[INFJ] - INFJ things I say to my INFJ girl | INFJ Forum

[INFJ] INFJ things I say to my INFJ girl


Dec 14, 2012
i want my life to be with yours... i want to go through life with u....
i want to cuddle close our bodies... and we can do our infj pondering while we're pulled in close together...
imagining touching u... feels like my soul is underneath my hands... and i have to be gentle... because every action i take on you... moves my soul inside of me...
it feels like my insides are rippling when i run my hand across your arm...
it's like strumming a cord.... and it vibrates inside of me...my chest

I see you in front of me...close to me... and I don't want to beg you to love me... I don't want to be mean to you or yell at you... My essence wishes to hold you... to just exist with you... to have our winds blow together toward the sea of hope, happiness, and adventure...I want to coexist with you in a plane beyond the eyes... separate entities that are willingly bound to a circle so sensitive, it can only be held together by an understanding deeper than words could ever describe...