How many INFJ types does exist?

andrea guzzo

non lo so
When I found out the first time an article about infj, it was me, it was me in every of 50 points that were there. I also made a 100question test
I looked up for a forum, found this, was so happy about this
But as I spend more time reading here, my empathy doesn't recognize you all as my "similar". Maybe a bit near, but not me
Theres deep insecureness, everyone is persronally caring about their self image, the way others perceive them, even here.There's some kind of.. like are you here to cover something else of your life. There's something that connect you all but not me.

I don't mean to sound this arrogant , as my english vocabulary is a little restricted I don't know how to explain those things.
Just asking, are there also different type of infj? Im sure something is still missing in my description. Please be my psychologist :smile:
Everything about infs is just me, like every syllable. I was wondering about my parents. My mommy defenitly looks like me, while my father.. completely opposite.
Usually I talk about not reading too much into the system as it is flawed but I'd just like to point out that you shouldn't discard anything just because you don't click with this forum. All forums have an identity.
MBTI only describes a mode of brain functioning. There are all sorts of factors at play that make up an individual. The strongest thing you could probably say that all infjs share is that we gather information subconsciously while trying to navigate the world through our feelings. Beyond that, it is incredibly wide open.

The descriptions for a type are very general and describe loosely shared traits. They do hit home for a lot of people, myself included, and do highlight some strongly shared attributes, but how they manifest and how people express them can be somewhat different, unique, individual.

Nobody is you exactly, nor should they be, that's what makes the world so magical.
Wyote is the closest one to the point. I will speak in empathy terms now, who can understand, will understand.
I have read tons of stuff about infj, exerything fits me. So, I come to this forum, I read hundreds of people, I gather info about them.
They way they write, ask-responde, their pictures, their level of activity.
I see so clearly a line that connects you ALL. And Im not on that line.
Not talking about something big, its just that thing.. As I mentioned, I was wondering about my father being completely opposite of my mother ( which is just like me).
Have they created something evil?:smile::smile:
And Im not on that line.

Probably because you only just joined and a lot of members have been here several years. We are like a weird internet family. But you and anyone else are welcome to have a seat in our living room. Watch out for the sticky floors. :wink::tonguewink:
Not that kind of line, it was a metaphor. A character line, an attitude, nature line. Regardless the years anyone has been here, or the relationship within each other
Its a minus in something, and a plus in something else.
I think that's quite common in communities in general. There are quite a few people, around here as well, that relate to just that. You need to take it upon yourself to reach out. I'd say check out the chat, but I haven't been there in quite a while.
Theres deep insecureness, everyone is persronally caring about their self image, the way others perceive them, even here.There's some kind of.. like are you here to cover something else of your life. There's something that connect you all but not me.
Aren't you the perceptive one. So it is. I wouldn't dare to use the word 'everyone', but these themes are indeed common. Now ask yourself why.
I see so clearly a line that connects you ALL.

I haven't heard this addressed yet, but I just wanted to note - although this is an INFJ community, there are far from exclusively INFJs here. We have a plethora of MBTI types engaging on a regular basis, so without it even being merely a matter of different INFJ types - what might be something that connects us "all", all of us from so many different types and backgrounds? What do you think you might have that we are lacking, that might cause a disconnect between you and the community (or vice versa)?

I don't mean to sound this arrogant , as my english vocabulary is a little restricted I don't know how to explain those things.

No worries! I don't think you sound arrogant, I think you're expressing yourself well. : )
theres no unbalance

I may have a totally wrong concept of Infj? Those sub categories like yellow blu red green ethical intuitive, they all describe me but they just shortly describe few attitidues
"When you are red, you will have a strong conception of a “path” or “destiny” that you are working towards"
Of course I do as "red"
of course I "research, and you use critical thinking to analyse your progress. You can be pragmatic, and you can think carefully about how to get the right results" as a "blu"
of course I " seek to be grounded and to ensure that your kindness is taken well and that it helps other people" as a "green"
and of course if I'll get lost Im ready to change EVERYTHING in a blink as a "yellow"

Please be my psychologist :smile:

Ok, I'll try :) - and starting with latching onto @hush's post in particular. @andrea guzzo, do you often get these feelings of not belonging when introducing yourself to a new environment? Do they subside or change after you have spent some time learning about the other people there? Do you recall what it is, to you, which makes you think this is so? The reason I'm asking is because I do something similar with a first reaction of putting myself down relative to everyone else (who really is not everyone else but rather complex individuals with their own thoughts, dreams, and struggles) before this phase passes and a more normal understanding can emerge. Because of this I'll ignore any "insights" during these times as they are not really insights but a repeat of this particular pattern. However if I was to take my initial perceptions seriously there would be a very warped view of everyone which again actually reflects the reality of no one.

(It is the mention of evil you offered which gave me reason to share this particular example.)

An exercise for you if you wish to try it - mentally prepare a list of qualities you associate with "INFJ" and another showing which ones seem to apply to you - single out the ones which don't apply and try to see why you think they don't apply. If possible don't worry about anything you "should" or "should not" be like, just think of what comes to mind and how you feel about it.
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When I found out the first time an article about infj, it was me, it was me in every of 50 points that were there. I also made a 100question test
I looked up for a forum, found this, was so happy about this
But as I spend more time reading here, my empathy doesn't recognize you all as my "similar". Maybe a bit near, but not me
Theres deep insecureness, everyone is persronally caring about their self image, the way others perceive them, even here.There's some kind of.. like are you here to cover something else of your life. There's something that connect you all but not me.

I don't mean to sound this arrogant , as my english vocabulary is a little restricted I don't know how to explain those things.
Just asking, are there also different type of infj? Im sure something is still missing in my description. Please be my psychologist :smile: