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Loss of Ni

Sometimes i face huge difficulty getting the pieces together in my mind, also i'm a huge fan of ignoring some facts for the sake of concentatrating on other facts that amplify my feelings and emotions, others included too. But to answer the actual question, no, always had a huge imagination and a prominent intuition. It's defective, yes, but it's always there, kind of take it for granted, and honestly it makes things difficult, specially when it comes to cope with life. It's not that i'm afraid of losing it if i step in, to the contrary, these last months of erratic activities, planning, socializing and working have been really good. But honestly i'm just a lazy bastard, and it's ok, call it Ni, doesn't matter, tired of trying to convince myself, friends and parents that when i'm off, it's not because i want to relax, since i'm not a relaxed person at all and even less when i'm withdrawing. So probably it's just self-indulgence, and that Ni there sometimes it's more like an interference, but it's certainly not blocked.
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I suffer from depression and anxiety and I often feel like I'm not myself. When I discovered the MBTI and cognitive functions it was especially hard to type myself, because it was difficult for me to differentiate between the mental defense mechanisms and restraints I put on myself and my natural state of being.

Like you suggested, OP, it's a result of mental exhaustion. Ni is on autopilot and is constantly absorbing information around you. I find that my depressive states don't make me as emotional as they do make me "catatonic" and lifeless. Sometimes I wish my mind would just shut off. Absolutely, I think Ni users are more prone to mental exhaustion. In my case, I live with a family that fights often, and it's hard for me to really tune out their emotions.

It seems the unbiased perception that Ni provides us is replaced with a "corrupt" version, where we worry that we truly will never amount to anything and that life is ultimately meaningless. I suppose that would describe the Ni-Ti loop.
Why not just try and develop your Si instead? Maybe it was meant to be. :/


At this point, I'm just trying not to recoil in horror whenever I saw an example of Si. Seriously-- it's the quickest way to make me AAAAAAAAAH WHERE ARE YOU GOING WHY WHY WHY NO STOP
I suffer from depression and anxiety and I often feel like I'm not myself. When I discovered the MBTI and cognitive functions it was especially hard to type myself, because it was difficult for me to differentiate between the mental defense mechanisms and restraints I put on myself and my natural state of being.

Like you suggested, OP, it's a result of mental exhaustion. Ni is on autopilot and is constantly absorbing information around you. I find that my depressive states don't make me as emotional as they do make me "catatonic" and lifeless. Sometimes I wish my mind would just shut off. Absolutely, I think Ni users are more prone to mental exhaustion. In my case, I live with a family that fights often, and it's hard for me to really tune out their emotions.

It seems the unbiased perception that Ni provides us is replaced with a "corrupt" version, where we worry that we truly will never amount to anything and that life is ultimately meaningless. I suppose that would describe the Ni-Ti loop.
You mention here that you wish your mind would shut off. I know EXACTLY what you mean. There have been times where its been so bad it has kept me from living normally. While its never physical brought me to me knees its felt like the mental equivalent in the past.

I mentioned this to my cousin once. He sent me a copy of, "The Power of Now." I have not read the entire book but the first few chapters have helped me emensly in terms of "overactive" brain. I highly suggest you read it.
On a lighter note...

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