Post your mood in music format

“Oh classic gentleman..."
“You swim in idle waters, and drink other fishes piss.”
“Do you still feel thirsty now?"

"All we ever wanted was everything
all we ever got was cold
get up, eat jelly
sandwich bars, and barbed wire
squash every week into a day."​
Killin Darth Vader with my mother fuckin kick drum!
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What a tune! Smooch away...

One path
One goal
One motive
One direction
One feeling
Of flesh and blood
One collective

The one who waits with prudence
Will be rewarded at the right time
Now the waiting has ended
Lend your ear to a legend
Who needs drugs when you can listen to the Stooges? Am I right @Asa? This is how I feel right now. Look out.

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