public speaking or speech difficulties in media | INFJ Forum

public speaking or speech difficulties in media


Sep 5, 2009
I'm doing some research for a research paper proposal on public speaking and handling speech difficulties themes in media especially mainstream films. I'm interested in gathering some feedback about public speaking themes in film and refining my research questions. So, . . .

Have you watched any films whose focus is preparing for a speech, debate, or public speaking such as The Great Debaters (2007) and The King's Speech (2010)? Which ones? What did you think about them?

In your opinion, what were the key messages about preparing or giving a speech in these films?

Did any particular film have an impact or effect on your view of public speaking or speech writing?

Did watching films or media focusing on the difficulties of speaking and overcoming those fears or nervousness with speaking make you feel less anxious or nervous and more confident at the thought of giving a speech?

In any of these films, were there any clear or specific messages about the importance of public speaking or communication skills to being or becoming a good and effective public figure or political leader? If so, what were these messages?
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Have you watched any films whose focus is preparing for a speech, debate, or public speaking such as The Great Debaters (2007) and The King's Speech (2010)? Which ones? What did you think about them?

Off hand I can think of two, The King's Speech and Warm Springs. I thought they were both powerful and inspiring.

In your opinion, what were the key messages about preparing or giving a speech in these films?

Both men were political leaders and both men struggled with a disability.

Did any particular film have an impact or effect on your view of public speaking or speech writing?

Both of these men struggled with self image issues as a result of a disability and both men overcame the stereotype that leaders of people have to be "abled".

Did watching films or media focusing on the difficulties of speaking and overcoming those fears or nervousness with speaking make you feel less anxious or nervous and more confident at the thought of giving a speech?

I would have to say yes. Both of these men exemplified a phenomenal degree of hard work, willpower, and determination, and both of these men had a great deal of support.

In any of these films, were there any clear or specific messages about the importance of public speaking or communication skills to being or becoming a good and effective leader?

The two examples I gave involve leaders whose position required public speaking. However, it is possible to lead without having to speak publicly. For example, writers, film makers, etc., yield a great deal of power through their work as opposed to political leaders who use public speaking as a means to rally, motivate, and inspire people.

Great leaders have overcome great obstacles more often then we realize.

Good luck with your proposal [MENTION=1669]Cedar[/MENTION]
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Have you watched any films whose focus is preparing for a speech, debate, or public speaking such as The Great Debaters (2007) and The King's Speech (2010)? Which ones? What did you think about them?

I've seen The Great Debaters. It was a good film from what I recall.

In your opinion, what were the key messages about preparing or giving a speech in these films?

Know your shit. If you know your shit, you're confident. If you're confident, you can wing it and deliver more dynamic talks and speeches.

Did any particular film have an impact or effect on your view of public speaking or speech writing?

I used to watch historical films of world leaders speaking in public. Guys like Hitler and Castro. The passion in their speech was of particular importance because you can know much about the subject but if there isn't some hint of passion on your part you're going to bore the audience.

Did watching films or media focusing on the difficulties of speaking and overcoming those fears or nervousness with speaking make you feel less anxious or nervous and more confident at the thought of giving a speech?

I suppose, but it wasn't a conscious effort. Perhaps through osmosis.

In any of these films, were there any clear or specific messages about the importance of public speaking or communication skills to being or becoming a good and effective leader?

Naturally. If you lead people you need to be able to rally them.
Revised the last question in the OP to clarify meaning. :) Thanks for the responses. Very helpful.