INFJ "Blunders" | INFJ Forum

INFJ "Blunders"


Community Member
Jan 22, 2014
I'm not sure what anyone else's experience is as an INFJ but I seriously, nearly daily, have an embarrassing blunder or mishap or just SOMETHING. I think it's my enng that makes me enjoy life so much because it makes me laugh. For the most part.

I'm either making mortifying embarrassing typos, text auto correct nightmares, bumping my head on the car while I'm getting out of it (yeah. Figure that one out). I've had a shoe fall off in a theater because it got wedged between the place for popcorn and the counter and when I pulled it free, I hopped on one foot for 2 minutes. I don't even know how this shit happens.

I'm a catastrophe!!!

Can I just NOT have something stupid embarrassing happen for one week solid?!

While it generally makes me laugh it's really embarrassing and sometimes, it's just too much! Ack!!

Curious if anyone relates.