How pissed off are you at 'the man'? | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

How pissed off are you at 'the man'?

I see the system as at fault

I think the system encourages and often requires the worst from people. I think it has been cynically designed that way to keep people divided within themselves and from others

I think we need a shift in consciousness away from 'me, me, me' towards 'us'. Once we make that change then we can all progress one left behind
There's an interesting blog here
by a documentary film maker who has written a book about the banks "crisis". Its called the debt generation.

Unfortunately I think once you start to examine how fiat currency operates, and the way the banks privatised profits and socialised debts, its difficult to believe anything "our leaders" say.

Its not difficult though to see who has benefited from these actions, monetarily.
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