NCIS tv show | INFJ Forum

NCIS tv show


Sep 5, 2009
Does anyone else watch this show?

I've been watching it in reruns, but I haven't seen the new episodes of the last few years except the most recent episode.

These people are amazing. I am awed by the talent or brilliance of the people on this team, especially Ziva and Tony. They have very different strengths.

Tony's social smarts and wit (ENFP?), and Ziva's (ISTJ?) sharp insults, physical and logistic skills, her toughness, is pretty awesome. Abby's personality (INFP?), and McGee (INTP?) computer hacking skills.

And of course, i have and will always have a mini crush on Mark Harmon - Gibbs (INFJ or INTJ?)
Does anyone else watch this show?

I've been watching it in reruns, but I haven't seen the new episodes of the last few years except the most recent episode.

These people are amazing. I am awed by the talent or brilliance of the people on this team, especially Ziva and Tony. They have very different strengths.

Tony's social smarts and wit (ENFP?), and Ziva's (ISTJ?) sharp insults, physical and logistic skills, her toughness, is pretty awesome. Abby's personality (INFP?), and McGee (INTP?) computer hacking skills.

And of course, i have and will always have a mini crush on Mark Harmon - Gibbs (INFJ or INTJ?)

One of my favorites as well. Mark Harmon = INFJ
I wish I could find reruns of West Wing
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One of my favorites as well. Mark Harmon = INFJ
I wish I could find reruns of West Wing

Yeah, I only watched a few episodes of West Wing in reruns, so I never had the chance to follow the show from beginning to end. Maybe, one day I will.
Yeah, I only watched a few episodes of West Wing in reruns, so I never had the chance to follow the show from beginning to end. Maybe, one day I will.

West Wing had terrific writers roughly the same caliber as NCIS. West Wing was more cerebral, but both shows have wonderful character interaction.
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