modes of being


Permanent Fixture
Trying to figure out the different ways I may express myself.

I focus on this so much I feel numb to much of my existence.

I'm frustrated with not being able to live more fully in the moment.

It seems like most of my reality is dominated by my imagination.

I either think about these things, or distract myself with music.

Feeling kind of trapped inside my mind, stupid as that sounds....

I want to get 'out'.

live fully in each passing moment. it does not mean you must go to extremes of 'making it for your time's worth', it's just a simple decision to put your primary attention there successively instead of placing more value on repetitive thought.
I find that the best way to "get out" without fully leaving the threshold of your mind is to extrovert your imagination through writing. Whenever my imagination drifts into the world of idyllic beauty, I focus my attention on creative expression through writing prose and poetry. It tends to keep me sane and also awards me with a feeling of accomplishment! :m129:
I find that the best way to "get out" without fully leaving the threshold of your mind is to extrovert your imagination through writing. Whenever my imagination drifts into the world of idyllic beauty, I focus my attention on creative expression through writing prose and poetry. It tends to keep me sane and also awards me with a feeling of accomplishment! :m129:

I agree! I write and draw...basically any form of self-expression is the way to go.