Jordan Peterson

Lol ok I'll rephrase to be as specific as possible:

The things Pin listed do not appear with any frequency in the conservative media that I consume.

I do not contest that:

A. Someone somewhere could believe these things


B. That people have not believed these things in the past

I just don't see it on conservative media day to day and so I don't expect it in the future.

Do you understand now @Wyote what I'm trying to say?

Edit: I was responding to Pin's list of things people are supposedly going against conservatism on explaining that that's not the kind of thing I was speaking of when I told him to prepare to be surprised.
You need new sources, you're missing a lot of what's going on there. What kind of conservative outlets do you read or watch typically?
None. I try not to watch partisan news outlets.

Lately, I get most of my news from PBS which relies upon contributions from viewers like you.
None. I try not to watch partisan news

Lately, I get most of my news from PBS which relies upon contributions from viewers like you.
I've yet to see a non partisan news source. Except CSPAN but that's only because the cameras are live and nobody is editorializing

Also I don't think I meet your standards Pin, I don't have a PhD.
I just don't see it on conservative media day to day and so I don't expect it in the future.

Do you understand now @Wyote what I'm trying to say?

I've yet to see a non partisan news source. Except CSPAN but that's only because the cameras are live and nobody is editorializing

Also I don't think I meet your standards Pin, I don't have a PhD.
It's ok Reason, I don't even meet my own neoliberal elitist standards yet.
:thonking: time to move on from morons
Oh, she works for The Blaze. That's who's paying her. The right-wing bias was clear about two minutes in when she just finished describing the Overton window in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Oh yea, she is solidly right wing
That's easy to find on YouTube for sure, right-wing commentators are a dime a dozen these days. There's definitely big money behind them.

I don't really know where you're going by stating all these things but you must have some underlying point here.
I don't really know where you're going by stating all these things but you must have some underlying point here.
Well, I wonder why there's a high variety of right-wing to far-right channels on YouTube compared to the limited amount of center-left to far-left Youtube channels. My suspicion is that right-wing Youtube channels aren't as disruptive to the accumulation of corporate profits or contemporary economic consensus.

That's why, in my opinion, right-wing Youtube channels are so heavily subsidized and bankrolled by wealthy individuals and parent companies.
My friend who introduced me to Jordan Peterson, my big bro, randomly sent this to me so I thought I'd share. He said it was a fair seeming slightly critical take on him

Maybe y'all will like it

Gives good biography of Peterson too
Well, I wonder why there's a high variety of right-wing to far-right channels on YouTube compared to the limited amount of center-left to far-left Youtube channels. My suspicion is that right-wing Youtube channels aren't as disruptive to the accumulation of corporate profits or contemporary economic consensus.

That's why, in my opinion, right-wing Youtube channels are so heavily subsidized and bankrolled by wealthy individuals and parent companies.
What's an example of a right wing YouTube channel bankrolled by a parent company?
What's an example of a right wing YouTube channel bankrolled by a parent company?
The Daily Wire (of Ben Shapiro fame), a subsidiary of Forward Publishing LLC. Forward Publishing LLC is owned by Farris Wilkes, a fossil fuel billionaire.

Farris Wilkes also happens to be a major contributor to the Republican Party. In fact, in 2016 he gave about 15 million dollars to a TED Cruz campaign SuperPAC.

In 2020 he gave about 75,000 to the Jeff Hudson campaign in the Texas House race for District 92.

I could do this all day to tell you the truth, billionaires control most of what the majority of people watch and read.
The Daily Wire (of Ben Shapiro fame), a subsidiary of Forward Publishing LLC. Forward Publishing LLC is owned by Farris Wilkes, a fossil fuel billionaire.

Farris Wilkes also happens to be a major contributor to the Republican Party. In fact, in 2016 he gave about 15 million dollars to a TED Cruz campaign SuperPAC.

In 2020 he gave about 75,000 to the Jeff Hudson campaign in the Texas House race for District 92.

I could do this all day to tell you the truth, billionaires control most of what the majority of people watch and read.
Thank you for the example :)

Do millionaires also control the low budget videos on YouTube where it's just some guy in his bedroom talking into a camera?

Shapiro's show seems like an example of missing link media rather than legacy or independent media. He has his show in radio syndication and operates apparently much like a traditional media outlet.

What about all the tubers who are just one guy? Rekieta law, styxhexenhammer666, razorfist, etc.
Thank you for the example :)

Do millionaires also control the low budget videos on YouTube where it's just some guy in his bedroom talking into a camera?

Shapiro's show seems like an example of missing link media rather than legacy or independent media. He has his show in radio syndication and operates apparently much like a traditional media outlet.

What about all the tubers who are just one guy? Rekieta law, styxhexenhammer666, razorfist, etc.
Not sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if these smaller YouTubers started off in their basement but as their traction grows, their outlet gets coopted by billionaires or billionaire owned firms. It happens quite often though, on the center-left (Telegraph, the Guardian, the Young Turks), the center-right (MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC) and the far right (Reason TV, The Blaze, OAN, Fox News, assorted YouTubers).

The far left isn't very profitable because their interests run directly counter to the interests of billionaires. The only example of far left media outlets that come to mind is Mother Jones and independent media outlets that almost nobody has heard of because they're not subsidized by rich people. There's an acceptable window of opinion that's allowed before a smaller media firm gets bought by a larger one.

Being antagonistic to capitalism is not a good business strategy. Billionaires do not fund and subsidize Socialists and Communists for obvious reasons.

When I'm categorizing these outlets I'm thinking about international standards, not American standards of left and right.
Who determines these standards? Who decides these ratings on the basis of the political spectrum? Is this just you or is there some international rating system I'm not aware of?
Who determines these standards? Who decides these ratings on the basis of the political spectrum? Is this just you or is there some international rating system I'm not aware of?
These standards are determined by academics who specialize in political science. I'm operating by the standard of their profession, the global or international standard of what constitutes the left-wing and what constitutes the right-wing, what constitutes libertarian, and what constitutes authoritarian.

Knapp, Andrew; Wright, Vincent (2006). "1 French political traditions in a changing context" (ebk). The Government and Politics of France (5 ed.). Taylor and Francis. ISBN 978-0-203-40260-3.
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