Mimicking an Extrovert?


The Chameleon Sponge
Okay, so. Let me just start by saying that, yes, I am sure I am an INFJ
....in my head.

However, I tend to act completely different. I tend to act like more of an extrovert, and people are often surprised when they see the calmer side of me.

I feel like i'm hiding my true self, but on the other hand, I don't. It's more like... a type of detachment? What goes on in my head doesn't necessarily match up with how I act. I don't know how to describe it...

Perhaps this comes from depression and hiding it, or being too "directed inward" to the point where I just detach? Or from being around too many hyper, extroverted people, and feeding off of their energy?
Is it possible that I could be an "ambivert", if there is such a thing?

Does or has anybody else experienced this? Any thoughts, comments, or opinions to add?
Or from being around too many hyper, extroverted people, and feeding off of their energy?

This here is the definition of extrovert.

Ambiversion is a possibility, though I know little about it.

One important question: when you are with these people, are you under the influence of any substances frequently, especially alcohol? That can really make a difference.
This here is the definition of extrovert.

Ambiversion is a possibility, though I know little about it.

One important question: when you are with these people, are you under the influence of any substances frequently, especially alcohol? That can really make a difference.

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. When I say feeding off of their energy, I mean, like, empathy. I tend to pick up other people's emotions, to the point where I act like they are. Does that make sense? I should have said that clearer, sorry. I'm not very good at communicating what I feel into coherant sentences ><;

And, no. I don't drink, smoke weed, or do any drugs. I'm generally fairly sleep-deprived, though, if that means anything.
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. When I say feeding off of their energy, I mean, like, empathy. I tend to pick up other people's emotions, to the point where I act like they are. Does that make sense? I should have said that clearer, sorry. I'm not very good at communicating what I feel into coherant sentences ><;

And, no. I don't drink, smoke weed, or do any drugs. I'm generally fairly sleep-deprived, though, if that means anything.

That's Fe. But that alone doesn't make you extraverted. It's all about how you feel more comfortable, with people or without.
That's Fe. But that alone doesn't make you extraverted. It's all about how you feel more comfortable, with people or without.
There's a select few people I feel comfortable with. Or, I can sometimes get by if it's just one-on-one.
Groups of people? I'm not comfortable, at all. Though I act like I am, most of the time. I don't show my discomfort.
There's a select few people I feel comfortable with. Or, I can sometimes get by if it's just one-on-one.
Groups of people? I'm not comfortable, at all. Though I act like I am, most of the time. I don't show my discomfort.

Textbook introversion.

It doesn't mean we can't handle people, we'd just prefer not to.

Also we all have extraverted functions. As an INFJ yours would be Fe and Se which would translate into empathy. So yes, you would mimick an extravert. This isn't your default position though and it could get tiring.
Textbook introversion.

It doesn't mean we can't handle people, we'd just prefer not to.

Also we all have extraverted functions. As an INFJ yours would be Fe and Se which would translate into empathy. So yes, you would mimick an extravert. This isn't your default position though and it could get tiring.

Okay, that makes sense.
I'm still figuring all this out. xD

Another thing, that worries me more, is that I always seem to feel either completely overwhelmed with strong emotion, or completely detached. Is this normal?
Okay, that makes sense.
I'm still figuring all this out. xD

Another thing, that worries me more, is that I always seem to feel either completely overwhelmed with strong emotion, or completely detached. Is this normal?

I don't think anything people do could be considered as normal. We're all different.

But yes I could see how INFJ's could feel strong emotions or get completely detached. You share a function group with ENFJ's, ISTP's and ESTP's. ENFJ's can be very emotional, as can INFJ's, but you could also move into ISTP and ESTP territory which is very detached. It all depends on what comes more naturally.
I don't think anything people do could be considered as normal. We're all different.

But yes I could see how INFJ's could feel strong emotions or get completely detached. You share a function group with ENFJ's, ISTP's and ESTP's. ENFJ's can be very emotional, as can INFJ's, but you could also move into ISTP and ESTP territory which is very detached. It all depends on what comes more naturally.

Okayyy. I'm thinking it could be a biproduct of some of my mental issues, as well? Depression, mild anxiety, etc. Because I don't remember being this way to such an extreme, before they...developed.
Though it could just be me getting older and growing into myself more?

Sorry for all the questions and rambling. I'm basically just thinking out loud. [well, over the internet, haha] in an attempt to figure myself out.
When INFJs get stressed, they can begin to act more like ENFJs, ISTPs, or even ESTPs.

This is normal.

Also, if you have a strong Fe, especially if you are going through a phase in life where you are developing your Fe or Se, then you're going to seem more like an Extrovert.

And yes, it is possible to be an ambivert. I am one. I lean INFJ, but I am very much like an ENFJ.
I think I prefer my introversion to anyone else's extroversion
Okay, so. Let me just start by saying that, yes, I am sure I am an INFJ
....in my head.

However, I tend to act completely different. I tend to act like more of an extrovert, and people are often surprised when they see the calmer side of me.

I feel like i'm hiding my true self, but on the other hand, I don't. It's more like... a type of detachment? What goes on in my head doesn't necessarily match up with how I act. I don't know how to describe it...

Perhaps this comes from depression and hiding it, or being too "directed inward" to the point where I just detach? Or from being around too many hyper, extroverted people, and feeding off of their energy?
Is it possible that I could be an "ambivert", if there is such a thing?

Does or has anybody else experienced this? Any thoughts, comments, or opinions to add?

You pretty much described me to a "T," right down to the depression thing. I too am rather outgoing and a lot of people I know in real life balk at the idea of me being an introvert... but that's because most people think of introverts as quiet, shy and timid around people all the time. That's not true.

With my closest friends, I tend to be a little more gregarious... especially if it's one-on-one and I've known this person forever. As soon as we join with a bigger crowd, or I'm surrounded by people I don't know very well or haven't met before, I tend to quiet down and clam up. I think that, if anything, is a sure sign of my more introverted tendencies.
People have straight up disagreed with me when I've told them I am an introvert. It's just Fe though.
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The question really is, how do you "recharge". I can go for a day at work showing signs of extroversion to people I meet but once I'm home, I shut down. Movies, video games, books, house cleaning, etc. usually for hours on end without so much as two words leaving my mouth.

I've been mistaken for an extrovert in my field because I feel passionately about it. Fe plays a huge role in how extroverted I become. As I said though, the recharge can be a bitch... just ask my wife!

Around small groups of fellow introverted friends, I tend to be the opposite you described. I tend to open up more and be a little more outgoing. If I'm around a bunch of Extroverts though, I withdraw a whole lot more.
Around small groups of fellow introverted friends, I tend to be the opposite you described. I tend to open up more and be a little more outgoing. If I'm around a bunch of Extroverts though, I withdraw a whole lot more.

Yes. I can play "extrovert" around a group of my introverted friends for a long time-but if there's an actual extrovert, I shut down.

Which is why I plan on hiding for the next few days to recharge, having been around extroverts for the last 30 hours nonstop. I feel so drained...