How true is this of INFJ | INFJ Forum

How true is this of INFJ

Some is true, some is not. Each person is different. I stopped reading when it said infj types overspend on material things.
Enumerating wrongs and truths is helpful.
So I assume you disagree with overspend on material things
I relate to most of it.

i do really like nice things, and i absolutely do splurge.. sometimes recklessly....but most of the time i budget really well and live within my means. I even enjoy budgeting... seeing how far money and resources can stretch, achieving financial goals etc. And i mostly shop at second hand shops, make my own stuff, or buy from companies and people that are ethcial....but i do this because i want to and i think its the right thing to do, not because its cheaper. Just today i was having a conversation with my sister (infp) and she was trying to figure out the cost effective, easiest, and straightfoward way to finish our renovation, and i was arguing to find the most quality, practical, user friendly, long lasting, and asthetically pleasing way....fuck the will be worth it in the end because of the lower maintanence costs and the joy we get out of it in the long run. But obviously we will compromise and find something we're both happy with

And i dont really care how physically attractive people are. I didnt even know the colour of my last partner's eyes for atleast 2 years into the relationship. I never noticed when he got a haircut etc. I used to burst out laughing sometimes at the way he dressed. Just so its clear...he thought the way i dressed was comical too....and it probably is. Its the person and their vibe thats attractive, not their body or their clothing
I've found it more or less true for me. Similar to [MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION] 's answer, if I'm honest with myself I agree that I like nice things that aren't absolutely necessary. I think the article goes into INFJ's idolizing rationality and avoidance of splurging, but will do so on occasion. I feel that is true of me. I also feel that weird desire to hold myself to an incredible standard that I will never honestly meet.

I'm kind of a fan of I think the articles are in depth enough that, taken with the caveat that MBTI does not explain everyone exactly, you can benefit from by realizing your own strengths and weaknesses. One that opened my eyes and I have found helpful is that I can expand my ridiculous standard to people close to me, like girlfriends in the past or even my wife now. I'm certain that is behind a lot of my personal frustrations in relationships in the past, and I've found it very helpful to be aware of that when someone close to me does something that violates my principals, the principals and standards are mine, not theirs, and I should be more understanding and supportive, not critical.

If you feel the article describes you, then great! Read more and see how it can help you. If not, then great! Read about something else and see how it can help you. That's all this is, IMO.