Needing Support | INFJ Forum

Needing Support


Dec 28, 2016
Hello all. I have been studying MBTI for a few years, now and I'm still learning about it. There's been a lot of information I've come across, so I decided to read Carl Jung's book. After reading his book, I came to the conclusion that I was an INFJ. However, I went back to looking at what everyone else was saying about how INFJs should be, so I began to think I was an INFP and so forth. (The cycle continued.) However, I am back at the conclusion that I am an INFJ after Typology Central members typed me due to a questionnaire/random 'Type Me' post that I posted.

The first time, I came to the conclusion I was an INFJ, I decided to hide it for awhile and claim to be an INFP because there are so many judgmental people out there who assume that everyone is "trying" to be an INFJ or that they simply "want" to be the rarest type. However, I am just simply trying to discover who I am through typology and understand others, better. I came to the conclusion that I'm an INFJ but I want to keep it a secret because I'm so changeable but also because I don't want to go through the same targeted scrutiny that most people go through when they publicly claim to be an INFJ. Yet, I feel incredibly fake walking around, letting everyone think I still think I'm an INFP. I've also changed so much that I am ashamed of going back. Yet, I love talking about "Type" to others, especially on Twitter.. So, now I feel lost. I also feel like a friend of mine doesn't want me to be INFJ like her, so she is now saying things like, "If you are really an INFJ you wouldn't care if my Ti was critical to you." - As if I'm trying to seek out to be an INFJ. I've given a lot of personality types chances: ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP, INFJ, INTJ, ISFP, and ENTP.

I tried to take online tests to see what the common denominators were and the results were:
Ni 76% - INFJ or INTJ (Celebrity Types)
Ni 90% INTJ - (Similar Minds)
Se 36% . Ni/Fi 34% ISFP (Keys2Cognition)
ENFJ (Quotetv)

I don't lean on online tests but I did that so I could see what functions keep showing up. The common was are Ni and Se.

I came here to vent because I didn't know where else to go...
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You are definitely INFJ, because you ask and seek answers all the time with your heart and their is some others reason but it will take too long to write it.

But it doesn't mean you are pure INFJ. Everyone's personality may change depending to their mood, what they trying to do, etc. My I and J is always %100 no matter what but my S, N, T and F is usually %50 or some function may take lead and increase to %55. I can be INTJ or ISTJ when I need pure logic like when I program something. When I think humans and their problems I became INFJ again but if I wanna destroy someone I can be INTJ. You should accept that you are not always INFJ. If someone ask me about it I answer them: "I'm usualy INFJ but I can be ISTJ and INTJ, when I'm in really good mood I can be even ENTJ." So... nothing is wrong or fake about being INFJ. If you are INFJ then you are INFJ. If someone think you are fake, so what? You are you, not because others say so, you are you because you are that kind of person. Don't forget that.

There is some sensitive INFJ who can't control their feeling. That kinda INFJ may do things because others say so. And there is other kind of INFJ who can consider what others say, they may do things because others say so but they can usually control their feeling if they are in good mood and they can do what they want no matter what. You are sensitive right now.

Your friend is wrong. Because you are mainly a F user, you can't stand critical comments. That's why of course you will care what your friend is saying. Either your friend ain't INFJ or your friend using her shadow function (dark side of INFJ). When INFJ in bad mood they can be ESTP for an example.

Don't try to overthink too much. Just accept who you are and carry on. Keep your spirit up and don't let others drag you down.
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Personality is extraordinarily complex. MBTI is not a bible. It is also NOT your identity. You are you. Making a particular decision about a certain situation doesn't make you an entirely different type based on common behaviors of whichever type you perceive the action to be exclusive to.

No two types can or will be identical, at all... the test is an assessment of your internal psych processes. That's it. Of course, INFJ types all share very, VERY similar psychological processes triggered within the mind, as do any other pair of types. As before, MBTI is not to be used as a means of identity. I've taken the test once, a few years ago, but I know that my internal processes have always been this way, and will not change, because my habits and behavioral patterns now are consistent with those of when I was very young.

The only thing within our control is how we react to certain stimuli. You can, over time, replace negative habits with ones more suited to overcome your internal processes, by changing how you handle a given situation. Those internal processes will not change, but you can manipulate your thoughts - it's all a matter of how well you know yourself and how much you desire to overcome yourself. At this point I feel like I'm beating a dead horse, so I sincerely do hope my point has been made.
Enneagram test more closer to identify personality than MBTI actually. Because MBTI is more like a test about what you are choosing to do (that's how your consciousness work). Enneagram test is more like how your brain work (that's how your subconscious work).