Sleep Cycle Resetting



Not eating for 12-16 hours can help people quickly reset their sleep-wake cycle, according to a study from the Harvard Medical School. This discovery can drastically improve a person's ability to cope with jet lag or adjust to working late shifts.

Scientists have long known that our circadian rhythm is regulated by our exposure to light. Now they have found a second "food clock" that takes over when we are hungry. This mechanism probably evolved to make sure starving mammals don't go to sleep when they should be foraging for food.

The lead researcher Clifford Saper explains:
The neat thing about this second clock is that it can override the main clock...and you should just flip into that new time zone in one day.
It usually takes people a week to fully adjust to a new time zone or sleeping schedule. To think that this new "food clock" hack can help you change your internal clock in one day is mind boggling.

How Do You Use This Trick?

Simply stop eating during the 12-16 hour period before you want to be awake. Once you start eating again, your internal clock will be reset as though it is the start of a new day. Your body will consider the time you break your fast as your new "morning."

For example, if you want to start waking up at 2:00 am, you should start fasting between 10:00 am or 2:00 pm the previous day, and don't break your fast until you wake up at 2:00 am. Make sure you eat a nice healthy meal to jumpstart your system.

Another example: If you are traveling from Los Angeles to Tokyo, figure out when breakfast is served in Tokyo, and don't eat for the 12-16 hours before Tokyo's breakfast time.
I'm so fucking hungry. I haven't eaten in 10 freaking hours... And I usually eat frequently. I have been fantasizing about food since the 6 hour mark.
Well.... the feeding frenzy is jaw's a little sore from the manic chewing... went for a digestive power walk.... ARGH... I feel...... weird..... like..... less of a little bitch than usual... more animalistic.... weird.....
This will be so useful to my life if it works Wayner.
Wait, what if you don't eat that often normally?

Why didn't they factor this variable in?
Stop eating? Ha.

If I woke up at 6 AM and I wanted to be waking up at 6 PM I'd just stay awake for 24-28 hours or so before sleeping.

edit: Now that I think about it though I didn't usually eat [much] during the last 8-10 hour stretch..
It works. Not perfectly, but it is rather effective. Your energy level gets jacked up like crazy at around the time of day when you've set up your biological clock as your morning too. Nice little side effect. And there's no "crash".
If I woke up at 6 AM and I wanted to be waking up at 6 PM I'd just stay awake for 24-28 hours or so before sleeping.

This exactly ^

I flip my sleep cycle once every few weeks if left to my own devices. I generally stay awake 20 hours and sleep 6. (Sometimes 18 and sleep 8, other times 14 and sleep 12, etc.) My mind won't voluntarily shut off. Ever. I have to trick it into falling alseep by letting my Ni run for a few hours before I can fall asleep. But, I have to turn off my Fe in the process. If I'm emotionally invested, I'm awake. My body will only accept a 24 hour schedule if I'm going to sleep around dawn (which allows me to have Fe free Ni time in the midnight-morning hours), so I've had to adapt by learning how to stay awake for 48-72 hours at a time.

Short answer, just stay awake.