My Little Pony | INFJ Forum

My Little Pony

Which main character/s from "My Little Pony" are your favourite/s?

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On Holiday
Sep 30, 2009
Avalon Archipelago

I started watching this show a couple of weeks ago when I suddenly had a television to myself. There is hot competition for the television where I normally live and I don't really get to ever watch it, but even if I did get to watch it I wouldn't want to. The big shows that people really seem to enjoy like "Game of Thrones" and "House of Cards" offer zero interest for me. Every time I have seen a bit of one of those shows and just about any other show on television it seems to be about nothing other than people treating each other badly. I get enough of that kind of stuff in my everyday life, and the idea of voluntarily exposing myself to more of it does not appeal to me at all.

At first watching this was just something to do while I was trying to get my mind off study, but after I saw episode 6 "Boast Busters" I was really surprised by the high quality content of that episode (it also gave me the major feels) and I knew I would be sticking with watching the show. I'm only halfway through the first series now but I'm really enjoying it. I'm sort of planning to make it last and not watch it all too quickly.

I think there is a bit of a tendency for people to approach this show with preconceived notions of what it is or what it could be, rather than challenging themselves to watch something a bit different. "It's a show for little girls, how can an adult get interested in this?!" Well so what, there are a lot of animations out there that are meant for kids that are adored by adults. Lauren Faust, who is kind of responsible for the current incarnation of the show since it was more or less reinvented in 2012, wanted the show to be something that parents could watch together with their kids and get enjoyment out of. When you look at something like Dick Bruna's "Miffy", for that one Bruna has insisted that it is a product designed purely for the minds of young children, and that he worked to exclude possibilities of other levels of reading it or comprehending it: it is purely for an immature mind. The approach to "My Little Pony" is very different; it is a sophisticated writing approach that is designed to be engaged with at multiple levels.

I really want to try and communicate what it is that I like so much about this show. What I really think is that in our culture, there is this tremendously huge thing about the cool factor of cruelty, cynicism, and "more right than thou". I think that we are really surrounded by a culture that is saturated with these values of being right, showing how much more right you are, and doing it in a way that makes you sound smarter than the other person, cooler than them, knowing better than them, and blah blah blah blah blah. All of that stuff is very cool right now.

What this show "My Little Pony" is trying to do is something completely different. It's not pretending that those things aren't there, but it's presenting a real alternative perspective for looking at those things and dealing with them in life. The characters on this show are always learning, growing, and trying to become their better selves. This show is about things like having faith in your fellow creatures, being kind and compassionate, cooperating, seeing the best in others, being assertive, having fun, competing fairly, trying to understand others, and achieving what you need to get done... all of those kinds of values we wish there were more people in the world like that... and fitting them into an entertaining episodic story format.

I think that as an INFJ, it's very easy to get sucked into the cruel-is-cool and righter-than-thou stuff, just because of the way we are wired up so passionately. I know it has been like that for me in the past and I have really been trying to change that about myself. I think that this is a great show for INFJs because you can use it to center yourself and inspire you to go into the world and act in a certain way, and to ignore all the counterproductive and unconstructive stuff, and just do your best.

I made a poll on this thread for who you would choose as your favourite main characters... please vote on the poll if you like this show.

If you are a fan of the show and have something to say on this thread,... Please remember to use the spoiler tag as appropriate! Thanks :hug:
Well obviously, I look like a bit of a crazy person for writing about this. :-D But if you are an INFJ, just keep the idea of this show tucked in the back of your mind.

This show is legitimately something that some veterans watch when they get home from deployment. There's a lot more to this show than meets the eye.

Just remember it for when you are going through a very tough time, when you are losing faith in the world and everything seems to be crumbling around you... the show can maybe really help you. xoxox <3
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I loved this show as a child. I don't remember their names but they were so beautiful. The one name I do remember is Rainbow Bright.


I put them almost in the same category as Care bears. But they had gorgeous hair :D, and cute. I haven't watched an episode in a while. They also remind me of the cartoon show Wildfire (1986). I was definitely a Saturday morning cartoon show kid. I loved getting up early to watch my faves.

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I'm glad you like My Little Pony. I have my own little tastes that appear odd and crazy too.

On my part, My Little Pony to me is like skittles. So sweet it makes me sick.

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[MENTION=1669]Gist[/MENTION] I had a Rainbow Bright doll as a child, too bad I gave it away because it would be worth over a thousand dollars now. She's called Rainbow Dash now. The new show has a lot of different aims to the old one, the creator wanted it to be completely different, so check it out if you have Netflix and you're looking for something to watch. It's just a happy show, and it is populated by characters that are not constantly trying to murder each other like the other shows on tv.
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For an INFJ interested this show I recommend watching "Boast Busters" which is Season 1 Episode 6, and then "Magic Duel" which is Season 3 Episode 5. I think that every episode is interesting, but these two are what I would recommend for seeing some of the themes that the show is really about.

I really think that INFJs could get interested in this show. The Simpsons is a cartoon too, and like The Simpsons, My Little Pony is a cartoon that children can enjoy but that includes things that only adults will understand. If you have Netflix or a similar content provider and are looking for something to watch, consider checking out a few episodes. There's no need to pretend like your time spent watching television is so much more meaningfully spent watching other television. It's all television.
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I don't follow this show so I'm going to sound massively ignorant for a minute, but I was just Googling this stuff because I had a My Little Pony figure when I was little and I thought it was pretty dope.

How the hell did this (the figure I owned) -


turn into this???

I used to watch the older version of My Little Pony as a little kid, loved it and I collected different My Little Ponies too in childhood but unfortunately sold them a long time ago.

Lol, feeling so nostalgic suddenly. :'>
I don't follow this show so I'm going to sound massively ignorant for a minute, but I was just Googling this stuff because I had a My Little Pony figure when I was little and I thought it was pretty dope.

How the hell did this (the figure I owned) -


turn into this???


Woah, is that Moon Dancer? She looked completely different back then.

I can't remember the old series at all, but I don't think the characters are really very consistent at all. I don't know whether Moon Dancer was ever a major character but she is a pretty minor character now, she only appears in two episodes, so she's probably a nod to the past. (The episode about her is pretty cool though.)

There's a Halloween episode in the new series where the ponies get frightened by an earlier generations (realist style) pony mask, then they burst into laughter. (It is slightly creepy.)

I didn't really like the animation style at first but it definitely grew on me. I like the bright colours and intricate coloured outlining. As I watch I get the sense that they're closer to elves than horses.
I couldn't stand the ponies (as pictured above) when I was growing up. I never got into any of the shows marketed towards little girls.

Now my nieces are into the new version of the ponies and honestly, everyone and their grandparents is into it. When the series first came out, we would sit down and watch this show as a family. I really admire the writing for this series. The worldbuilding, the characterization, the story-arcs, all of it so well-done. There's a lot of adult winks and jokes strewn throughout as well, which makes it that much more charming for parents and children alike. I can really see why this has such a cult following.
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Old school Moon Dancer is still the best
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I couldn't stand the ponies (as pictured above) when I was growing up. I never got into any of the shows marketed towards little girls.

Now my nieces are into the new version of the ponies and honestly, everyone and their grandparents is into it. When the series first came out, we would sit down and watch this show as a family. I really admire the writing for this series. The worldbuilding, the characterization, the story-arcs, all of it so well-done. There's a lot of adult winks and jokes strewn throughout as well, which makes it that much more charming for parents and children alike. I can really see why this has such a cult following.

It's cool that your family is into it and your nieces enjoy it. I watch this with my mother as well. It's definitely a kids show, but on the other hand, there's also stuff that children just wouldn't understand, and aren't meant to, as you say like some of the more complex humour... and other things I can think of. It's cool that you like it. When adults watch it I sort of think that there's an aspect of daring to see what's good about it. A lot of people seem to have this gut reaction of being repulsed by it without having tried it out.

There's a lot of shows out there that are really about outsmarting or outplaying people. I don't think this show is about that, it's more about cooperating, that's what I really like about the show. It's unrealistic (the real world is a horrible place and can't really be like this), but it's a different perspective on how to exist with others.
It's interesting to compare Twilight Sparkle to her peers in magic, Starlight Glimmer and especially Sunset Shimmer. I think that Starlight and Sunset are equally as magically powerful or more so. Twilight makes a lot of mistakes. But there's something that Twilight has that they don't have and I think that's to do with her willingness to persistently learn. She's got humility and that gets her further in life than power or being smart.
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