Inferior extroverted sensing and body building | INFJ Forum

Inferior extroverted sensing and body building


Permanent Fixture
Jul 25, 2020

INFJs and INTJs share inferior extroverted sensing.

I was reflecting on what I dislike most about bodybuilding (I sporadically lift weights but never stick with it regularly). I enjoy the external stimuli sensations of exercise, especially more aerobic exercises like hiking, swimming, cycling, etc. But I intensely DISLIKE the internal sensation (originating from my own muscles) after something like lifting weights. It isn't just the sensation of soreness, but the ongoing intrusive sense awareness of my own body and muscles.

At times I can't sleep or relax because, like tinnitus, I have a constant sensation of my own muscles. On the other hand, externally originating sensations, like a fan blowing on me, or music/sound/smells/light doesn't interfere with my relaxation.

Just wondering if this kind of of experience is common to other people with extroverted sensing, or it's just an idiosyncrasy of mine.
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I’m Ne-Fi-Te-Si, but after I was paralyzed and bedridden for nine months, and I had to regrow so much of my muscle tissue in physical therapy, and on my own for the next 18 months after I had been released from rehab, I had to deal with that sensation all the time. To some degree, I still do. I’ve never gotten used to it. It is the continual “I am your flesh, bitch” sensation.

I used to love to swim and bicycle.


So I’m Popular/Champion and my sweetie is Romantic/Dreamer. Sounds about right. :)

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