Help a girl out? | INFJ Forum

Help a girl out?


Dec 9, 2012
So I've taken millions of MBTI tests online, and I can't seem to get a clear picture of who I really am! I seem to be all over the place. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm a feeling type. So, to give you a better idea of who I am, I'll tell you some things about myself.
I'm pretty quiet for the most part. I'm a homebody and need lots of time to myself. However, I am a real talker with those closest to me. I'm told I'm really funny and fun to be with. I like to read and to watch TV with my family. I spend quite a lot of time on forums like this one. I like writing and daydreaming. I'm really, really sensitive and compassionate. I love children and animals, and I can't bear to see them hurt. I get really fired up over injustice. I enjoy old TV shows, Dancing With The Stars, and talking about current events and ethical situations. I'm also into decorating. I will decorate anything that's not nailed down. I am good at caring for sick people, Finally, I like to know what to expect, and to stick to my plan at work. And yet, I'm awful about putting things off, and I'm pretty kick back. According to my Mom, i was a laid back, hyper sensitive, under acheving child. Finally, I should add that I'm what you might call a sociable loner. I hope I've given a fairly clear picture.
PS> I am very moved by music, even as a very small child. Any idea?

FYI. I test as INFJ, ISFJ, ISFP, and INFP, depending.And it's been suggested that I MIGHT be ENFJ. I just don't know. I'm not good at taking life as it comes.
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I took three tests, the first one was thirty questions and its result was barely INFJ, second one was thirty questions and it was barely INFP, third one was over a hundred questions and resulted in INFJ(forget the percentages). I got tired of answering questions and said that was good enough.

There are many...many intelligent people on these forums that could help narrow down which type you are. I find the forums to be an interesting collection of human beings whose thoughts I enjoy reading and mulling over in my head, lot of good hearts even if they don't always present themselves as such. I fear that if I look at each person as a labeled archetype that I might miss all the beautiful subtle nuances of who they are.

Anyways welcome to the forums!
I took three tests, the first one was thirty questions and its result was barely INFJ, second one was thirty questions and it was barely INFP, third one was over a hundred questions and resulted in INFJ(forget the percentages). I got tired of answering questions and said that was good enough.

There are many...many intelligent people on these forums that could help narrow down which type you are. I find the forums to be an interesting collection of human beings whose thoughts I enjoy reading and mulling over in my head, lot of good hearts even if they don't always present themselves as such. I fear that if I look at each person as a labeled archetype that I might miss all the beautiful subtle nuances of who they are.

Anyways welcome to the forums!

Well said! Thank you so much for your kind words!