Obama's Islamic full circle of denial and retreat | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Obama's Islamic full circle of denial and retreat

Retreat from the Middle East would be a good thing. Let them fight themselves to death. Let them continue in their antiquated ways. Maybe instead of trying to engage them (and overthrow their democratically elected leaders by way of the CIA for the benefit of multinational corporations), we should just leave them be, or follow the same policies we followed with the Soviets - isolation and containment.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the European Union forced Russia to modernize to a great extent or not benefit from trade and such. In the 1970s (and to a greater extent in the 1980s) the United States did the same to China. It paid off for Russia and it has paid off for China. Granted, in those cases, you've got the oligarchs replacing the nomenklatura, and Party seniors replacing... equal poverty... but it's better than nothing.

Suffocate the Middle East long enough - including Israel, until they stop their barbarism against lands that don't belong to them - and they may very well come to their senses. If they don't, we can expect them to wipe one another out bit by bit, and hey, we still get all the oil! It's win-win!

Oh, of course Russia will try to be buddy-buddy with the Middle Eastern nations, but we'll see how well that works for them.

A coalition of containment seems like a good idea.
I resent the misuse of Hegelian dialectics.

The sons of various banking and business dynasties learned about dialectics from Hegelians at the university of Berlin in the 19th century. These monied interests see history as a clash of opposites (thesis and antithesis) and from the tension something new emerges (synthesis).

In this case we have dialectical capitalism where people on the 'left' debate with people on the 'right' and what the power elite want to see emerge from this is a centralised world state controlled by the corporatocracy. For example you can see Dennis Kucinich on youtube talking about how the American eagle has 2 wings (ie the political left and right/republican and democrat) and he argues that for the country to function properly it needs the two to balance each other out

But the power elite do not want the two to balance out so much as to merge into something different

The current two party system is a sham as the power elite effectively control both parties but the end game is to do away with the illusion of democracy altogether and just have a centrally controlled state. They see democracy as dead already

The power elite will sometimes fund and support seemingly contradictory groups and causes because they want a synthesis to emerge from the process