Seeking roommate, and brand new life


Community Member
I need a new life and a new cast of characters. I'm constantly told that I have a saint's patience, but it's rapidly running out. Is it just remotely possible that there's a place on this Earth that I can . . .

- not get my throat ripped out for there being a leaf on the floor? (It's autumn, and it's windy. Pick it up your damn self.)
- not have to apologize for being a male? (I know your ex-boyfriend was a dick, and I've already apologized profusely for whatever you did to him . . . oops, I mean, whatever he did to you.)
- occasionally work, or speak, without interruptions?
- avoid a barrage of remarks saying how lazy I am (not)?
- wish for fewer negative people in my life without necessarily becoming one of them?
- hear the words "thank you" without an exclamation mark?

Every trace of who I am and who I want to be is dying, the longer I stay here. If you can provide me with this world, I will move in tomorrow, provided you have an automatic dishwasher. No two civilized people can make things work without a dishwasher.
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I feel eerily similiar in regards to the condition of these things called 'friend-ships' I have.
Hey, I'm wanting to start an organic farm commune with brand new faces, dig it?
You could drop pianos off the roof and I'd be in. Say, are they called friend-ships because someone actually has to be sailing the boat while I'm fishing?

I could invoke other rules that have nothing to do with my life experience: no free-basing, no staring, no public sex, but I'm not a prude. I believe in rules on an as-needed basis.
Well, your take is creative.
Yes. The friend-ship is setting sail.

I set no rules. I toil o'er the land and I have to stare at the moon and occasionally sing songs around a campfire with leaping dogs. That's it.
Lol, thank you. It's just Sensors, and Judgers, at the moment. Any extreme personality type, even the NFs will get my goat if they refuse to see the other side for long enough.
If at all possible, get your own place, no matter how small. Also you could join a meditation group, just to be around other people who appreciate peace. There's no way you should put up with that treatment any longer.
Hey, I'm wanting to start an organic farm commune with brand new faces, dig it?


I'm thinking the same thing.

If we could get enough people committed... imagine the power!

It's like, freedom.

We could all live in portland oregon for a few months, pool our resources, then move out to the country!
i would too^ but i don't like the singing part... i've had my share of that through karaoke.
I don't have an automatic dishwasher!

I actually don't mind doing the dishes. Given that I can play VERY loud music while I am doing them. :P

I'm thinking the same thing.

If we could get enough people committed... imagine the power!

It's like, freedom.

We could all live in portland oregon for a few months, pool our resources, then move out to the country!
It's pretty much my dream in life.
How I yearn for the west..
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I'm thinking the same thing.

If we could get enough people committed... imagine the power!

It's like, freedom.

We could all live in portland oregon for a few months, pool our resources, then move out to the country!

That sounds freakin awesome, lol
ooh a communtiy only for INFJ's Imagine the possibilities! :m058:
I wonder if INFJ's would make good roommates with each other??? I suppose as long as SLANT wasn't on site exploiting our hugs we would be OK, LOL.

We need some non INFJ for spice!
ooh a communtiy only for INFJ's Imagine the possibilities! :m058:

I don't think we would get anything

And flux I know all too well how you feel. I live with two really immature SJ's and my god. I just wanna beat some face in.

All I can say is either find a new roommate or get a studio.

If I could seriously afford a studio I would.

I'm so sick of my other roommates thinking they run this house and that me and our forth roommate have nothing to say.

I'm sick and way past done with it.

And I swear they leave lights on for no reason. I mean like they will leave a room and leave the light on like all day.

Oh and don't even get me started on the inability to think or do anything with out something breaking my concentration me.

Its like they don't understand who they are. They just can't get it through there heads that OMG they might not be good roommates.

I've come to the conclusion that its better if possible to live by ones self. For an introvert space is just too precocious and to hard to find. Your home is your sanctuary and its hard to have that with a ton of roommates.

I think for most extroverts a home is simply a place to stay and to entertain at.

We need a place to hide from the world for periods of time. I truly think that if you have your own place and your space you will be more at ease.

I've found this to be true when I'm not around people all the time. I 'm far more mellow and at center.
I don't like people interrupting my concentration, but I would take that over living alone any day.

I get too depressed by myself.
I don't think we would get anything

And flux I know all too well how you feel. I live with two really immature SJ's and my god. I just wanna beat some face in.

All I can say is either find a new roommate or get a studio.

If I could seriously afford a studio I would.

I'm so sick of my other roommates thinking they run this house and that me and our forth roommate have nothing to say.

I'm sick and way past done with it.

And I swear they leave lights on for no reason. I mean like they will leave a room and leave the light on like all day.

Oh and don't even get me started on the inability to think or do anything with out something breaking my concentration me.

Its like they don't understand who they are. They just can't get it through there heads that OMG they might not be good roommates.

I've come to the conclusion that its better if possible to live by ones self. For an introvert space is just too precocious and to hard to find. Your home is your sanctuary and its hard to have that with a ton of roommates.

I think for most extroverts a home is simply a place to stay and to entertain at.

We need a place to hide from the world for periods of time. I truly think that if you have your own place and your space you will be more at ease.

I've found this to be true when I'm not around people all the time. I 'm far more mellow and at center.

Oh...I know...
blind bandit i think the cause of my burn out during college was exactly that ...

even when you have your own room, you feel like it's not really yours.