Pros and cons of introverts dating other introverts | INFJ Forum

Pros and cons of introverts dating other introverts


Sep 5, 2009
What are the pros and cons of introverts dating other introverts based on experience or observation? Does it work well in the long term? What kinds of obstacles can affect this pairing?

They might not even ever meet each other or make the first move, because they're both introverts.

There could be a lot of twiddling thumbs, covert glances, and dancing around each other before anything is accomplished. :p

And once you get to talking, both might be more inclined to listen than to initiate or engage, so there could be a lot of:


Not speaking from experience, or anything... >.>
Could lead to an imbalance of not talking/communicating thoroughly enough, but I think this is more of a maturity issue than introversion/extraversion; it just seems a lot of introverted types don't communicate concerns enough sometimes.

I think it could work out well if the personalities are compatible in other areas, such as interests. The need to socialize can be fulfilled through each other and having guests over/going out - and both would understand and respect the need for "recharge" time.
I'm currently in an Introvert/introvert relationship, and I disagree with the comments above concerning lack of communication or lack or conversation. In fact, my fiance' and I have the same socialization style since we are both inteoverts, and it's been a big plus for us.

I think it could work out well if the personalities are compatible in other areas, such as interests. The need to socialize can be fulfilled through each other and having guests over/going out - and both would understand and respect the need for "recharge" time.
However, I do fully agree with this statement. I can't stress enough how imortant it is for two introverts in a relationship to have at least one common interest, and honestly I recommend at least 3 since I've had so much success that way. However, if an Introvert/Introvert pair had nothing in common then I could see the lack of communication unfolding ad mentioned by others.
Hmmmm....I dont think it would work well for myself to date someone interested in staying home more often than not perhaps fueled by being an introvert. Though I myself am an introvert I like to be out and about when I can. Just avoiding people the whole time.:) So I think the level and type of introverts come into play a bit.
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I'm conflicted a little. I can see the potential for greater understanding and acceptance when dating other introverts, but in terms of activity, I think we'd make it too easy to give in the introversion, and not really putting as much effort into engaging each other. It would be too easy to be complacent. I already see that with other introverted friends. I had to be the extroverted friend or partner, and it was tiring. One introverted partner didn't want to initiate anything, it encouraged passivity and inactivity.
In my case, I feel pressure to initiate conversation with my partner and others who engage us or our company. I also feel I have to be decisive, confrontational, investigative and a mind reader. I heartily agree that common interests breed harmony and I suspect much of my perceived differences are due to cognitive functions. However, I definitely have to be the extrovert in our pairing, which is not a role I relish.
On the other hand, I like the quiet. :)
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I'm a moderate introvert and have always tested as such yet I'm frequently mistaken as an extrovert. I'm very selective with who I try to engage with but once I've decided to engage a person and get to know them, I'm all in. I'm only ever at a loss for things to talk about when the person I'm speaking with clearly has no clue to what I'm talking about. Then my words disappear mostly due to my losing interest and/or my avoiding the emotional dissonance from their not getting me.

I'd love to date another introvert, but only if they were willing to commit to engagement. For me, connecting with my inti-mate requires give and take and is always extremely important.