"hearing" posts while reading | INFJ Forum

"hearing" posts while reading


Sep 5, 2009
Maybe it's just me, but does any one else hear the words spoken internally while reading a post rather than just reading the words on the screen?

Any theory behind this? I always assumed everyone read this way but maybe not. I always hear a voice speaking the words as I read, even if I don't know how the writer's voice may sound.

So, is it just me?

When I type I hear myself internally speaking the words while I'm typing. Just happens, not intentional.
I get this too xD

If Im typing, In my head I say what I want to type, then I will say it again slowly whilst Im typing it out. It helps me not to make errors so much.
If I am having a conversation with someone on MSN or facebook or anything, when I get a message from whoever I am speaking to, I always read it and hear their voice in my head, as if they are sat right next to me saying it. xD

I don't really have a theory for it.. but I've always done it xD
Always. I even try to add in a characteristic tone with it as well, it makes reading everything more fun and interesting but that's because I'm an auditory person and I like sounds. I know some people don't read that way, in fact, when you learn to speed read they tell you that listening to your voice can actually slow you down but alas, I can't not do it (and I read anywhere between 600 -800 words a minute at leisure. I think I'll live)
Speed reading courses insist that getting past hearing the words while reading is the first step to reading faster: you have to force yourself to read faster than your mind can pronounce the words.

So apparently it is common, but not necessary. I can't remember ever hearing the words - but I learned to speed read when I was about 12.
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Yep, all the time. This effect gets even more intensified for me when I've actually heard the person speak before.
I hear ya.

LOL....good one [MENTION=4254]Broken705[/MENTION]

You already know my answer - I hear the words - mostly. In whose voice? I dont' know.

I always thought it had something to do with what kind of best learner I was. Either visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. (i'm not sure about the spelling of that last word). I have always done best in learning when I hear the material - then writing it down. Not quite so good if I read it only.
I do this if I know what the writers voice sounds like.
No, but I do have a tendency to try and picture the person whose post is it. With those whose pictures I've seen in the members thread I picture facial expressions and probable mood while they typed their post. That's why I sometimes on people's pictures comment whether they look like I pictured them or not.
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outside of speed readers most everyone has an internal monologue.

For example you'll now read this meme in voice some of the stars on this image
Speed reading courses insist that getting past hearing the words while reading is the first step to reading faster: you have to force yourself to read faster than your mind can pronounce the words.

So apparently it is common, but not necessary. I can't remember ever hearing the words - but I learned to speed read when I was about 12.

By chance, how fast do you read?
Yes. WHen I read my essays back to myself, I read them like Simon Schama.
Yep, all the time. One reason I hate Teamspeak or any online game that has a voice chat.

It's one of the things, I've been told, writers rely on when writing a book; developing that voice so a reader actually hears the story. Speed reading and creative writing are almost always at odds with one another...