just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Iran can now put nuclear capable missiles into space, making it possible for them to drop in anywhere in the world. They feel Obama has placed more sanctions on them in the past week, when Obama's neglect for a term and more has allowed them to be where they are with their programs. It is the Obama Administration and other world leaders' détente that has not allowed, but rather revealed Iran's nuclear and missile capabilities to the world.....and their willingness to look the other way.

The world is getting much smaller, and that great cushy feeling of living in the safety of the United States is gone. We are no different than Israel or South Korea when it comes to our safety, and we are not prepared for an assault on American grounds.

We are like sheep being led to the slaughter. Punishment or plan?
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Iran can now put nuclear capable missiles into space, making it possible for them to drop in anywhere in the world. They feel Obama has placed more sanctions on them in the past week,

They don't 'feel' that the US has imposed more sanctions...the US HAS imposed more sanctions which goes against the agreement that was made in geneva

when Obama's neglect for a term and more has allowed them to be where they are with their programs. It is the Obama Administration and other world leaders' détente that has not allowed, but rather revealed Iran's nuclear and missile capabilities to the world.....and their willingness to look the other way.

It is Obama and his team that managed to make a deal with the Iranians that would see a halt to uranium enrichment but it was CONGRESS that has pushed for more sanctions which is now threatening to destroy the peaceful agreement

The reason for this is that the politicans in CONGRESS are bought and paid for by the ISRAELIS and jewish central bankers (behind the federal reserve) and their powerful lobby apparatus eg AIPAC

It is the israelis and the central bankers that want to push more sanctions against iran because they want to destroy any peaceful solution

The israelis and the central bankers WANT war in the middle east and they want to drag the US into that war

The world is getting much smaller, and that great cushy feeling of living in the safety of the United States is gone. We are no different than Israel or South Korea when it comes to our safety, and we are not prepared for an assault on American grounds.

We are like sheep being led to the slaughter. Punishment or plan?

It is the israelis and the central bankers who are leading you towards slaughter...wake up!
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The israelis control the federal reserve bank of the US

They are behind the bank failures and the current econiomic downturn and all the financial misery being faced by americans (US) today

here is a story about how the new vice chairman of the federal reserve is an Israeli:

Israel was created by the Rothschild central bankers and it is the greatest enemy to the US on the planet. It is the only country that is actively crippling the US

It is going to rip your society to pieces along with your constitution from the inside!

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Israeli involvment with 911

I'm awake. Iran would have been on my agenda after Iraq. New Cold War, anyone?
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I'm awake. Iran would have been on my agenda after Iraq.

No you have israeli dust in your eyes

When will their thirst for blood be satiated?

You know some people think they have already used nuclear weapons both in Syria and in Iraq

Who do you think recently smuggled two nuclear weapons out of a military base in the US? It wasn't the Iranians

Who do you think caused the financial collapse of 2008? It wasn't the Iranians...they don't control the banking system

Who do you think caused 911? It wasn't the Iranians

Who spends billions every year steering your governments foreign policy, leading you into war after war? It isn't the Iranians

Who is it that are currently holding people in small fenced in areas that are essentially giant concentration camps (eg Gaza)? It isn't the Iranians

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The Iranians don't make my food, either.
Israel are committing war crimes like the nazis did

Don't the Israelis and the central bankers and Rothschilds and all feed the world, too?
Don't the Israelis and the central bankers and Rothschilds and all feed the world, too?

No they are in the debt creation game not the feeding the masses game

What they are involved in is: GMO's, flouridation of the water, chemtrails, vaccinations, food additives, drugs smuggling, weapons dealing, debt, big pharma and oil...oh and war...yeah they've been involved in the war racket for a long time now

Major general Smedley Butler exposed the bankers attempt to carry out a fascist coup in the USA, calling war 'a racket':

What does this have to do with nuclear war jumping on the agenda of the world again? Rothschilds did this, too?
The bankers tried a fascist coup in 1934, but it was exposed by the officer they asked to lead the coup:

What does this have to do with nuclear war jumping on the agenda of the world again? Rothschilds did this, too?


If you want to know why there are tensions between Iran and Israel/US then you only need to go back in history

Israel was created by the Rothschilds who also control the central bank of the US

Iran does not have a rothschild owned or controlled central bank so the rothschilds want to crush the regime in power there and take control of its economy and resources

they did this once before in 1953 when they staged a coup to replace the democratically elected leader of Iran with a puppet leader (the shah), but the people rose up and threw the shah out in a revolution

The rothschilds control the corporate media in the west so they are able to demonise Iran while hiding the war crimes Israel carries out daily
ex CIA Prof Scheuer: ''i'd dump the Israelis tomorrow''

You want to know why your countrys economy is the way it is? Israel owns the congress

Do you really not think the Obama Administration has set out to put this into play the entire time?
Do you really not think the Obama Administration has set out to put this into play the entire time?

It could be part of an elaborate theatre. i do think Obama 'rules' at the say so of the central bankers

When presidents defy the banks they get shot eg Lincoln, JFK, Jackson (jackson survived an assassination attempt)

If we zoom out a bit through we see Israel aggressivly pushing for a greater israel; by this i mean an Israel of larger proportions than it currently is. For example Israel has just grabbed more land off the palestineans because oil has been discovered underneath. But if any people need the oil revenues to improve the health of their society it is the palestineans

I watched a debate recently between Chomsky and Dershowitz ( on the issue of a two state solution

I think we could probably safely presume that dershowitzs opinion is pretty close to the opinion of the power brokers behind israel ie that a two state solution could be implemented but one where Israel has the best land with the best resources and the Palestineans are pushed onto the more marginal land with their country being 'non contiguous' (ie broken in two) so peoples could only move between the two halves of the palestinean country at the say so of the Israelis who could cut off the transport channel at any time effectively enabling them to maintain a position of power over the palestineans

In south africa Mandela helped bring healing between whites and blacks on an emotional level through his reconciliation process but in real terms the economic gap has widened between the two groups since he became president; this surely is goign to create a powder keg situation. So i believe that there is going to be increased social unrest in south africa unless they can make their society more equal (in real terms)

This could mean that there could be some reconciliation in the middle east but for there to be lasting peace there needs to be more equality in real terms. People need to be able to look each other in the eyes....its no good if one side is looking down at the other...this will create tension

So the idea of a non contiguous palestine is a terrible idea for the Palestineans. The israelis would certainly not settle for a non contiguous Israel so they are showing a double standard. They do this because underlying their position is a certain level of culturally engrained racism

Saudi Arabia is another incredibly unequal society with a royal family that awards key positions to itself and who hoards all the wealth and power. This too is going to cause tensions and social unrest. The royal family is only able to maintain that state of affairs because it is supported by the United States and Israel

The saudis however are getting nervous because they do not have as much oil left as they claim. They know that Iran has large reserves of oil and they do not want Iran to become the key player in the region. The Saudis control most of the militants that the western media label 'Al Quaeda'. They recruit them, fund them and arm them. The saudis are taking over control of the rebel forces in Syria.

The US has just supplied the saudis with thousands of shoulder launched antitank missiles and you can be sure these will find their way into syria and be used to cause untold damage. Despite the radial elements now taking over control of the rebels (by forcing the FSA out) the US has announced it will resume supplies to these radical elements....bare in mind the saudi royal family finances the extreme wahabi form of islam

Meanwhile the US is pushing a large polio vaccination programme onto the syrian people to destroy their immune systems (covert chemical warfare)

Syria is an ally of Iran and is seen by the US/Israel/saudi axis as a stepping stone towards the domination of Iran who as i have already stated not only controls its own oil but also controls its own economy as it does not have a rothschild dominated central bank

Many of the explosions across the middle east and many of the 'terror' groups are actually militants funded and supplied by the Israeli/US/saudi axis.

As well as using these assymetrical troops the axis also use mercenary armies of 'private defence contractors'. this is all so that they can carry out their wars without being held to account by their civilian voting populations (who would object if regular troops were being used)

Its my view that the people behind the axis don't care about the safety of anyone in the region including the average Israeli or saudi. I also think their policies not only threaten the security of Syria but also of saudi arabia and israel

There have been protests in israel against austerity measures. Israel is also a hugely unequal country just like saudi arabia and the US. please let me demonstrate this:

Here is an article about how a tiny number of oligarchic families run israel:

The US is also the most unequal of 'westernised' countries

So i put it to you just me that this whole struggle out there in the middle east is really a struggle between fascist forces that believe in creating and maintaining authoritarian and massively unequal societies and arab and persian nationalist countries who are trying to resist the fascist takeover of their natural resources

Everytime a country in the middle east nationalises their oil to try and get a better price for it so that they can develop their country and improve the living standards of their people the US/Israel/Saudi axis invades them and takes control of their oil

The axis also props up royal families (gulf state monarchies) who maintain massively unequal societies and this stops the spread of democracy in the middle east

This struggle is not only taking place in the middle east it is also taking place on the streets of the US and europe where the people are trying to push back against the inequality that the oligarchy is trying to force on them

Look at the state of your economy and all the tensions and social ills that are being created by the enforced inequality in your country...that is all the work of the oligarchs (central bankers) who are the same people who profit from war and from weapons manufacturing and who are currently trying to orchestrate a new war in the middle east
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Instead of supporting terrorism and war in the middle east what people in the west should be doing is arresting the central bankers and creating more equal, more stable, more healthy and more happy societies like the people of iceland have done:

there is a discussion worth having here, but it is not about how the people need to rise up and overthrow thier economic system in the hope that a better one is waiting to flower.

I for one am hopeful that the Iranians will back away from a nuclear showdown with the US.
I believe it is possible that Iran can maintain its sovereignty despite the historic fact that the US overthrew its government in the fifties.

Rather than arresting bankers for being in a super secret organization determined to control the world the US should consider looking at prosecuting or at least formally investigating the actions its government took when it installed the Shah.