Jean Shinoda Bolen: Godesses in every woman


Has anyone read that book? It explains women's archetypes and gives them name of Greek godesses (author uses them as metaphor). I was thinking how that godesses and types of woman can be correlate with MBTI. Because book uses 7 godesses is obvious that we can't look for reciprocity (one godess one type), but maybe certain aspects can be connetcted. For example, I found myself mostly in Athena, Hestia and Demeter. So, Hestia will be "guilty" for my I and N, Demeter for F and Athena maybe for J. Or I should try with functions?
Any toughts? I am intersted if anyone read book?
Has anyone read that book? It explains women's archetypes and gives them name of Greek godesses (author uses them as metaphor). I was thinking how that godesses and types of woman can be correlate with MBTI. Because book uses 7 godesses is obvious that we can't look for reciprocity (one godess one type), but maybe certain aspects can be connetcted. For example, I found myself mostly in Athena, Hestia and Demeter. So, Hestia will be "guilty" for my I and N, Demeter for F and Athena maybe for J. Or I should try with functions?
Any toughts? I am intersted if anyone read book?

In a similar vein there is a guy on the personality cafe named Perseus who merged tribal animal myths with MBTI. He is a little bit of a wacko though.
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Personality Cafe is dead. Their Admin suddenly removed all the staff and deleted himself.
Yes, but Jean Shinoda Bolen is educated psychologist. Interesting that she belongs to the Jungean part of that science. So, in basics, her theory could have some elements of MBTI system.
This should be interesting. I'd like to see what Greek gods/goddesses correlate to what type.

What were the goddess she mentioned?
Greek Goddesses.

I have a hunch that you'll be a mixture of Artemis and Athena.
I know; I was asking which Greek Goddess.

And you wouldn't like it if I was an Artemis/Athena hybrid. They're both virgin goddesses.
Athena, Artemis, Hestia, Demeter, Perzephona, Hera and Afrodita. Author has made two groups: godesses focused on individuality (first three) and godesses focused on different kind of relationships (other three). Afrodita is not in any group, because she has elements of both. Ofcourse, people are usually mixture of 2, 3, types, depending on pphase in life.
And you wouldn't like it if I was an Artemis/Athena hybrid. They're both virgin goddesses.

And Hestia, too. It's one of elements of distinction, but not in physical sense. Author called that godesses unreachable (my translatin, maybe in original is some other words). Even in relationships they like their space, they searching meaning in who they are. Hera, Demeter and Perzephona search meaning in relationships (they are not "unreachable, untouchable"), they are first wife (Hera), mother (Demeter) and daughter (Perzephona) and then something else.
Goddesses and Gods in people rather.

Each and every person has a feminine and masculine side. Carl himself said that mythology/religion was the product of our personalities/society in essence our stories represents some of the deepest aspects of our souls, which by looking at today, seems more or less common sense.

So what does that tell you when we have TV series and movies coming out every two seconds?

We're expanding so much faster in our stories than ever before; especially due to the arrival of the new god/goddess, the internet.
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So what does that tell you when we have TV series and movies coming out every two seconds?

We're expanding so much faster in our stories than ever before; especially due to the arrival of the new god/goddess, the internet.

Yes, but maybe new persons are just variations of few basics types...Why else then would we have such steretypes in most of movies and series (wich is not always negative, we like what we know and to what we can relate).
In other words, we don't have to call someone Athena, it could be stereotypical capable business (university teacher, doctor etc.) woman that appears cold, but who wants some kind of relationship or love (only she does not admit it).
most of those tv series and movies that are coming out follow exactly the same story formations. they're utter drivel.

the few times they release something great, it's cancelled.

Firefly for instance.
the few times they release something great, it's cancelled.

Usually. It's because need to use less energy if they watch something familiar. Mad men are not bad, each character is multidimensional, you can love it in one episode and dislike in next. Third watch was good too. Especially for MBTI freaks:)
This sounds like a very interesting theory...I have not read the book, but perhaps I will. I have done a lot of research on gods, and goddesses of ancient times. How they all correlate to one another. For example the Celtic gods and goddesses vs the Greeks...They are all very similar in attributes and governing styles. One set rules over the earth from the other world where no mortal can go. One rules over the earth from Olympus where no mortal can go. There are many types of gods ruling over fertility, death, famine, weather, war...It would be interesting to see how these ancient deities rule over personality types as well!
Author herself says that she uses godesses not as some mystic effects than as names for archetype. She could named them and in some other way, but decided this because human personalities does not change that much trough ages of history. Just as any typology.
In the follow-up books Gods in Everyman Bolen actually posits MBTI types for the eight gods. Hermes is ENTP, Zeus is ENTJ, Hades is ISF I think. I can't remember. I didn't think she did this very well.