Idea for Small Comp Sci Project


Regular Poster
So, we got a group project in my sophomore-level CS class today, and here are the requirements:
  • The project will be some kind of a game, puzzle, or simulation.
  • There must be significant data management issues, worthy of interesting collections and related algorithms.
  • It will have a graphical user interface.
Keep in mind that it's a project for 3 people and 6 weeks. The class is "Software Design and Data Structures" and covers things like recursion, queues, stacks, Big-O, and polymorphism (not in that order).

I was thinking of writing a program to help me diagram sentences, but that doesn't seem to be a "game, puzzle, or simulation." I am chronically unable to come up with original game ideas, so any ideas are welcomed and appreciated.
take a look at some of my ideas for developing websites...

i'm sure one of those could be twisted...
I don't know how advanced this course is, so this may be beneath you, but you could make a program for french tarot (the game). The rules are nice and complex, with very funky scoring system. Also, you could have tons of fun making an AI to play against.

Or, of course, you could be way more advanced than that and completely dismiss this idea.
I don't know how advanced this course is, so this may be beneath you, but you could make a program for french tarot (the game). The rules are nice and complex, with very funky scoring system. Also, you could have tons of fun making an AI to play against.
I also especially like how all the jargon is in French, and how I took Spanish.

It was funny: One of the girls I'm with came up with an idea that ended up being Puzzle Quest: Galactrix.
...well, I thought it was funny.

thanks, guys.