[INFJ] help choosing career path! conflict studies major with environmental focus


Hi guys,

So I've never really used anything like this before but I figure I might as well give it a shot. I recently typed as an INFJ and it's like my whole world has opened up. I'd really love to discover a career that will best utilize my talents and contribute towards my passion which is the environment and society. I was just wondering if anyone had any career suggestions for an INFJ who's really passionate about environmental issues (climate change, environmental justice, environmental ethics, deforestation, energy, etc) and social justice issues (mostly those with a structural focus but basically everything) with a Conflict Studies degree. I'm having a hard time coming up with possible careers to pursue since the Conflict Studies degree opens quite a few doors but I can't seem to find a good choice for someone who's an INFJ that will best utilize my talents and functions.

Any suggestions would be super helpful!! I just need help bouncing ideas off people who know what I'm talking about or might have some insights.
Bounce away! I don't know much of anything about the Conflict Studies degree (sounds interesting, though!) so I don't know what careers would be included there. You seem to know where you might be headed already, you just want some outside views for it. I'll try to help in any way you think I can. Oh and welcome! Congrats fellow infj :)