Most INFJs lack good intention.

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Hi there! INFJs are highly affectively empathetic, yet their intentions are usually selfish and callous - behaviorally highly manipulative. How many times I've seen it: I criticize an INFJ's behavior due to it being counterproductive, and instantly they get passive-aggressive, because they have no integrity or candor. They don't listen to the logic, yet they manage to fixate on their hurt feelings like they mean something in the real world. An INFJ is more likely to leave someone angry at the world to die alone, than to stay with them to help. That is because they only think of themselves, and have no good intention of wanting to help others when they actually need help, and when the INFJ actually has to do more work than just pretending to listen. INFJs are great protectors, but with most of them only when it comes to keeping their own feelings in a safe bubble. They don't criticize others, because they're scared they'll have to feel the other's anger through empathy. They are scared of making other people feel anything negative, only because it directly affects them. A mature INFJ is the opposite of this, and they will speak the truth regardless of how it makes others feel.

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My thoughts?
This thread is going to be locked soon.
Why do you suppose? Because the moderators are INFJs..? I'm just looking to have a rational discussion, and I'd hope they learn to just feel the hurt without letting it affect decision making. Otherwise, I'd like to hear what rules I broke. "#1: do not criticize INFJs"

Seriously though: I am not the cause of anyone's feelings. I am totally calm and rational, only looking for a like-minded discussion.
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An observation..seems you enjoy conflict and agruement. You will find few who will enjoy the dance here.
I do enjoy greatly enjoy debate, but conflict is tiring. I know I was a bit snarky with that previous comment, but I hope it won't derail anything.
That very realization proves that you are
Something about the lack of social interaction this year has led to a lot of eye opening realizations for me. The bubble gives way to the veil being lifted and it's not been pretty. But it's not a terrible thing. It's important to see things and work on things. Now I'm hijacking this troll thread to make it my diary!
Something about the lack of social interaction this year has led to a lot of eye opening realizations for me. The bubble gives way to the veil being lifted and it's not been pretty. But it's not a terrible thing. It's important to see things and work on things. Now I'm hijacking this troll thread to make it my diary!
Count me in
Something about the lack of social interaction this year has led to a lot of eye opening realizations for me. The bubble gives way to the veil being lifted and it's not been pretty. But it's not a terrible thing. It's important to see things and work on things. Now I'm hijacking this troll thread to make it my diary!
This is good. Rational pain is good pain.
Something about the lack of social interaction this year has led to a lot of eye opening realizations for me. The bubble gives way to the veil being lifted and it's not been pretty. But it's not a terrible thing. It's important to see things and work on things. Now I'm hijacking this troll thread to make it my diary!
Yay!!! Something useful birthing from the cave of a troll!!!
giphy (5).gif
I'm not trolling though. Just wanted to make that clear.

However, a better way to think: does it matter what my intention is (clearly bad as an INFJ)? The only thing that matters is truth.
This is good. Rational pain is good pain.
It's been painful because you think all these wonderful things about who you are and then when you are stuck with yourself with minimal distractions you can't hide from it. You can't keep busy enough away from it. You have to face it. The only reason I even care is because there are a few people I'd rather die than hurt..if it weren't for them it would be so easy to latch on further to my grandiose delusions. It's been a humbling year.
It's been painful because you think all these wonderful things about who you are and then when you are stuck with yourself with minimal distractions you can't hide from it. You can't keep busy enough away from it. You have to face it. The only reason I even care is because there are a few people I'd rather die than hurt..if it weren't for them it would be so easy to latch on further to my grandiose delusions. It's been a humbling year.
That is the pain of ego letting go. We all have virtues and vices, and they're always the opposite sides of the same coin.
Losing our illusions about ourselves allows us to be closer and more in-tune with who we are. Things that may have troubled us in the past become easier to work with, because we can better see why they troubled us - whereas before we may have struggled and not consciously known why.
This may be stuff you already know, and it's not my intention to speak otherwise. I'm happy for you is all and want to relate that I feel you <3
It's been painful because you think all these wonderful things about who you are and then when you are stuck with yourself with minimal distractions you can't hide from it. You can't keep busy enough away from it. You have to face it. The only reason I even care is because there are a few people I'd rather die than hurt..if it weren't for them it would be so easy to latch on further to my grandiose delusions. It's been a humbling year.

This has been one good thing to emerge from the lockdowns for a lot of us.. Self reflection, a growth of appreciation and thanksgiving for what we have been blessed with. Time to look around and be still..

I'm happy that you had some helpful revelations come about, acd. <3

This has been one good thing to emerge from the lockdowns for a lot of us.. Self reflection, a growth of appreciation and thanksgiving for what we have been blessed with. Time to look around and be still..

I'm happy that you had some helpful revelations come about, acd. <3
Maybe we could start another thread about? what we've learned about ourselves while in lockdowns
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