National Issues the New President Needs to Address

Flavus Aquila

Finding My Place in the Sun
This is NOT a thread about Trump's character, abilities, or policies, but about US national issues (or international issues) you think he needs to address.


* Urban poverty: he needs to focus on moving people out of welfare dependence by addressing cultural issues of anti-ambition prejudice, drug use/availability, realistic wages, and skill accumulation. (I think the most difficult aspect will be changing the subculture... because it is impossible to help people, if they are unwilling to be different to their peers).

* National debt: it is not productive debt and is holding back infrastructure investment.

(Plus more).
My Many many issues. None however that I have heard no President talk about though, division.

Someone needs to take very real effort to address the division in the country. If they don't, if no progress is made and it just keeps getting worse, we will likely end up in a full blown civil war.

When news agencies lie, they need to be held accountable. I believe they are the ones driving the divisiveness to sell tickets to their show.
My Many many issues. None however that I have heard no President talk about though, division.

Someone needs to take very real effort to address the division in the country. If they don't, if no progress is made and it just keeps getting worse, we will likely end up in a full blown civil war.

When news agencies lie, they need to be held accountable. I believe they are the ones driving the divisiveness to sell tickets to their show.
Division of the electorate is in part the implicit goal of election campaigning... corralling voters firmly into one side and not another.

One of the small things I have noticed, which can overcome division is constructive bipartisan collaboration on the most fundamental problems and goals of a nation.

Implicitly, I hoped that this thread may call forward the goals that everyone can agree on, and which any party in government can address.

While Americans may not share an affinity with leaders, nor for the process of governing adopted by different parties, you do all share a common fate.
I want to see something positive for healthcare-- a system that works for every citizen regardless of age, ability to pay, and preexisting conditions. This is number one for me. And it better not be a MFing high deductible plan with an HSA!
Division of the electorate is in part the implicit goal of election campaigning... corralling voters firmly into one side and not another.

One of the small things I have noticed, which can overcome division is constructive bipartisan collaboration on the most fundamental problems and goals of a nation.

Implicitly, I hoped that this thread may call forward the goals that everyone can agree on, and which any party in government can address.

While Americans may not share an affinity with leaders, nor for the process of governing adopted by different parties, you do all share a common fate.

Well that's the problem isn't It? Most feel we don't share a common fate. Those who don't contribute or perform feel that those who do will always have the best of what's available. So their only choice is to steal from those people to have what they have.
Well that's the problem isn't It? Most feel we don't share a common fate. Those who don't contribute or perform feel that those who do will always have the best of what's available. So their only choice is to steal from those people to have what they have.
There is a strange parallel between success and crime:

Those who have ambition fear failure.
Those who have envy fear being caught.

I don't know how a subculture of envy is transformed into a culture of ambition... but I suspect protecting people from serious failure by making the steps to self-sufficiency incremental may begin to help.
At the moment...

--Figuring out a way to conduct foreign policy more responsibly. Even under the Obama administration a lot of BS happened in Libya and Iraq, the stuff in Libya being the direct result of his policy decisions, and he even admits to this. We need to stop tearing down whole governments when we invade and selling arms to people who will eventually use them against us.
--Figuring out what to do about those people who feel that Obamacare has left them behind. I'm not even close to the most knowledgeable on this issue, but the fact that some people continue to talk about the loss of inexpensive options and individual cases of rising premiums worries me.
--As an addendum, the Senator from Maine who was questioning Tom Price brought up an excellent point about ensuring that companies focus on prevention. Ideally we want those with diabetes to get help before their bodies start failing them in bigger ways.
--Balancing taxes and regulations without fucking other countries over. If we could improve safety standards on the average vehicle, we might save tons of lives, but there's of course a lot of difficulty figuring out how many requirements we can place on companies.
--On a tangential note, deaths that aren't glamorous, and similar living hells that are in fact worse than death. Let's take a page from Clinton's playbook and actually see if we can speed up the development of cures for Alzheimer's and other diseases, and also make euthanasia legal for any possible sufferers.
--Working with local governments to figure out what's to be done about the various abuses on the part of police forces in different cities. Not a big dent in the number of murders, but there's surprisingly few murders, and it can't hurt.
--Animal rights. Not gonna happen, but I can dream...
--The War on Drugs, in a bigger fashion than has been currently talked about. We need to figure otu why/if drugs have been difficult to control legaly, what research can be done to make widespread drugs like prescription painkillers less dangerous, and what methods wwork best for containing the negative effects of drug use (without necessarily imposing on users)
--Global warming. Obviously.
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