Public vs Private education


Regular Poster
Not sure if this belongs here...but whatever,

What is your opinion on the issue of public and private schools?
Should governments fund private (independant) schools?
Should governments fun religious schools?
What kind of school did you attend?
Where would you send your kids?

Anything else I've missed...?
What is your opinion on the issue of public and private schools?
Private schools can exist. It is capitalism after all.

Should governments fund private (independant) schools?
No, private schools are usually for the rich and more privaledged.

Should governments fun religious schools?
Again, no. Religious schools are another privaledge.

What kind of school did you attend?
A well-off public school.

Where would you send your kids?
Depends on my monetary state when I have kids. I would probably put my kids in a private school.
What is your opinion on the issue of public and private schools?
I'd like to know which "Issue" you are talking about, there are a few. I dislike schools with an agenda other than education, regardless of what it is. There are some private schools that have only Education as a purpose, and ignores religion, nationalistic loyalty and other things, just as there are public schools in some areas that have agendas like teaching Christianity -

Should governments fund private (independant) schools?
No. Governments should only fund government projects. We live in a capitalistic society, it will survive or fail on its own merits.

Should governments fun religious schools?
No. Governments should only fund government projects. We live in a capitalistic society, it will survive or fail on its own merits.

What kind of school did you attend?
Primary school = State School
Toowong SHS = State School
The Gap SHS = State School
The Cathederal College = Catholic Private High School
Chanel College = Catholic Private High School

Where would you send your kids?
Either my own private school that I want to set up, or I'd get Private Tutors such as in the movie Jack with Robin Williams. He (adoptive child, a girl would be too hard), would have a social life outside of education.
I suppose I should answer my own questions?

I should also clarify the ‘issue’ is whether there should be two different kinds of schools, or should all schools be public?

What is your opinion on the issue of public and private schools?

I think that they are both equally valid. Education is important, as is free choice. Education should not be a monopoly.

Should governments fund private (independent) schools?

Yes and no.
Public schools do not receive adequate funding. In true Australian style most people want to rob from the rich to give to the poor. However not all parents who send their kids to private schools are rich. The argument is about federal funding to private schools. Currently private schools receive more federal funds per child than public schools. This seems grossly unfair. At the same time state governments give almost three times as much funding per child to those in public schools. Overall a student at a public school receives more government based funding for their education than a private school student, private school parents supplement this though fees. This is fair; if parents want to select a private school they should be able to do so if they are willing to fund it. In return they expect a higher quality of education and perhaps more variety and opportunities for their children. Or perhaps they want their kids to mix with rich folk? In any case the argument that the federal government should be ‘equitable’ and give less money to private schools is logically flawed. If the governments were to be equitable each child, regardless of the school, would receive the same amount of funding. This would destroy the public system. The existence of private schools is not to blame from the flaws in the public system.

Should governments fund religious schools?

No. I do not support the state funding any form of religious education. If parents wish to pay more to indoctrinate their kids fine, but they should get no more funding than any other school child.

What kind of school did you attend?

St Michael’s -Catholic co-ed primary school
Our Lady of Mercy College — Catholic Girls High School (for 6 months)
The Hills Grammar School - Private non-denominational non-sectarian co-educational high school (partial scholarship)

Many of the kids at my high school were filthy rich. If your parents didn’t drive a Jaguar, Mustang or Rolls Royce you were not part of the ‘in crowd’. They were also spoiled brats with no sense of humanity. Money and fame don’t stop you being a bitch. Others were very decent people whose parent’s valued education and sacrificed to get their kids the best they could afford. Others still were only there on academic or music scholarships. You get your share of arseholes in every school. I valued my high school for the variety of people I got to meet from different countries and backgrounds as well as the learning opportunities, they ran a class in year 12 just for me.

Where would you send your kids?
I’d probably send them to a private school like the one I went to. I think they’d get a better education there, meet different people and get different ideas. They’d have the chance to learn to be tolerant and independent thinkers.
It seems as though you are just toeing the last governments line on that. Why should a private school, which is not run by the government receive government funds? If they are truly private then they should receive only private funds.
I do not toe lines! Especially not Liberal Party ones!
(I continue to waste my vote on minor parties and independents)

Why should any student receive less funding because of the school they go to?
It'd be fairer to means test funding, because plenty of wealthy parents send their kids to public schools on the public purse. Besides, lifes unfair anyway.

I admit I'm biased in favour of private schools coz I went to one.

Then again, if you have private health insurance you still pay the medicare levy.


hmmm... I think I just changed my mind.
I have to admit your argument is sound.
Private schools should get no government funding, they should be entirely independent.

I never thought I'd actually think that!
See, the student doesn't receive a worse education because he's going to a private school that's not receiving government funds... If he's going to a private school that is not receiving government funds and his education is failing because of that, then he is really receiving a bad education because of his parents choice.