Overcritical or Instructive? | INFJ Forum

Overcritical or Instructive?

Sep 21, 2012
Hello All,

As my children are getting older I see that they are overcritical of one another. My 3 children are 2 years apart in age, so they are also all going through big changes in their lives (teenager and 2 pre-teens). As I listen and observe their behavior, I see that they just nit pick about every little thing and won't let up. They actually appear disgusted by one another many times.

As I get discouraged by these displays of negativity that plays over at school, I cannot help but feel at blame. Growing up, I learned to adapt to fit in, and to make home life as easy as possible. I wanted to instill the things I learned to my kids. In raising my children, I see that I have been more critical than anything else. My motive was only to help them, but I cannot help but wonder if the effect has been more negative than positive based on how hypercritical they are now.

Do you know of any resources that could help me change this environment? I want to educate myself so I know which battles to pick and which to let go in order to help my children chill out.

fwiw, I am not limiting solicitation to advice from only parents. Maybe you were raised or worked with overcritical people and would like to share experience and/or advice. Please share -- I welcome it.