Hopeful cure for cancer | INFJ Forum

Hopeful cure for cancer

The article is a collection of excerpts put together by a marketing organization called Lotus Pond Marketing Inc., "an Amazon herb company distributor" who sells a series of herbs from the Amazon including the so called cure for cancer.

The collection of excerpts in the article by the Lotus Pond Marketing Company are from a series of personal accounts put together by an internet site called Health Sciences Institute. The legitimacy of the Health Sciences Institute and the personal accounts they publish are also questionable. I wouldn't be surprised if they were owned and operated by the same people.

I am no advocate for the honesty and integrity of drug companies and I agree that our health care system is governed by greed and control. I also believe in and use natural medicine. But an organization like the Lotus Pond Marketing Company is deplorable. They have no valid citations, the sources they do list are vague and unreliable, they expel medical cure generalizations to a naive and desperate audience of dying people and then offer to sell you the magic drug, and then they accuse drug companies of seeking profit.

I've battled cancer and A LOT of people live with and are effected by cancer directly and indirectly. Believe me if there was a cure for cancer millions of people would be all over it and you wouldn't be able to hold them back.
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The most deplorable thing in this that people knowingly wave false hopes in front of the vulnerable.
Your right about that article, but on the good note. . . they do say that "in laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven’t been any large scale studies in humans. So we don't know yet whether it can work as a cancer treatment or not."

There is some hope for it :/

Here is the article
I'm not a sciency person, but wouldn't anything 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy melt your flesh or something?
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This article made me upset because I realized that greed and control truly mean more to some people than the well being of others. Please read and share your opinions.


Just about every single important invention and discovery in the history of the world has been met with deep suspicion, hate, disbelief and skeptism. Skeptism can be good, but an open mind and critical thought is better. We know now that Einstein, Galileo and Newton were right. Even the guy that inveneted sliced bread got laughed at - how ironic is that! Many in the alternative community may be lying and money hungry the same was as the orthodox medical community is, but there are also those that really believe, have an open mind and have hope that they can cure many diseases. Many people have found cures for cancers- some which never got any publicity, some that got laughed at, some that got sued or jailed, some that just get ignored by the wall of mainstream paradigms. Even in the internet age, its hard to find information about these issues, because whether we want to accept it or not, a cancer cure would 'hurt' a lot of people. Sometimes, all people both alternative and conventional make exaggerated claims for their own reasons. The only way we can check the accuracy of claims is through research and testing- not by ignoring claims and mocking them.

I believe with absolute certainty that there are cures for cancer. I think all cancers can be prevented. I think there are many things in our current lifestyles and environments that contribute to cancer. I disagree with the conventional/orthodox approach to cancer because I find it fundamentally flawed. As long as people can profit from cancer, cancer will always be a problem. I am also biased- I study naturopathy and I believe in a created universe. I also believe in doctrine of signatures- the idea that every single plant on this planet has a signature in it to identify its use for humans.

The article is a collection of excerpts put together by a marketing organization called Lotus Pond Marketing Inc., "an Amazon herb company distributor" who sells a series of herbs from the Amazon including the so called cure for cancer.

The collection of excerpts in the article by the Lotus Pond Marketing Company are from a series of personal accounts put together by an internet site called Health Sciences Institute. The legitimacy of the Health Sciences Institute and the personal accounts they publish are also questionable. I wouldn't be surprised if they were owned and operated by the same people.

I am no advocate for the honesty and integrity of drug companies and I agree that our health care system is governed by greed and control. I also believe in and use natural medicine. But an organization like the Lotus Pond Marketing Company is deplorable. They have no valid citations, the sources they do list are vague and unreliable, they expel medical cure generalizations to a naive and desperate audience of dying people and then offer to sell you the magic drug, and then they accuse drug companies of seeking profit.

I've battled cancer and A LOT of people live with and are effected by cancer directly and indirectly. Believe me if there was a cure for cancer millions of people would be all over it and you wouldn't be able to hold them back.

I appreciate your critical thinking in regards to investigating this. I have also spent a lot of time going through vast quantities of information trying to find truth, both from mainstream and alternative sources. I have lost several loved ones to cancer and I believe with absolute certainty that this doesnt have to be the future. Unfortunately most alternative medicine is not well funded or well reseached, because there isnt as much profit that can be gained when compared to pharmaceuticals. Alternative medicine is a very contentious field for this reason. And I agree that there are many ignorant/greedy people in both conventional and alternative medicine that are just trying to manipulate people and profit from them.

In regards to your last comment, I used to agree with that even 3 years ago. But everything Ive learned and experienced since then has made me a lot more cynical unfortunately. And this makes me sad because I want to believe in the best of people. But many times greed trumps honour, especailly in a society that worships and nutures greed.

There are cures for cancer. We will find them. If pharmaceutical corporations cant benefit from them then they, along with the media and governments will fight it tooth and nail. There really is a sickness industry out there that is extremely profitable and absolutely heartbreaking to see.

Our current paradigm is one where people are competing against each other, witholding and patenting valuable information in order to profit in an economy. This process is devolved and will never allow us to progress and advance collectively as a society. I think the only way foward is through an open source society- where we share, collaborate, build and develop information collectively. A society where people can make important discoveries, share them and work with others to improve them. Basically a place where we revere honour, respect and collaboration rather than secrecy, manipulation, deception, elitism and greed.

In a different thread related to autism, [MENTION=4680]this is only temporary[/MENTION] mentioned something that made me feel much more optimistic about this. She said that there are now so may online communities and forums sharing information. As long as we are allowed to keep sharing information and communicating with each other, I have no doubt that we, collectively as a community will find the cures for cancer and other illnesses