[Introverted Types] How's your inner voice been lately? | INFJ Forum

[Introverted Types] How's your inner voice been lately?


Community Member
Aug 30, 2012
4w5 sp/sx
Hey mates! Let's talk about the character of our thoughts shall we? Mmm yes I think we shall hmmhmmhmm?

When I'm happy my inner voice resembles a sort of squeaky, perky, ultra-optimistic chick who is rolling tits on some sort of phenethylamine (probably taking ecstasy). These thoughts can lead me to some pretty happy places sometimes, it's like a natural high of sorts. I welcome it! I think of it as my Fe (or Fi perhaps?) It is this voice that lead me to the one experience I had with the divine. That's a different story.

When I am working on a problem, my thoughts become more cerebral and nerdy. Yes, nerdy! Imagine a pimply neckbearded wise-guy who has a comment about EVERYTHING. A picky sort of perfectionist who sees the details and how they come together to form a whole. This anal-retentive fellow thinks so hard that it approaches the point of over-analyzing. I call it the Ti, but I could be mistaking it for Te. If I become mentally fatigued, this voice becomes an annoyance rather than an ally.

I'm not depressed at the moment, in fact I haven't truly been so for quite a while... but has anyone ever noticed how the tone of their inner voice changes when you criticize yourself? Mine sometimes sounds like a profane and extremely upset black man with a deep voice and intense hatred for me. It's quite scary and even made me cry in the past. I feel like this is my Ni and Ti working half-against my own self, in the sense that a productive and character building side of me has been blown out of proportion. Instead of building from my mistakes, this state of mind just overwhelms me until I sort through my self-esteem issues. It is then that I can return to baseline, resume my life, and move on while building from what I have recently learned.

Now, just to clarify, I'm not talking about perceiving auditory hallucinations......I'd be pretty worried about my sanity in this case! No, this is simply how I feel my personality would sound if I could indeed, actually listen to it as it happens (though in a way I suppose we all do this to some degree....uh, right?)

What do your inner voices sound like to you? Does it change with your mindset, or is it consistent in character?
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your inner subselves?

You might tell your super critical self thanks for his help in the past but you are productive now, and its scaring you and the other selves. When you become mentally fatigued tell your smarty pants self to cool it a bit; its annoying. Then, you might pay attention and see if there are any other voices that are new once this one quiets down a bit and gives them a chance to speak.
Well I'm currently chill and have been feeling well. I was mostly giving examples of myself to make it easier for you fellows to talk about your own experience.

But your advice makes sense and I'd even recommend the same to everyone else who has a problem with themselves. You have to remember to love yourself of course. :)
umm ive never noticed a change in my inner voice.
Hmm, that's strange. Perhaps the inner voice changes as I develop?

Anyone remember their inner voice during childhood/adolescence? Keep in mind I am a kid still.
There's nothing wrong or strange about it. Write them down in a notebook or in this thread. Hopefully in here :)

I remember mine...barely. I remember mostly what is my voice now...back then. If that makes any sense.

Your inner voice during childhood is your inner child self. That's good that you recognize it. :)
.......Aplenty. I made characters, so they pretty often took the shape of those characters-- sometimes I evoked them.

All functions are sisters-- different personality (Ni is feisty/playful, Fe is caring/compassionate, Ti is critical/dissecting, Se is direct/strong, to say the least), different shapes as well.
Ego, Superego, Id; Anima, Animus; etc etc, etc, etc, etc. :|

Recently I'm starting to think I'm caught in a loop, though; not about the shape of the voice, but about the...direction I am leading to.
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I never realized it was an inner voice but my Mom did tell me about 10 years ago that when I was a child I use to scare them. She said I would say things that would blow their minds since I was so young and therefore supposedly less intelligent and insightful than the adults around me (*rolls eyes*). When I began reading on a 5th grade level in 1st and 2nd grade they believed I may be gifted. I really don't know about gifted but just more insightful and less willing to be confined into everyone's little box.

The inner thoughts were always conflicting because my mind would tell me to stop being crazy, stupid, paranoid, etc but I have learned that 1- I just know things before hand without knowing how and 2- my first instinct is the one that I should listen to as it is pretty spot on... HOWEVER, I usually squash that as being too judgmental and then end up kicking myself after I get myself hurt..

Lately, my inner voice has been telling me that I need to listen to it because it knows best anyway! (LOL)...
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I've been feeling extremely extroverted lately, and my inner voice wants to break out.