised the above link and example isn't the greatest, but there is this thing about those with a physics background that are trained in methods, don't actually know the difference between ontology and epistemology and why this is important and relevant for the scientific method. While at the same time complaining about odd ball academic philosophers nobody else listens to. Which is pretty much the same way it works in physics, nobody truly cares much about string theory and many other things among those that work on experiments and actually do physics other than looking at data and equations. Most people in physics think they are doing doing philosophy when they propose notions and ideas, and that it's more scientific for applying maths to the notions. Chances are they don't know the difference between logical positivism and empiricism and when it applies as a school of thought and when it is relevant for work they are doing, because outside of an academic school of thought, there is insight to be gained that can be useful for ontology and epistemology they know nothing about.

As a rule, no media figure scientist stand out in one way or the other, quite the contrary.

There is however a fairly descent INTJ example in Richard Feynman.

Bonus, the arist and painter feynman exchange physics lesson with to learn to draw.

Feynman used what he learned to draw strippers in a strip club, he also testified on their behalf in a court case.
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@Ifur But do you think Stephen Hawking is INTJ too?

I know very little about ontology and epistemology but I *think* ontology refers to the subject whereas epistemology refers to how we learn about or take in information about the subject? Forgive me if I am wrong, lol.

But I think I can see what you mean and how this ties into typing physicists because for one, their study on how to research has been learned and therefore not a part of their core personality?

I'm just trying to figure out how to tie it in to the subject. But it was a fascinating thing to read from what I understood. Haven't had time to watch the videos, yet though.

Edit: I LOVE the first video, and wow Feynman is right. The fact that something so simple as a flower can be seen as beautiful in two completely different ways but equally as beautiful... so amazing!

The second video... Meh... I wish he would have used a different example because it feels a bit like he just wanted to talk about boobs, lol. But i'm not saying that's true I can see what he means. But still a bit off.
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Now that I have read this article, I am a little less sure. I really liked this article!!! Not sure about the credibility of personality hacker because I've read so many and can't remember which ones are whack, but this one seems legit as far as I can tell. The funcions are so interesting!

Intp for sure
