Hmm. (A page about function overuse)


find wisdom, build hope.

(the name boggles me.)

Anyway, do you agree? My ENTJ friend said that it's too doomsaying, while I myself...agreed (it didn't take into account other functions), but also find it somewhat...true, at least I agreed to most of them (with understanding of their severity)

this is about Ni / INJs
Introverted – Ni (INTJ, INFJ)

  • Preoccupied with internal thoughts, inspirations and imaginings.
  • Intuitive flashes are abstract and may be difficult to translate verbally for extraverted expression.
  • Thinks and communicates poetically with fragmentary and evocative language that leaps associatively.
  • The wandering and dreaming mind is preoccupied with internal details and lacks focus in physicality.
  • Distaste for time wasted in distraction away from personal goals and interests.
Focusing on possibilities, the Ni has a future-orientation and processes input internally before communicating publicly through his auxiliary function of Te or Fe. They will often need to explain their evaluations—with active listeners—for their own understanding.

An internally and intuitively focused person needs space and solitude to recharge. He is easily over stimulated in noisy and busy environments, avoiding these as a regular part of his socialization—preferring smaller more intimate gatherings. Due to cultural pressures toward extraversion, he may have developed this auxiliary attitude more than an extravert may have developed introversion—but with neglect of and thus at the expense of his primary attitude.

For Ni-s, reality is inward, over stimulation through too much sensory-detail—especially disruptive and interruptive noise and too much visual action—creates internal chaos in which their intuitive insights have difficulty processing to their auxiliary functions Te or Fe. An absence of inner peace threatens their existence.

To avoid overwhelming an Ni with extraneous sensory-detail, when offering something such as instructional information, pare it down to the bare minimum, otherwise they may hear: head North on Main Street, blah blah blah, turn right on 4th, blah blah blah, go 1 mile past the blah blah blah, turn right, blah blah blah… Typically the blah blah blahs are information about how many specific landmarks such as gas stations you will pass between points or bits of trivia about the locations—details often helpful for extraverts. An Ni forced to endure too much detail may become flustered if he is unable to tune out the extraneous information; his brain is already adding additional information through his many simultaneous intuitive insights as the external sensory detail is also provided.

Ni-s are not data collectors which requires a strong sensory function, but their ability to focus by tuning out external sensory stimuli gives them a high-level of detail orientation for analyzing and organizing data—especially INTJs.

Midlife Development & Overuse: Ni-s are more detached than other types from their bodies. Due to this they may view illness as a nuisance, dismissing their own physical ailments and interpreting illness in others as evidence of weakness. They are poor delegators, feeling instead that they should be able to do it all. The INFJs do this in an effort to please, whereas the INTJs are slow to trust in the abilities of others over their own.

There is within Ni-s an idealism and need for authenticity; if there is something of great value that no one will do, they will do it. If someone will do it, the Ni will do it anyway since if you want something done right, do it yourself. This attitude is most prevalent for things personally valued by the Ni, who views time spent away from their values as wasted and may feel dissatisfied and disillusioned if their time is spent in what they view as non-productivity toward their personal values. In such conditions an Ni loses his sense of purpose and may retreat internally and is prone to depression—whether it is turned inward or manifested outward. He is easily stuck inside his internal abstract flashes of insight and communication through his auxiliary function falters. Of all types, Ni-s are the greatest at risk to turning completely inward and rejecting outer reality.

Those who turn inward reject outsiders—including their spouse. They become increasingly angry with themselves as the pain they cause for families, but this only causes them to spiral further into their internal world.
Extraverted-sensing is the inferior function for primary introverted-intuition. Se is a grounding function. Development of his sensing function can stabilize an Ni1 in his grounding, giving him a connection to physicality and helping to define reality with greater dimension.

For Ni-s, keeping chaos at bay is vital. Sensory stimuli, which is external and therefore outside of personal control, refuses to stay away, interrupting more insistently through midlife. The person who does not embrace this may instead find himself attempting to control the external world through obsessive or compulsive behaviours.
Is that because you were thinking the site was about typology since the article was about typology?

The site is about midlife crisis.

My ENTJ friend said that it's too doomsaying, while I myself...agreed (it didn't take into account other functions), but also find it somewhat...true, at least I agreed to most of them (with understanding of their severity)
Does it seem doomsdaying because it seems like a prediction for all people of a certain type in midlife?

If that is the case, then I can see how a person would see it that way.

But the target audience for the site is men and women whose spouses are in a midlife crisis and trying to end their marriage--infidelity is a significant factor in most of the cases.

The article is meant to explain something that is happening--not predict what might happen.

It's guesswork, but it's meant to look at the different types and offer possible typologic or phsychological reasons for what the spouses are experiencing and observing in their midlife crisis husband or wife.

The article in no way is meant to imply that this is the case with all people of a certain MBTI type during midlife. If it does imply that, it is probably because for the target audience it is the case.

Overall I think this article describe almost, if not, perfectly my struggles. I don't know if it's accurate with the other INFJ's, but it definitely helped me alot. Thank you
I wish more people would give their opnions as to whether these are accurate. This was thorough.
I guess it's more of an optimism. Indeed, I get the point; it does everything's going to be messed up in a glorious, destructive way.

But yeah; I think that's also the point.

Giving my opinion; I personally found most of it to be true. At my lowest, at least. Both Ni and Fi function was pretty correct, and other functions were somewhat correct, using others as examples. But then again, I'm not so sure.