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People are getting dumber

I think that the ruling class do work to keep people deliberately un-informed

So do the ruling class just never use tap water, toothpaste, or vaccines?
I expected this to be a muir thread.
So do the ruling class just never use tap water, toothpaste, or vaccines?

Not if they know the agenda. I don't use those products when they have flouride either. There's no flouride in the water where i live and i buy flouride free toothpaste. i also will not be taking any shots
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..... yeah. I mean, if a Eurocentric and heavily cis-sexist curriculum and "home ec" is an all female class where you're taught how to be a homemaker is a "Golden Age" than, yeah, I see it.

But seriously, this is just bad science. As Jones said, it's a hypothesis with no evidence or proof, like saying women like pink because of berries in the forest.
Everyone knows that women like pink because men associate women and the colour pink with sex.
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Yes they're lying because government and its sub departments form a nexus with big business such as big pharma

A former head of the CDC can be seen in the clip below admitting that combined MMR vaccines can cause autism like symptoms in children with underlying mitochondrial disorders which is tantamount to a confession that there is a link between vaccines and autism, yet she side steps this issue

It says at the end of the clip that when she left the CDC she was given a job with Merck Pharamceuticals, which is the company that produces the MMR vaccine. This is a good example of the revolving door that exists between government and big business

the table on the FDA site says that the vaccines do not contain thimerosal. can't someone do a test to see if this is true or not?
the table on the FDA site says that the vaccines do not contain thimerosal. can't someone do a test to see if this is true or not?

Thimerosal is only part of the story

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FDA covered up an HIV infected product for children made by Bayer:

Whats in vaccines:

A fear mongering advert campaign in the 1970's which encouraged thousands to get a swine flu jab in the 1970's. the campaign was halted when it became public that the vaccine was killing more people than the flu:

Doctor informed his employers that there were risks with the 1970's swine flu vaccination but they ignored his warnings:

Vaccination testimonies:

People estimate that when Jesus was alive roughly 50% of people died before the age of 5 and 60% died before the age of 16. This means about half of all people are getting murked before they reach reproduction age. So yes, we were definitely evolving quicker back then. That doesn't mean we were smarter though. The most simple explanation for us not being challenged enough today is because we are way smarter than we used to be, therefor life is easier.

The industrial age is fascinating though because all the perceived benefits of it become detriments if the system breaks. So when vaccines and antibiotics are no longer available we face super bugs, when agriculture is no longer able to be shipped we lack the ability to grow our own food, and when social media/internet/transportation breaks down we have a weaker social structure in our immediate real life circle.

I don't believe in evolving backwards, in nature there is no such thing. I've heard people say "all the dumbasses are making babies now". Sure impulsiveness will improve your chances of reproducing but all that means is impulsiveness is the dominant trait and the smarter trait from mother natures point of view.

Or maybe we aren't more or less smarter, maybe we are just differently smart. That's also a possibility.

I don't think we are necessarily evolving just because we live longer. We are allowing the weaker ones the chance to reproduce. It can be said we are changing though.
I don't think we are necessarily evolving just because we live longer. We are allowing the weaker ones the chance to reproduce. It can be said we are changing though.

I never said we were evolving just because we are living longer. I said we evolved and got smarter in the past, so that has given us the ability to live longer/better in the present.

*And that we evolved in a "positive" direction quicker in the past because fewer of us were surviving until reproductive age.
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